Fullmetal Alchemist

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Anime Fullmetal Alchemist

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      Fullmetal Alchemist 2003, complete :D

      I wanted to start this thread to share funny/cute/cool pictures, clips, and stories of Fullmetal Alchemist (spoiler free), aka i was going to post a bunch of cute pics of Al with cats, ’cause Al’s my favorite character and we both love cats :3 Yup, that’s how i was planning to celebrate

      Well… my laptop is officially dead X( No way to access saved images (ok, maybe that’s partially due to lazyness), definitely no f***ing way i know how to share youtube vids on the tablet i’m using wich seems like alien tech to me (seriously, my knowledge on technology stopped at the flip phone)!

      After having a tantrum and further smashing my laptop like a caveman while dropping f-bombs for a couple of hours (’cause it won’t get thru my thick head that the smashing’s probably what caused the laptop to fry), i thought for sure this was just the beginning of my usual streak of bad luck, ’cause i was going to watch FMA Conqueror Of Shamballa that night, and for some dumb-ass reason it’s not on netfix with the rest of the FMA saga D:

      So, i started looking for alternate sources, starting with a free streaming service (definitely not legit) my broke ass flies to for 90% of my entertainment, exept, the whole reason i forked out the cash for netflix is ’cause this streaming servive sucks for anime, in fact, it loaded just over a minute of the movie before crashing…

      Now i’m in panic mode, ’cause that’s the grown up thing to do when you can’t watch the movie you want. In the mist of that panic my brain remembers Crunchyroll… yes! Anime app!! I dive into the app-store (one of the few things i know how to do on this thing), download, look thru the whole Crunchyroll library… nothing

      I’m litterelly crying now, yup, i’m very emotionally stable D= In a last desperate attempt, i search the movie on youtube, ready for dissapointment, i wait for the endless amount of random clips, fake full movies, and movies in parts, with parts missing…

      The first video shows up, full movie, i click on it… Holy shit! It works :D :D :D Youtube hasn’t had full anything for years!  Guess that’s my equivalent exchange, smashed computer for Fullmetal Alchemist Conqueror Of Shamballa, full movie, on f***ing youtube ;D

      Next stop, Brotherhood


      Brotherhood for the win every time. I try to watch it once a year, and it never disappoints.




      The first animes I had ever seen were Pokemon and Digimon, before I even knew anime was even a thing. And later I’d see the stuff that was aired on Toonami back in the day, like Gundam Wing and, of course, Dragon Ball Z (which I watched religiously). But Fullmetal Alchemist is practically what got me into it. It was the first anime I watched online instead of TV. I was just so enthralled with the story, themes and characters, I binge watched it within a week. I was pretty sad when it was over, but from then on would always pick up an an anime if it seemed interesting (and I tend to ration it more these days than rush through it).

      I naturally read the manga when I found out about it and was thrilled that it had a different story – The same suspense, thrills and mystery but with the same characters I grew to love, and it was arguably better. Brotherhood was incredible, and is some of Studio Bones best work.

      Even though I got the complete series in paperback, I still went and bought this: A deluxe hardcover edition of the manga which features nice, high-quality glossy pages and features six chapters instead of four (downside is the gag strips have been removed, though). Worth it if you don’t already own the series.



        Gonna start watching FMA Brotherhood tonight. Can’t wait to start reading the manga too :) I actually saw the manga recently in a small comic shop near my town, but they didn’t have n. 1

        I started watching anime with Pokémon and Digimon too. I really got into Digimon ’cause of the characters and the story, each season there was always someone i could relate too, and it’s my favorite anime to this day. For the same reason i later got into Fullmetal Alchemist, now re-watching it as an adult i understand the themes much better, but even as a kid it felt like i subconciously knew what was going on and why even without fully understanding it, and that darkness and mystery’s one of the things that kept me hooked wanting to find out more

        • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by DigiCat.

        <p style=”text-align: left;”>I’ve seen Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and I like it although I only a lot of episodes to go since I’ve only seen 20 episodes and I’ll continue watching the entire series. I remember seeing the original Fullmetal Alchemist Anime when I was a kid at adult swim. My feelings are neutral towards that anime.</p>


          You should try re-watching FMA03 now that you’re grown up, there’ a lot of intriguing themes it it that might go over a kid’s head, even though i loved it as a kid, the watching experiance was much better now as an adult

          I’m on episode 2 of FMA Brotherhood, so i’ve got a long way to go before i can compare the 2 series

          • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by DigiCat.

          Honestly, imo, because Brotherhood faithfully follows the source material, it is far superior. The previous version really starts to fall apart for me at the end as well as in Conqueror of Shambala.

          • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Roas.

            Yeah, the ending of FMA03 was a bit of a mess, but Conqueror Of Shamballa was a fun watch for me, and i think the rest of the series holds up really well

            I’m only on episode 6 of Brotherhood, i do prefer the beginning of FMA03, but that’s probably ’cause the first few episodes are practicly telling the same story with a few variations, i can understand why Brotherhood doesn’t go into as much detail as these are stories that were already explored in FMA03, i’m sure once the series gets to a point where it’s unique story developes i’ll be just as hooked as with the first one

            A little off topic here, but what does “imo” mean? I’ve been seeing it everywhere and still haven’t figured it out :P


            A little off topic here, but what does “imo” mean? I’ve been seeing it everywhere and still haven’t figured it out :P


            In My Opinion, or IMHO, In My Honest Opinion


              Thanks :)


                By some miacle there’s still someone out there who trust me enough to lend me their precios tech, i’m trying to be as gentle to this laptop as i am to my cats 💻:3 (i can’t find the cat emoji)… ok, before i turn into ewok-hulk… I can finally post videos again :D

                This was totally me with homework 🤣


                Relatable Havoc.


                  🤣🤣🤣 Thanks for the sneak peak, can’t wait to see Havoc and Lust meet!


                  He just loves them.


                  All men do – They’re filled with their hopes and dreams!


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