Genndy Tartakovsky Clone Wars series

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Star Wars Genndy Tartakovsky Clone Wars series

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    I agree its funny. That in no way makes it relevant. I was simply pointing out that a lot of the things people dislike about TCW were actually George Lucas’ ideas. They just like to blame Filoni because of his association with Disney Star Wars. Yes, his speech four years ago at a woman’s conference was cringe, but that doesn’t give people the authority to blame him for things that were obviously Lucas’ decisions, such as getting rid of the EU clone wars material. Know where to put your blame.

    To your second point, it is just factually not true. Lucas was intimately involved in every arc for the first six seasons of TCW, cutting out scenes he didn’t like or throwing in new ideas to the team to incorporate (such as Maul returning as I said above). Much more involved than any EU content because he was literally in the building for the entire process. His involvement in TCW can be found all over the internet, as well as on the extra features of each season, all you have to do is a little bit of research.


    ok apologist. Keep sucking the rats dick.

    Keep repeating the shit the Pablo the twatt has been spewing since he demanded the EU be burned to the ground in 05.


    First off I am not sure why you insulted me with “the rat”. Disney had nothing to do with the first six seasons of TCW except ending it when they bought the franchise. I am no fan of Disney Star Wars, but I do not automatically assume everything they put out will be bad. I make my decision after I see it. The Mandalorian so far and Rogue One were really good imo. The Disney Trilogy was truly horrible. Don’t be an NPC in the sense that you will not like anything Star Wars just because Disney’s name is on it too.

    You are the only one refusing to listen to facts that you do not agree with. I know you are no fan of democrats, but you are taking a page out of their book by screaming your opinion and hoping people will believe you when the facts completely contradict your views. Also, just insulting me instead of presenting your counter argument is not a good look, but we all know why you did it: you don’t have an argument. Lucas’ involvement in TCW in undisputable. No one at Lucasfilm did anything in that show without Lucas’ approval. Sorry, man. Maybe you can be right next time.


      confused agumon

      What does Hidalgo have to do with what @DarthGregious is saying???


      Pablo the twatt wrote many of the worst examples of TCW08 canon violations.

      The same fuck who said the EU needed to burn was writing the show. Not sure how hard that is to comprehend. Him and Cowgirl Dave are both to blame.


      You do realize that Lucas okayed everything in TCW right? You are acting like the Clone War material before is canon. As soon as Lucas announced TCW, those stories were no longer canon for the Lucas canon of Star Wars. In Lucas canon, Mandalorians were pacifists, Maul created a criminal empire, and Anakin got a padawan later in the same year of AOTC. I’ll stick with George Lucas’ Star Wars over anyone else’s, plain and simple. He’s the creator, he can do whatever he wants. These were not Hidalgo or Filoni’s choices, they were Lucas’. You EU fanatics are crazy.


      I just finished the series today. I liked that we actually got to see Palpatine get kidnapped by Grievous, along with the Separatist assault on Coruscant. It was a shame that the 2008 Clone Wars didn’t have an arc dedicated to this, yet we had 4 episodes dedicated to the stupid Martez sisters.

      Still, I love both Clone Wars series. Both shows are better at certain aspects than others. I think the portrayal of Anakin is better in the 2008 series, especially during the Mortis arc. Conversely, I think Grievous is superior in the 2003 series, he just seems more intimidating and calculating than in ROTS or the 2008 Clone Wars. Overall, I’m glad that I was able to finish the series I used to watch when I was a little kid.

      Oh yeah, if anyone is considering to watch this series, you can only watch it on DVD (no Blu-ray release, probably never). Also, whatever you do, DON’T BUY NEW FROM AMAZON!!! You can get both DVDs used with the original case for around $25 if you look hard enough.


      I own the whole series, it was awesome without a doubt and hooked me into Star Wars as a teenager in the early 2000s.

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