Fullmetal Alchemist

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  • #184980

      It’s official, this thread’s getting invaded by kitties :3

      furmeowtal alchemist


        When you have top secret information and want to be extra sure you’ve disposed of it fire_1f525 emoji-icon-glossy-00-00-objects-household-toilet-72dpi-forPersonalUseOnly


          Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, complete   ^﹏^

          Now that i’ve seen all episodes of FMA03 and FMAB, i can compare the 2 and figure out wich one i like more… and it’s a tie, i can’t choose 🤩

          I prefere the beginning of FMA03, as FMAB’s beginning feels very rushed, but i get why they did that, and i won’t go on about it ’cause i’ve already said this earlier in this thread

          Prefere the ending of FMAB, it’s not that i don’t like the end of FMA03, actually really liked the Conqueror Of Shamballa movie, but, aside from the end being a little confusing, i guess i just prefere seeing everyone reunite in FMAB, FMA03 ending’s bitter-sweet, and when i’m really invested in something and connect to the characters i get emotional very easily 😭

          Story lines: i really like both, this is where i can’t choose, there’s episodes that i love of FMA03, and there’s episodes that i love of FMAB, in my head there’s one big story and i’m trying to connect everything and figure out how the 2 series could co-exist in the same universe, maybe Dante cheated on Hohenheim with Father and they’re the Homunculi parents… that’s a very dumb fan theory, sorry if i burnt anyones brain cells 😅

          Speaking of Dante and Father, wich is the better villain? Father’s story arc was told better, but Dante creeps me out more, i think… ok, i better move on to the next thing before i go off to fan-theory land, wich i will save for another post 😁 Conclusion, Father’s the better villain, but Dante had the potential to beat him if her story was told better

          I think if i go on i’m just gonna end up repeating myself, on the main character’s story arcs, the fight scenes, the jokes, how Homunculi are made, there’s stuff that i like from both series, and i’m glad that i don’t have to choose 😄

          Next stop, manga 🤩


          I personally like both. The story from Brotherhood and the manga is one of the best shonen storylines out there and in the long-scheme of things does everything better, but I respect what the writers of the FMA03 were trying to convey, even if some things don’t hold up. The ending in FMA03 fell a bit flat for me, but this was partially made up for in the movie. But Brotherhood’s ending wrapped up everything perfectly. It felt earned (particularly Edward’s final confrontation with Truth).

          Father was a much more effective villain, and in some ways strangely relatable. He essentially wanted pure freedom, his problem was that he had messed up way of going about it and he never came to terms to recognize his own limitations (unlike Ed). Dante, on the other hand, I could understand what she was saying, but the lack of humanizing characteristics made her hard to empathize with.


          maybe Dante cheated on Hohenheim with Father and they’re the Homunculi parents… that’s a very dumb fan theory, sorry if i burnt anyones brain cells



            Yeah, the lack of humanizing characteristics is what made Dante the creepier villain

            Father having a f***ed up way to get to a “noble” goal… i wonder if he’d get along with Thanos? On second thought, having the 2 meet’s a very bad idea, who knows what they’d get up to


            While I have a poor opinion of FUNimation as a company these days, these outtakes still get a chuckle out of me (to be fair FMA: Brotherhood was dubbed in the early 2010’s, when they were at their peak. It was a different time, then).


              🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 OMG, hearing sweet little Al swear made me choke on my food!


                Lets go to fan-theory land :D Don’t worry, it’s not the ridiculous shit-show about Dante and Father, i promise no brain cells will be burnt here, really it’s impossible, as if Mustang would let me use his flame gloves :3

                Ok, on to the theory, this one about Envy, who’s, to state the very obviouss, a total nutcase in both series! Well, instead of simply exepting that, my board AF brain ask “why?”, why is Envy so crazy? Why did i feel bad for him at his end in Brotherhood? Why’s he my favorite Homonculus? Those questions are in order of most to least relavent

                I’ve had one question stuck in my head for a while, though this only applies to FMA03, Envy was made from someone who died of murcury poisoning, would that effect the Homonculus’s state of mind?

                On to something that could explain why Envy was drivven insane in both series, starting with the FMA03 version, Dante is Envy’s mother, i know technicly, the explanation for technicly is very long, anyway, you get what i mean, also, Dante’s a bitch, yeah, mom and bitch is a very bad combination, so basicly, not to excuse any of Envy’s actions, but i’m pretty sure Dante treated Envy like shit for 300+ years, and Envy even knows this! But stays anyway, yeah, that’s a sign of being very mentally fucked up, i know Envy sorta gives an explanation to why he stays with her, but somehow even after all the shit he did, i don’t buy it. Before i turn this into Envy’s psychiatry report, point is, i think Envy has more mommy issues than Wrath

                For FMAB, just switch mommy issuse with daddy issues, i seriously doubt Father treated the Homunculi any better than Dante


                Envy in FMA03 and Brotherhood are different enough to be almost two separate characters.

