Happy Easter G+G 🐣

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub General Discussions Happy Easter G+G 🐣

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    Happy Resurrection of Christ, Kings.


    Warning: Rather NSFW, features torture:

    Somehow an event to remind us of Christ dying for us got conflated with eating chocolates, wonder how that happened…


    @FallenOMegaStar, the devil wants people to stray away from God any way it can.

    So any chance to hide, disclaim, etc. the messiah, God’s Son, the devil will do it.


    They no longer say morning prayer to God in schools.

    They removed Christ’s name from Christmas, and it is no longer allowed in alot of places to even say MERRY CHRISTMAS.

    The celebration of Christ’s Birth is now a celebration of materialism (which is the opposite message from what Jesus Christ was saying) and replaced the central figure of Christmas (Christ) with santa claus (who is a corrupt version of Saint Nicholas).

    With Easter, the devil wants people to not celebrate or even acknowledge Christ’s resurrection, but chocolates and bunnies and colored eggs.


    The devil wants religion replaced with secularism and getting people away from God.


    that’s true.

    People are free to choose how they live their lives and it’s okay to not be religious. I don’t go to churches and whatever, but I believe in God and I respect almost all religious.

    I think people should just be respectful. But it seems today people think it’s “cool” to be disrespectful towards religious, this is done even by big mainstream medias.

    For example, Portugal is a very Christian country and usually every year, in the Friday before Easter (Good Friday / Holy Friday), most Portuguese people don’t eat meat. But this year, a big mainstream media channel made a special event with their tv show hosts cooking and eating meat live. It was made just on purpose to trigger Christian people. It’s stupid… they’re like little kids. The woke culture is spreading all over the world, I guess.


    @Legatus I was being rhetorical.

    Eggs have long been a part of Christian tradition for many centuries as they symbolized Christ’s rebirth; they weren’t eaten, but collected as gifts or decoration (and the imagery of rabbits came from faiths that predated Christianity (i.e. paganism) – but both are supposed to represent fertility and the beginning of new life at the dawn of Spring). Bringing chocolate into the holiday began somewhere in the late 19th century to early 1900’s, right around when chocolate-making techniques were improving, and they they would obviously make for more appealing gifts to children (chocolate Easter eggs already existed in France and Germany, though they were hard and bitter; it was John Cadbury of Britain who first introduced the modern chocolate egg in 1875, I think).

    This was at a time when Western societies were still very conservative (before WWII changed everything), and yes, still very Christian; when efforts to try and implement Communism backfired massively and only ever succeeded in Russia.

    So do corporations and governments of today have every vested interest in moving people away from their Christian roots? Of course they do. But unless I’ve misread you, suggesting they conjectured these symbols on their own is false and misleading.

    I get what you’re trying to say but this is immediately going from Point A to Point Z in a heartbeat, without regard for the optics. There is no self-evident connection between a cute chocolate bunny and Satan, and trying to make one just makes people take religion less seriously.


      @Legatus_Legionis: With Easter, the devil wants people to not celebrate or even acknowledge Christ’s resurrection, but chocolates and bunnies and colored eggs.


      DigiCat (me 😸): ??? I celebrate Easter for the chocolate eggs 😅🐣🍫

      Please don’t slay me, I’m a good demon, like Nezuko 😈😈

      😂 Ok, jokes aside, what @Hazu said is right, be respectful

      Hence what I said in another Easter thread:

      Ironic, SJWs preach about inclusivaty by cancelling other’s beliefs

      They don’t get that being inclusive means respecting other’s beliefs and living in harmony regardless of differences

      , bunnies represent fertility… that totally makes sense 😂🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by DigiCat.

      @DigiCat Rabbits may be horny little buggers, but they’re still not as horny as British people online.





      Happy Easter once again!



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