Has anyone ever met Jason David Frank before?

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Television Has anyone ever met Jason David Frank before?

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    In 2020 I became a reborn Power Rangers fan after many years of not caring for the franchise but thanks to Quarantine, I began watching Power Rangers again, I loved and finally understood why Tommy was such a beloved character.

    So I quickly became a fan of Jason David Frank as Tommy, have any of you guys ever meet him before and if so…what was he like?

    I hear mixed accounts that say he is down to earth and other accounts that that he is an asshole…what are your impressions of him? I am curious.


    Disregard the haters that paint him in that matter.  The reasons are 1.) They have never met the guy, 2.) They take what is said out of context (99% of the time),  3.) He is a down to Earth guy and loves his fans and tries his best to listen to them,  and the last part is a mix of my personal opinion as well as life advice: If a person doesn’t comply with so-called requests, why the flipping hell are you even crying over spilled milk? In other words, if you are just a clout chaser with nothing else to do with your pathetic life and nothing to contribute, why are you even alive to begin with?

    I had a nice chat with Mr. Frank via livestream on New Year’s Day via Instagram as the project Legend of the White Dragon was being promoted after being fully funded last year (of which I also contributed).  He is a down to Earth guy as some accounts say, but I will tell you this, learn to discern clout chasers (NPCs) from actual real people (look for bad vocabulary, broken grammar, bad English spelling, any of that plus the tone of the message).  As someone who grew up watching Power Rangers from the beginning, I can say with experience that what you may hear about how some left because of what the actors mentioned BTS  because of corporate media (Haim Saban) is true.  Check on Youtube with interviews from said actors and actresses (heck, Austin St. John got interviewed by a fellow Ranger Karan Ashley).

    Side note: JDF seems to understand quite well how much of a philosophical individual that I am when we chatted.


    He has a web series somewhere out there called My Morphin Life. And all these episodes are supposed to be candid and un rehearsed. I’ve found a few here and there on different platforms, but for the life of me I can’t remember where. I loved him in Might Morphing Power Rangers. I used to watch that with my little brother, and didn’t really get really into it till Tommy was introduced.

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