                In FMA03, Envy is the eldest of the homunculi and is basically Dante’s personal enforcer. Though both versions are twisted and sadistic, FMA03 Envy is intelligent and cunning. Despite Envy being Dante’s “son,” we never really see their relationship explored much, but it seemed to be largely professional: They worked together to achieve their mutual goal of revenge against Hohenheim. I can’t really explain why Envy is “crazy” in FMA03, I think that’s just a facet of the character they were borrowing from the manga up until that point, because being so emotionally unstable seemed like a part of his character.

                But in Brotherhood, he’s more fleshed out. The Homunculi are all Father’s progeny that represent the aspects of his personality and desires. Envy is the embodiment of Father’s jealously of humanity and likely inherited his worst impulses, and so lashes out violently when something he despises is put in front of him. Envy is also the fourth homunculus to be “born,” which might give him a bit of “middle-child syndrome” next to his siblings (which might account for how he treats them). He’s also far more emotional, petulant and incompetent next to the FMA03 version, but I think that actually made him a better character. He was still threatening, but now more balanced and less of a villain sue.

                Personally, I don’t think Father or Dante ever treated homunculi badly the way you suggested; more likely with just cold indifference.


                Few more of my favorite gag strips:

                Younger men vs older men on the truly important questions in life:




                *Visible Concern*


                  By badly i don’t nessaccerily mean Dante and Father were beating the Homunculi up or anything like that, i do think though that cold indifference from a “parent” still counts as treating kids like shit, psychologicly

                  Cold indifference is a very accurat description of Father’s behavior, to the point that he doesn’t care if the Homunculi die, as long as he reaches his goal, pretty shitty

                  I know Dante’s character wasn’t explored in as much depth as Father, but watching her i got the feeling that she’s more sadistic and calculating than Father, she enjoys playing mind games, like when she tells Envy how much Hohenheim loves Ed and Al while he’s forgotten, something tells me in 300+ years that wasn’t the first time Dante messed with Envy’s head like that, in that scene Envy also behaves much more like the FMAB version, losing controll of his emotions and smashing up the place, that made me think that the calm and cunning demeanor was just a front, probably a trait he picked up from Dante


                    Another fan-theroy about Father and Dante getting the prize for worst parents in FMA, ’cause my brain’s screwed up and can spend hours overanalizing anime scenes, usually arriving to the most worst case scenario conclusion

                    Again, this theory’s from Envy’s point of view, as it’s based on the scene where he’s getting burnt alive by Mustang, repeatedly…

                    I posted this clip on Anime Music 3 only interested in the beginning, ’cause now i know how to say moron in japanese :D After posting it, i thought i’d watch the full video, well, the rest of the video is a compilation of Roy setting Envy on fire, but, out of this firery compilation, one particcular scene caught my eye, this actually caught my eye while i was watching the series, but re-watching it put my brain into overdrive

                    Towards the end when Envy’s almost run out of power, he looks into Roy’s eyes, and he’s shaking, fear in his own eyes, normal brain would just exept thar Envy’s shitting himself ’cause he knows he’s about to get his butt kicked, yeah, normal would

                    Instead, my crazy brain, thinks there’s a lot more going on in Envy’s brain during this scene, even empathizing with him

                    Like Ed says just after this scene and in the next episode, at that moment Roy had “the face of a monster” and was “half way to psycho town”, so at that moment Envy wasn’t looking into the eyes of good guy Roy who’s goal is to save his people, but crazy Roy consumed by vengence, in a way rightfully so, after all Envy did kill Hughs and tried to kill Riza, and that is unforgiveble, still, letting vengence consume you’s never a good thing, so, what was going on in Envy’s head while looking into crazy Roy’s eyes?

                    Roy’s not a bad guy, but at that moment it’d be pretty hard to tell if you didn’t know him well, think of it as the difference between Anakin’s eyes and Darth Vader’s, in that moment Envy’s looking at Vader’s, this in itself would be enough for anyone to shit themselves, especially if you see that person’s eyes change right infront of you, want to know how this sittuation goes beyond shitting ones self?

                    If psycho stare reminds you of another psycho stare. In Envy’s case, looking into crazy Roy’s eyes probably reminded him of looking at Father. Father might’ve never got physical with the Homunculi, but he’s still a psychopath, and he didn’t really bother to hide it

                    Another thing that might’ve gone thru Envy’s head, is that those crazy eyes were what Hughs and the Ishvalan kid saw on himself as he killed them, i don’t know, Envy seems traumatized enough in that scene for some crazy shit like this to leak from his subconcion

                    Reading this thru i realize it’s probably not gonna make any f***ing sense unless, well, you’re brain’s not 100% normal ;P

                    Anyway, Dante’s also a psychopath, in my opinion an even bigger psycho than Father, so if this were to happen in the FMA03 version, Envy would’ve probably been even more traumatized, i know Envy’s terrible… but poor Envy

                    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by DigiCat.





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