He-Man Reboot

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Television He-Man Reboot

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      Kevin Smith is an example of a shill. He is very much like many of our politicians here in the US. He will say anything you want him too you just have to pay him enough. The only thing he believes in is gathering riches for himself.

      I don’t think he started out like this but once you become wealthy it seems you will do anything to stay that way.





      I’m barely familiar with Kevin Smith, but judging by pictures of him 10+ years ago compared to now, he seems to have developed really odd facial expressions, I think he lost his mind, the look on his face and attitude remind me of my father (that I barely met) who my mother had to leave when I was at an early age because he was a sociopath who took drugs.

      I don’t know if Kevin Smith is merely a shill out of greed, or if hollywood has broken him through the pressure they put on him combined with their drug culture.

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by TobiMcQuire.

      Here’s a hilarious take on this new ‘Heela’ series; these guys just subverted the subversion! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cR5_zwdWhHI&pp=sAQA


      Its essentially a sucky show. I suppose made by depressives types in a comity room. The tone is all over the place, it cannot ever decide rather like Teela herself and some of the other characters. It as elements lifted from the 1987 cult classic Masters of the Universe movie(mainly the first episode), bits and pieces of lore taken from both the Filmation animated series and the later 200x series and from elsewhere. Teela always going from happy to angry gets old pretty fast, King Randor becoming a madman was out’ve character. Its definitely not any type of sequel to anything, its a reboot and set within the MOTU mythology .


      Mark’s Skeletor was annoying, was too close to his Joker, like cannot play anything else as far as villainous range goes.  Am glad they did not pick Langella as Skeletor since this show sucks despite  good animation.


      Since this show is more about Teela becoming the next sHe-Man or Sorceress, probably more the latter, its like they cannot make up their minds,  since they also show He-Man training her and she’s obviously in love with He-Man and Adam. But they really screwed the He-Man character to tell a story that will not attract young boys or even adult men. They don’t seem to have a target audience accept for the weirdos on Twitter whom Hollyweird seem to be making movies for these days.


      Turning Adam into a straight twink was truly awful. Turning King Greyskull into a Sub-Saharan African that thinks he’s a Frazetta Barbarian Viking warlord was too much. That is also supposed to be Adam’s ancestor. He’s also the only semi-intelligent one outve the bunch of barbarian misfits in what seems to be Adam’s personal purgatory and certainly hes not happy there among those clowns.  Why even make them a bunch’ve idiots for anyway, those are all different herculean heroes that saved Eternia and defended the universe, not even the female one survives the retardation.  He-Ro cannot figure out how to forge something he already forged, while they have to give the brains to the young new black girl whom idolizes He-Ro.


      That said, I found this series less boring than the Bad Batch,lol.

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Joseph.Fara.


        It’s out of greed. Most people, once they become wealthy, will do/say most anything to keep that wealth. And I am quite sure you either play ball in Hollywood/TV/Entertainment like they want you to or you never get hired again.


        Well, there was another He-Man in the works.


        It almost looks worse!


        Actually the new CGI He-Man is pretty good I saw it this last week and it was good, not perfect but better than the Kevin Smith He-Man.

        I had a feeling this CGI He-Man show would do better, I keep thinking they made the CGI show just incase the Kevin Smith one failed which they anticipated because maybe the rights holders knew the woke stuff would crash and burn then had another He-Man show that was a bit more faithful to get all that toy money they would lose from Revelations.

        I say why stop there….why not make a 3rd He-Man show like maybe have it be a 3rd season to

        The 2002 one in my opinion was the best He-Man ever…maybe even better than the original one..in my opinion. I say just bring back 2002 He-Man, don’t woke it up, let the original creators make it as cool as possible and concentrate on escapism rather than lecture.




        unwatchable trash. write a negative review and dont waste time with this garbage.

        they have bots and paid staff + freelancers writing positive reviews for this kind of shows (cowboy flepop, she-man, etc…), so we gotta try to fight back. People are getting tricked into wasting time consuming garbage.

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