Gaming Screenshots

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  • #212899

    Rise of the Tomb Raider editedd


    This is an older picture I took during my first playthrough of Red Dead Redemption 2: after some thought, I decided to call it ‘The Doomed and the Oppressed”. Both Arthur and Rains Fall are doomed and oppressed in their own way: Arthur is doomed to die and is oppressed by a guilty conscience that drives his actions (depending on your choices), while Rains Fall is doomed to a life of subjugation while he and his people are oppressed by a cruel and fearful people. Both cannot escape their fate, but only one will live to see what lies beyond their burdens. E8FA2BF0-DAA0-4E3F-BCDD-7F053E93ED15DD628C15-097A-435D-B65F-2C46B165ACB6


    Ignore this. This was originally the post above.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 12 months ago by Crownsguard95.

    ‘Traversing the Valley’

    – Nikolai


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 12 months ago by Crownsguard95.

      I understand Lara’s redesign was for SJW reasons but still, she’s pretty damn hot.

      That being said, I keep seeing games having classic Lara as a guest character which gives me hope we might get OG Lara back some day.


      Unexpected (but not unwelcome) reinforcements during a dragon attack:



      The only pic I ever submitted back in the Brawl days:



      God of War_2EDITEDGod of War_EDITED21

      💪 ;)


      Fairly new to MTGA and recently beat the #4 ranked player in the world.  It was more luck than anything.

      It’s a really fun game, but the learning curve is extremely high.  MTG is over 25 years old and is scientifically recognized as the most complex game on the planet.  Still, if you like card games, it’s free and worth giving a shot.

      #4 ranked player victory MTGA

      #4 ranked player victory MTGA -


      Ghost of Tsushima_2Edited

      too bad the game was kinda pc and we had no romance on it, but still worth it. photo mode is awesome ;D


      Thousands of years ago in the Merethic Era, the Snow Elves once ruled over portions of the land that would come to be known as Skyrim. In an event known as the “Night of Tears,” the Snow Elves slaughtered many Atmoran (ancestors of the Nords) men, women and children in the city of Saarthal, provoking the Atmorans of the continent to engage in a campaign of mass genocide in retaliation. Few ruins of their civilization remain, found only in the most remote corners of Skyrim’s wilderness.






        Dynasty Warriors 9, while not the best Warriors game (to the point that Koei has been rereleasing older Warriors games and made Warriors Orochi 4 in a move that seemed like damage control and/or an apology), the game actually does have a really in-depth Photo Mode with its filters and settings. Some works of mine.

        DW9 Screenshot 2

        DW9 Screenshot 8

        DW9 Screenshot 9

        DW9 Screenshot 5

        DW9 Screenshot 3



        “I’m not asking for much, just a single coin…”




        Some screenshots of the scorched ashlands of southern Solstheim:





        *Insert Morrowind music here*

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