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What do you think of this movie with Scarlett Johansson? I think it’s really underrated. Apparently some people didn’t like that a white woman played the lead role. I also find Scarlett Johansson to be a bit of a hypocrite. She’s a huge feminist yet she plays roles she seems to be against? I dont really get it. Either way this movie is awesome. Its amazing how close it is to the anime in some of the scenes.
Scar-Jo was great in Ghost In The Shell, loved the graphics, but found the movie itself to be pretty slow. I’m guessing with the feminist comment you’re refering to the fact that Scarlett looks naked in the movie, i’m not sure what her thoughts on this are, but doing nude/sexy scenes in movies is gonna come with being objectified by some people, you don’t have to like that this happens, but i think actors/actresses should neither have to refuse nor be forced to take a roll that requires these scenes because of their opinion on this
I thought it was slow the first time I watched it. But I think it was way better after I seen the anime and understood it. Not everything needs to be edited fast like a Marvel film lol
Also I heard some people didn’t like the ending. I thought it was great how she found her mother. That was really touching.
If she comes out against playing roles where the character is sexualized but she still takes them its pretty hypocritical. You dont have to take it.. You can go work in a factory for 14 dollars a hour lol I’m tired of hearing these feminist. I think sex sells. People like good looking characters. Nothing wrong with it.
Yup, liked the ending too
This movie is an insult to the original anime movie and manga. In manga, movie and even anime tv series were exploring whether an AI can have a soul and what does changing human body to cybernetic does to a soul… That’s why its called “Ghost in the Shell”, but this… Just some corrupt company does bad things as usual. They totally missed the whole point.
The move is so forgettable. Btw the movie takes place in Japan, right? And why it was so diverse, lol. In manga and anime Japan is still Japan even tho its far future cyberpunk. Its like they were trying t make a point there. I didnt mind Scarlet playing the lead as long it made sense. It was explained, but it was meh. And no, Scarlet was not nude in this movie, lol, it was pretty funny how they tried to made it look like. Well, I didnt expect her to shoot nude scenes, so its like whatever.
What they should have done is what “Edge of Tomorrow” did. It was loosely based on japanese light novel “All you need is kill” (it has manga too). They took central elements and made it like their own. Changed setting, changed characters to fit it and it all made sense. Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt were awesome in that movie. Thats how you adapt manga or anime. Only issue is it probably wont earn a lot of money.
I enjoyed the movie. Not exactly something I’d go recommending to everyone but it was fine for what it was. Still don’t get why it was such a controversy for Scarlett to take on that roll. Her exterior is that of a robot, so I don’t think they needed an Asian actress to play the part of Major. Granted, I never read the books nor saw the anime, so if it was a Japanese exterior in the source material then I totally get it. Otherwise, it’s like Altered Carbon where a character’s mind came from a body of one ethnicity but can be placed in a body of one that is completely different.