Fuck Pro Sports

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    What is why the saying “DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO” applies all the more so with athletes and politicians.

    They want us to do something they themselves WON’T do.



    It’s all about the mooonaaayyyy


    How about we stop $opporting these cry-babies.

    Stop buying the merchise.

    Stop buying subscriptions to on-line viewing.

    Stop going to the stadiums/buy food/merch, etc.

    If viewership goes down, so too does the advertising dollar$ and the TV contract$.

    Then the tricky down effect.  The league makes less money, so the salaries of athletes go down.


      My sister and brother in law where here and brought up BLM a couple of times.  One got heated as I said don’t bring up those communists.  My sister tried to correct me.  Their ignorance is real and it’s sad


      It is sad how sports have gone left wing political.  There is no balance, no look at the real data, no honest talk. The sports people are too afraid of being called racist if they don’t follow the trend.


      The loud voices of the minority whom the majority object to.

      Peer pressure by those who do not support the product, but believe pro-sports, for-profit businesses are a means to get their marxist/hate message out.

      The bigger the platform, the more this cancer wants to spread to it/infect it/destroy it.

      Look at the media, look at political parties, look at hollywood, look at novels and comics, look at social media sites, look at pro-sports.

      They don’t know how to build anything, so they attack it to break it.


      Pro sports are a societal luxury. These punks have completely forgotten that. The world is burning and they think people will continue to funnel billions of dollars into their coffers. I don’t need pro sports. There’s so much life to be lived that doesn’t require idol worship.


      Haven’t spent money on these fools in a long time. Hoping the rest of society catches on and follows suit.


      I’m a Brit but been following and watching MLB since 1987 and Tom Kelly’s Twins. It’s my second favourite sport after cricket. I also watch lots of  NFL games, although yellow flags in recent years have weakened my interest. I also played and helped to run a British fantasy baseball game for a number of years. I’m done with both, sports that I have loved watching for more than thirty years. You take a knee and disrespect the anthem. That means you hate us, and want to destroy us. You have no respect for the fans, that is obvious. Screw you. This picture from Parler sums it all up.


      • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Antchalkley.

      These spoiled generation has never had to face real war, nor the horrors and sacrifices those brave men and women did for your freedom and rights and liberties.

      And those making millions playing sports ARE the privileged class!





      fuck sportsSays it all really.


      The gang on G&G u-tube have been reporting on the viewership of NBA finals, and other sports.


      NBA finals getting less views than an MLB conference semi (?) finals? LOL




      Republicans have blasted criticism of their election policies as the latest issue in the so-called culture wars.

      “Cancel culture and woke political activists are coming for every aspect of your life, sports included,” Republican Gov. Brian Kemp said in a statement Friday after Major League Baseball announced it would move the All-Star Game out of Atlanta in protest of the state’s law.

      When the mlb decided to move they 2021 all-star game out of Atlanta, the backlash was quick.

      The MLB move was met with immediate backlash by GOP lawmakers, with several proposing retribution against the league.

      “In light of MLB ‘s stance to undermine election integrity laws, I have instructed my staff to begin drafting legislation to remove Major League Baseball’s federal antitrust exception,” South Carolina Rep. Jeff Duncan wrote, adding that “any organization that abuses its power to oppose secure elections deserves increased scrutiny under the law.”

      Other corporations like coca-cola and delta have also jumped into politics, stating they are against Georgia’s election integrity laws, on the misguided lies

      “(citizens) are fed up with corporations that don’t share our values trying to dictate public policy,”

      That includes corporations like face-book, goo-gle, twit-ter, legacy media, etc.

      Sen. Mike Lee of Utah similarly said it was “time for the federal government to stop granting special privileges to specific, favored corporations—especially those that punish their political opponents.”

      Correct.  You are either a for-profit corporation or you are a political organization that must face the same rules as other political organizations must follow.

      Poll: Sixty-nine percent of black voters and 75% overall support voter ID laws

      So the vast majority support voter ID?  Why are all those opposed to voter ID?

      Broken down by party, 60% of Democrats support showing an ID to vote compared to 89% of Republicans.

      So even the majority of Dems also support voter ID?

      “Many Americans do not have one of the forms of identification states acceptable for voting,” the American Civil Liberties Union’s website says about its opposition to voter ID laws. “These voters are disproportionately low-income, racial and ethnic minorities, the elderly, and people with disabilities. Such voters more frequently have difficulty obtaining ID, because they cannot afford or cannot obtain the underlying documents that are a prerequisite to obtaining government-issued photo ID card.”

      Supporters of voter ID disagree, citing studies that show no suppression of voter turnout in areas where a photo ID is necessary to vote while also taking issue with the insinuation that minorities struggle to acquire identification.

      “You know what’s racist? Assuming because I’m black that ‘I just don’t have the capability of getting an I-D,’” Republican Rep. Burgess Owens, a black man, said about voter ID laws recently. “Disclaimer: We are capable of getting and I-D (and even using the internet!)”


      Sports leagues stay with sports!  Do not do politics.

      Corporations stay with making products/selling to customers.  Do not do politics.

      Legacy media return to reporting news in an unbiased way.  Do not stay being a mouthpiece/propaganda outlet.


       Governor Brian P. Kemp

      Photo ID for absentee ballots

      Expanded access for early/weekend voting

      Secures drop boxes around the clock.


      Facts are stubborn things. Despite the outrage from the left, we are making it easy to vote and hard to cheat in Georgia.

      Now I understand why the left are so opposed to election integrity.


      Everyone is promoting Charles Barkley, who gave some general milquetoast comments. Not good enough. As stated above about real war, it’s pretty clear that a bunch of men were killed for nothing. Fans can do what they want. I realize this site’s job and am ok with it. For me, I am done with pro sports because I watched so much of it already. So much time wasted that I cannot get back. My biggest regret is EVER watching sports. I don’t mind the fans on this site, but when I go out, which is quite often, I have a lot of contempt for the obese blubber stool larvae that cheer for people who call them nazis and racists. It’s beyond contempt. It’s work than an addiction for these poor souls. They are so lost.

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