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Hallmark Channel after getting yelled at by Twitter bends the knee. Unreal.
Hallmark will now feature LGBTQ stories in Christmas movies
It’ll be ok, they make like fifty every year.
Back years and years ago when I still had cable, Hallmark was that safe channel you could put on in the background while doing other things, because it either showed inoffensive shows from the 80’s and 90’s (always was a sucker for Fraiser blocks), and during Christmas totally harmless Christmas movies meant to simply give a message of happiness and joy…and sappy love. And I stress the word harmless, because these movies were just that. No agenda. No politics. Just Christmas mixed with cheesy love stories.
I’m not saying an Alphabet Community love story mixed in with Christmas is bad, but let us all be honest. In today’s media/entertainment, anything Alphabet Community related is filled with agenda and politics. It’s not harmless or innocent. People went to Hallmark to watch the cheesy harmless shit that sorta made you smile at the end, because we’re not all made of stone. I believe this move will drive away the consumers who watched Hallmark during the holidays for just that reason.
Does anyone really think the SJWs on Twitter, or anyone remotely a part of their camp, are suddenly going to go watch Hallmark Holiday movies because of Alphabet Community stories?
If you believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I’d like to sell you…half price cuz of COVID.
Hallmark was taken over by the feminist-driven romance industry ages ago. It’s not a big leap to the lgbt agenda.
Yes, it is bad. I want nothing to do with the lgbt agenda. Keep it out of my entertainment. Stop shoving it in my face and in the face of our children.