German Daycare Centers Promoting “Sexual Exploration Rooms”

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub General Discussions German Daycare Centers Promoting “Sexual Exploration Rooms”

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  • #305759

      I could rant about such obvious evil and disgusting behavior but I would end up going on for pages and I am sure everyone here is already painfully aware of my propensity to be wordy.

      So I will just leave it at this.

      If you think promoting sex to children is anything more than an attempt to sexualize them to promote them being sexual for adult consumption, please select the option that applies to you:

      A) You are mentally incapable of connecting cause and effect

      B) Your personal agenda/ideology/team has blinded you such that A) also applies to you

      C) You yourself are attracted to children

      D) All of the above


      The “slippery slope” is not only reality it was the plan all along by those whom would intend evil on others for their own self gratification.

      • This topic was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Vknid.
      • This topic was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Vknid.

      In a document containing 10 key guidelines, the center informed parents of its plan to implement “doctor games,” where children have the opportunity to “touch and inspect” themselves and others.

      How is that not sexual exploitive?

      “All children, especially preschoolers, are aware of the places in the facility where nudity and body exploration can take place,” the guidance read.

      No grooming going on there!

      “Each child decides for themselves whether and with whom they want to play physical and sexual games. Girls and boys pet and examine each other only as much as is comfortable for themselves and other children.”

      Play physical and sexual games with?  Who has to first show them what and how to do it?  Will these predators show, demonstrate, and participate?  If a child decides they want to do so with one of the groomers, then is that OK?

      Following public backlash, the Awo-Kita kindergarten in Hanover abandoned the project. This decision came when a spokesperson for the Ministry of Education in the Lower Saxony state capital declared that it poses a risk to the child’s well-being.

      Trauma, especially sexual trauma, should never be allowed to happen.

      And only AFTER the backlash! ! !  Such pedo policies should NEVER had been considered in the first place.

      These sickos should be in a Mental Asylum and no were near any children.

      “Leave Our Kids Alone!”  is all the more needed than ever before.



        And I repeat for emphasis.

        If you think promoting sex to children is anything more than an attempt to sexualize them to promote them being sexual for adult consumption, please select the option that applies to you:

        A) You are mentally incapable of connecting cause and effect

        B) Your personal agenda/ideology/team has blinded you such that A) also applies to you

        C) You yourself are attracted to children

        D) All of the above

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