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Sometimes I wonder why folks like Blair White and Buck Angel are respected when others are not (see Blair video below). I have come to the conclusion that if you are demanding tolerance and understanding you must be willing to reciprocate or you are not taken seriously. And this applies regardless of the situation.
For example I believe God makes people the way he wants them. This means he makes no mistakes and if you have gender dysphoria or anything else it is just your cross to bare. EVERYONE is born with things to deal with and that is the point. What I am getting at is I think mutilating your body for a phycological disorder is wrong.
HOWEVER, being human is hard. We make mistakes. ALL OF US. It’s like being in pain, you will do almost anything to make it stop even if that something is wrong. So I get it. But with all that said, I respect folks like Blair and Buck very much because they are honest and they afford others the tolerance and understanding they want for themselves. And that is the goal.
“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets” –Matthew 7:12
You are right, everyone has things they deal with. I have dealt with not being like other people or thinking like other people since I was a kid. It has been a tough road and part of why I stay alone and in quiet most of the time. I came home crying on my first day of school because the social and herd mentality of people scared me. The drama also was disturbing to me. I didn’t like what I saw. 4 decades later, I still don’t like what I see. lol
But, I think people who are not part of the far left and SJW/Identity Politics are quite tolerant people. They simply have different OPINIONS than them. Having an opinion that the current obsession with lgbtq/trans stuff is wrong and we are tired of the pandering does not mean that we think they should be rounded up and put away or have rights taken away. Do what you want, but when you try to bring it into my home or force it on me, that is when I have a problem. You look at the far left and sjw who get people cancelled and the censorship everywhere, that is not tolerant.
I have heard it said and I think it is true that the “right” wants to be left alone whole the “left” wants to dictate how you live. While I have a distinct religious moral code I do believe in live and let live. God does not enforce his rules on others so I have no business doing that either. Sure, I can try to show someone the way yes but I will not force my way upon them. This does not at all meant here are not consequences there are but that is not up to me either.
But I still staunchly believe that if you are demanding tolerance and understanding from others and not willing to extend either then you are just being disingenuous and you have ulterior motives.
Dude, what in the absolute hell did I just watch?!?!? It was like Alice Cooper in drag. I kept waiting for the song to start! LOL