Heartbreaking – ‘My daughter was murdered by a gender ideology’

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  • #301957

      I am posting this not to mock or for it to be a snide “i told you so” moment.

      This is truly heartbreaking.  I cannot, nor do I want too, imagine what this mother is going through and has gone through.

      But this is something people need to pay attention to nonetheless.  There are very important lessons to learn here and most of them many many folks have been warning about at the onset of this insanity.




      So very sad…


        For me it is not at all shocking this is going on.  Why?  At this time this entire thing is predicated on a farse they are telling children and young people whom are very vulnerable.

        They are lying to them allowing them to believe they will become the opposite sex in every legitimate way by simply taking some hormones and having a few surgeries.

        What they do not tell them is all you are doing is taking synthetic hormones that do not belong in your body in those amounts wreaking havoc on your systems which can easily result in sterilization.  The surgeries are absolutely barbaric and also end in sterilization.  And why?  All that you are left with are horrible scars and a nonfunctional “organ” that might fool someone into believing it is real if you are in the dark, they are drunk and you just pepper sprayed them.

        If by some weird occurrence a baby chick were to find it’s way into an Eagle’s nest mixed in with the eagle chicks and raised as an eagle do you think that chicken would survive or be successful just because it knew it it’s heart of hearts it was an eagle?  No, it would try to fly and hit the ground and die.

        To believe you are something you are physically not is a sickness.

        For someone else to go along with your belief to protect your feelings is a dangerous delusion.

        For a medical professional to charge you money to enforce that delusion is entirely evil.


        Screenshot 2023-06-22 at 10-25-33 54673ca565e421f3.png (JPEG Image 568 × 436 pixels)


        Did any of these people do the proper diagnostic regimen before going under the knife? I bet they didn’t.
        They never confirmed the diagnosis, instead acted on emotion either out of mental illness or more likely because self-mutilation is trendy in our age of stupdity.

        Oh what’s that you say? That surgery for a condition you never had didn’t help you? Gee, sucks to be you.

        Every generation has to navigate the trials, tribulations and perils of its time. Evolution is generally unkind to the weak and stupid. Mutilating yourself because it’s trendy isn’t new. From butt implants, synthol injections, ridiculous lifts and botox use, the binding of Chinese women’s feet or the piercings of tribes in Africa and central America, self-disfigurement has been trending for centuries. This isn’t new, and some people will pay the ultimate price, especially if one makes a fetish out of medical treatments.
        Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Unlike for people suffering from actual gender misalignment syndrome, I have no sympathy for idiots dying for their own vanity.

        • This reply was modified 1 year ago by Wisdom.
        • This reply was modified 1 year ago by Wisdom.
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