Guarantied Freedom and Guarantied Safety are mutually exclusive

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub General Discussions Guarantied Freedom and Guarantied Safety are mutually exclusive

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      It seems to me that something the Founding Fathers intimately understood is that a government cannot and will not grant you both freedom and safety.  This is why they understood our freedoms to be God given so that a government can support those rights but cannot take them away. And they also knew that strong people are self reliant and personally accountable for their themselves and others.

      But 200+ years later it seems that we now have flipped that script and many are willing to trade their freedom to be taken care of.  Although it’s a sly thing because I don’t think many realize this. But you cannot have a government responsible for you and also be free.  That is by definition impossible.

      Since the beginning of this country most folks were self reliant and if they needed help their were charities, groups (usually religious) and communities that would help each other.  But over time that shifted and many people just expect a hand out from the government.

      So when you ponder on why you are forced to wear a mask, get locked down or you feel the oppression from a slew of laws and taxes you disagree with, we all need to think back to anytime the government came in to “help” people and give away money that is not theirs that they took by force from others.  Because while that was hailed every time as government helping people it’s a complete farce.  They were “helping” folks with other people’s funds that they essentially stole and at the same time they make you pay for that with your freedom.  You are literally trading your freedom for money you paid into.

      I am sure all of you know the below quote.  But while I believe it is true I don’t think it explains the relationship of freedom and safety.  The guarantee of both from the same body is impossible functionally and mechanically.  Think about your own children living with you.  Can you guarantee their safety while also granting them the freedom to do as they please?  No.  Those 2 things do not exist in a balance, they are mutually exclusive.

      “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”― Benjamin Franklin

      If we wish to truly be free from the tendrils of a tyrannical entity then we need to stop asking that tyrannical entity to take care of us.


      Sadly, too many people have become lazy, like getting help (instead of helping themselves), enjoy thinking of themselves as victims and entitled to free things.

      People are being indoctrinated into the theory that Big Government is good for you, and they need all the power over your lives to make all the decisions for you.

      Decades after the Soviet Union fell, many people did not like having to work for a living, wanted to return to communism.

      If things do not reverse course soon, the people of the west will wake up and discover their freedoms and rights and democracy is gone.


        “People are being indoctrinated into the theory that Big Government is good for you, and they need all the power over your lives to make all the decisions for you.”

        You can only run from reality for so long before it decides to hunt you down and it WILL catch you and when it does it will not be kind.


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