Gal Gadot to Play Evil Queen in Disney’s Live-Action ‘Snow White’

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    Gal Gadot to Play Evil Queen in Disney’s Live-Action ‘Snow White’

    Gal Gadot … is in final negotiations to star as the Evil Queen in Disney’s live-action take on its 1938 classic, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.


    Marc Webb is directing the project that has Rachel Zegler set to play the future Disney princess.


    Unless they really make Gal ugly, Rachel is not in the same league as Gal when it come to being a beauty, IMO.

    While I see Gal in the role of the Evil Queen, I still can’t see Rachel as Snow White.


    Let us not forget that Rachel is a freaking monster SJW.

    F this movie.


    Gal is still in her good peak years and disney is already giving her crappy old angelina jolie roles? wtf they’ll destroy her with this… she should refuse and keep making badass action movies.


      Gal is still in her good peak years and disney is already giving her crappy old angelina jolie roles? wtf they’ll destroy her with this…

      If you’re talented, no matter what role they give you, you’ll make that role great, and by that role, i mean that role, if disney thinks that by casting Gal they can get away with making a crap movie they’re dead wrong, ’cause the better a performance she gives, the worse every flaw the movie has will look


      I still won’t be watching this garbage remake. This is an insult to what Walt Disney wanted his company to be for originally; to make films for EVERYONE to enjoy. I was put off when they race-swapped Snow White. “Skin white as snow” was her description in the original tale I believe. I also think they’ll tone down the Evil Queen which I DON’T want them to do. I want her to terrify me like she did when I first saw the original version when I was little! The Evil Queen and Judge Frollo were the only two Disney villains hat were able to terrify me as a kid…which goes to show how amazing the performances from the actor/actress playing them were! They are clearly trying to erase the company’s history with doing a remake of the one that started it all.


      Who cares, the Sigourney Weaver take on this role where she acted opposite the legendary Sam Neill will never be topped. So meh.


      Looks like terrible casting. I like Gadot, but she is more of a likeable screen presence than a good actress. I just can’t see her being  effective as a villain.  Of course this is Disney we are talking about here, so they may go the Cruella route and turn the evil queen a quirky misunderstood person that never does anything evil.


        so they may go the Cruella route and turn the evil queen a quirky misunderstood person that never does anything evil.

        Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think disney did the best job portraying this on screen with the new movie, but Cruella is evil, she does evil shit, but for someone to become that evil in the first place, something evil almost definitely happened to them first, where’s in some cases when people live thru such evil it makes them want to become heroes and make sure no one has to ever go thru what they did, Cruella went the other way, becoming bitter about what she went thru and wanting people to suffer as she did, and so becoming a villain herself, that said, her past experiences are no excuse for making others suffer



        In the original novel, there was a mystery surrounding Cruella’s origins. One thing that was very heavily hinted at in it was that she was a “lady devil” or that her family dabbled in dark arts. She had a thing for spicey foods and had fur coats on all the time, regardless of how hot or cold it was. I actually liked how Dodie Smith only just dropped hints about her and just left it at that. Some very supernatural hints that is lol.

        • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by DragonLady.

          Well, Gal could probably play the role extremely well. Be a nice change to see her playing a Villain for sure.

          But Rachel…… Um do the words SNOW FUCKING WHITE ring bells? This is just another of the fucking crap coming out of the SJW MOUSE, Tick the box of “other race”

          So count me the hell out of even wanting to see this.

          Now as to Gal and her age, I say to you watch Grumpy old men or Grumpier Old men.  Two of the best movies ever, now granted the stars of it were so bright even in their twilight years they out-shined anything in Hollywoke today.




            Disney, as I perceive it is a woke dumpster fire.  The only thing a dumpster fire can produce is hot garbage.


            Wow, Gal is so beautiful…then again remember the SJW lunatics are trying to re-define what “beautiful” is. In a few years they’ll try to make us believe that someone like Gal would be jealous of some Obese Land Whale.

            Rachel is below average in my opinion. If they wanted her to be the “beautiful one” they should have cast Nancy Pelosi as her wicked, evil stepmother.



            I am almost surprised they did not cast a trans for the role of snow white.

            Oh the stories the woke/sjw’s could have made if someone as HOT as Gal Gadot would be jealous of a hideous trans as “who is the fairest in the land”.


            Whilst I agree with Rachel about the original Disney animated version of Snow White was terrifying (come on; who wasn’t frightened of the Evil Queen on the original version when they watched it as a child😳??? I’ve a very strong memory of screaming at my mum to skip the Evil Queen’s scenes on VHS because I was so frightened at the time😰), all her other comments were uncalled for. Even when I came back to it ten years later at thirteen I came to love and respect it in the end for what it had tried to achieve at the time. If if I still didn’t like it I would’ve still tried to respect it.

            Perhaps all the stuff happening with this film was Walt’s spirit telling them to leave this precious property alone. After all, he had to shut down a sequel that was being done behind his back when he found out.

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