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Tagged: gaming politics comedy aliens
So I just recently got Destroy All Humans on ps4 because its part of the summer sale going on right now and this has to be one of the funniest games Ive ever played behind others like Borderlands , Mass Effect , etc and I find the humor in this game so good because it is actually catered very strongly towards people with a conservative or having right leaning political views.
You basically just play as a little angry grey alien (NOT GREEN, the npc’s will actually constantly say you are a little green alien when you’re clearly not just as a joke) and your job is to literally kill and destroy as much stuff as possible. The dialogue and character designs are way overdone and is a hyper parody on 1950s America when communism was a big threat to us. Communism and communists will often times be mentioned in a very negative tone and I die laughing every time the npc’s blame ‘the commies’ for everything that goes wrong. The game plays out like a massive conspiracy theory that aliens are trying to take over the world and the military/government/men in black are trying to cover it up by making up stupid dumb excuses to explain all the odd things happening out in rural America.
All in all its a really fun game and super refreshing to play something that seems to be catered and focused towards a different audience than what most game developers have been doing in the recent years. Id definitely recommend this if you are tired of all the sjw left leaning bs that we see being pushed almost everywhere else in the industry.