Gaming industry – When will most of it stop being a sewer?

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  • #208301

    Broken ports(We still get this crap on PC)

    Always-online connections(Games like COD don’t need them)

    Games as a service(Marvel’s Avengers is a perfect example of this being a bad idea)

    Micro-transactions in games that don’t need them(This dumpster fire is still going on)

    People that don’t care about this(They always add to the problem)

    Console games that are 70 or more dollars(Pure greed)

    Censorship in games(This is still a nightmare)


    Is this the crappy future for gaming that will continue?  We must always band together and fight against garbage that don’t belong in games.



    • This topic was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Cashmoney.

    I think its pretty simple: as long as people are buying and paying it will continue.


    I’ll say what I’ve long been thinking: The golden age of home console and triple AAA gaming is dead. It died somewhere in the last decade and it’s not coming back.

    That’s not to say gaming itself is dead, it’s just that the era we were lucky to born into, from the NES up until the 360/PS3/Wii, a time of innovation and rapid advancement of software and hardware capabilities, is over. Gaming is no longer a niche hobby which required developers to create something that engaged and rewarded the player, but now mainstream and thus they can safely rely on guaranteed ways to make easy money.

    It’s the sad truth. I don’t like it, but there it is.

    These days the only way to find truly excellent game design is with indie and fan games.


    I’ll say what I’ve long been thinking: The golden age of home console and triple AAA gaming is dead. It died somewhere in the last decade and it’s not coming back.

    That’s not to say gaming itself is dead, it’s just that the era we were lucky to born into, from the NES up until the 360/PS3/Wii, a time of innovation and rapid advancement of software and hardware capabilities, is over. Gaming is no longer a niche hobby which required developers to create something that engaged and rewarded the player, but now mainstream and thus they can safely rely on guaranteed ways to make easy money.

    It’s the sad truth. I don’t like it, but there it is.

    These days the only way to find truly excellent game design is with indie and fan games.


    I’m not going to entirely disagree with what you’re saying. Your statement holds a lot of truth, but I’m not ready to say there is no such thing as a good AAA game anymore. Maybe it’s because most of the Indie games I end up playing disappoint me. Pathfinder: Kingmaker is the first Indie titles in years that I haven’t been disgusted by, so it’s not impossible for me to find something to my tastes, but it doesn’t happen often.

    I also think it depends on the genre when we’re talking current day AAA quality. Best example of something on the horizon is Blue Protocal by Bandai Namco. BanNam is putting out alot of effort to make this upcoming MMO the best possible product for its customer base. They are listening to the people and taking everything into account, so much so they are taking all the time they need to get it done, and everyone is fine with that, because we want the best game possible.

    And love em or hate em, Square Enix does a great job with FF14.

    So I’m not ready to entirely throw out the baby along with the bath water, even if the baby is a little bastard more often than not.


    I was generalizing: I wasn’t saying all AAA games are bad and are no longer worth playing; most of them are simply, shall we say, plain, for want of a better term, and just lack the ambition that they used have.

    There’s nothing wrong with playing a modern title if you think there’s some appeal to it: I’ve got handful of modern games I do enjoy to play.

    The distinction I was making is that the industry is now stagnant and isn’t what it once was, and I think it’s a consequence of what’s occurred to it over the last ten years.


    The distinction I was making is that the industry is now stagnant and isn’t what it once was, and I think it’s a consequence of what’s occurred to it over the last ten years.


    Then that is an excellent distinction.

    You’re right. No one is hungry anymore. The people that are hungry are being gate kept out. Everyone is drinking from the same tub of ideology and that breeds complacency and inbreeding of ideas, which leads to the deformities in creativity we have presented to us.

    It’s like that across all entertainment, imo.


      Marvel’s Avengers being a live service wasnt a bad idea.
      The confusing marketing and attempting to design it so it appeals to 2 polar opposite audiences was the problem. They should have made 2 different games (1 single player. 1 live service). I do hope the combat system doesnt get discarded. That game has a ton of problems but it’s combat is some of the best I’ve ever played.

      Games as a service isnt bad, if done correctly. I paid 60 bucks for Overwatch, nearly, 5 years ago and the game is still supported with free updates. Blizzard has balanced into the garbage bin but that’s a different issue.
      In the long run, there is more value in MOST Live Service games than any 20-40 hour single player game, if you find one you are into.

      Microtransactions arent, universally, bad. Depends on the situation and the pricing.

      With the government printing money that doesnt exist and people being stupid enough to encourage it, everything will be going up. Games going up 10 dollars is the least of my worries. Just like now, wait 3-6 months and you can get most games for 30 or less.

      Honestly, I think most of this is a nonissue.
      You dont want to play a live service, you have other options. Dont like Always Online, play games that dont require it.  You dont have to buy microtransactions or the games that have them in it. Dont wanna pay 70 bucks, dont buy until it’s cheaper or buy games that arent 70 bucks on release.

      Broken products are unacceptable and censorship is sickening but I dont see everything else as an issue. It’s a matter of taste and there plenty of options that dont do those things.

      Even the censorship, as much it pisses me off, is as simple as “Dont buy the censored thing. Play the original” or buy games that don’t censor (The Mafia II Remaster  is pretty good and it didnt remove it’s nudey collectables. haha).
      Personally, since 2014, I’ve went with “Never give EA or Activision money, period. Only buy their shit used so they get no money”.


      Depends on what you like to play. The only thing about those factors mentioned which might worry me is price. The Witcher 3, Persona 5, Ghost of Tsushima, Final Fantasy, CoD Warzone (for free), Gta V, RDR2, Pokemon, God of War, Super Robot Wars (100% relies on service as it’s basically cool mecha animes merged into one crossover but that’s the point of it, it’s just really awesome for an anime mecha fan) Yakuza games, Fallen Order, Spiderman, some Assassin’s Creed and a bit of Fifa. Those are pretty much the games I’ve been playing during the last 5 years (I 100% forgot to mention many) and I’ve been satisfied.

      I haven’t experienced anythingbad that would get me worried about the future of gaming, except for the rising price of games.


      Never. Each individual grievances you have with the video game industry, though warranted, will take years to tackle.

      In bulk, these issues will never be resolved for the sole factor of an innate human mechanism : greed.

      From things like uncreative developers sleeping with media voice boxes, developers wanting to spend the least amount of money and resources in order to earn big, developers making episodic releases of a single game, charging for a cosmetic change, censoring beautiful girls, pushing aids infested politics into gaming, and milking franchises until they are dry.

      All of these instances relate to the human condition. Even a beloved indie game developer is not immune.

      Developers seek money, and you are only a dollar sign to them, however in this era, they no longer listen to your demands because the media is pushing the narrative of  the toxic gamer.

      Media needs to stop laying in the beds of the game industry to reduce some of these problems. Hold them accountable, instead of crucifying the consumer.


      I agree with you that consumers can find other options, but it is important that people continue to fight SJW nonsense.


      The gaming industry and media will continue to embarrass themselves because of dumb decisions like attacking gamers for not agreeing with them.  If the gaming industry can finally make some better decisions again in games, then they will make more money.  It is funny because the industry has pushed me to start making my own things again.


      I agree with you that consumers can find other options, but it is important that people continue to fight SJW nonsense.

      I mean isn’t that the best and most effective way to fight SJW? To not buy their products? Angry rants on twitter or forums isn’t doing anything. Also, people are allowed to make SJW nonsense games and those who have an interest in those games will buy it, you buy the games which fit your interest. The problem is when they take established and popukar games and turn them into SJW games


      The answer is to get a Switch or dust off an old console and go on Ebay.

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