Gamecube Fanclub

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  • #160553

    Which is your favorite game? For me its a toss up between Mario Superstar Baseball, Super Smash Bros Melee, Paper Mario TTYD, and Pokemon Colosseum. Best Nintendo system hands down.


      Love the Gamecube, I still have my… well my day 1 GC was broken out of the box but I couldn’t get a replacement till monday so I had a weekend of having Luigi’s Mansion, Star Wars Rogue Squadron and Wave Race Blue Storm with no way to play them, you can imagine how mad I was. The monday I went back to the store ASAP, they tested the console and gave me a another one as it was indeed broken, that one I still own.

      My favorte GC game out of the 100+ games I own is Eternal Darkness which I’d really love to see properly remastered on Switch.


      Eternal Darkness Sanity's Requiem

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