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I am now convinced schools have been infiltrated by groomers for the express purpose of sexualization of children. Couple that with teachers who have gotten jobs as teachers not to teach but to forward a Marxist agenda that they themselves are pledged too.
What does it mean? It means that publics schools are in such a state as to almost be non-repairable. The system needs to be flushed entirely of activist teachers of any kind and groomers need to be punished SEVERELY. I am talking a McCarthy type cleansing.
I am old enough to remember the days where if a groomer was caught at a school, a group of Dads would show up to make sure he left town and never returned. Now the state protects groomers. How we have fallen. We almost deserve what’s going on because it was allowed.
Home school and school choice I believe are the way out of this for now.
What the Hell are you talking about?
There are Millions of teachers who go to work each day to try and help the kids, Is there a few bad apples yes. But their are in any profession and those need to be weeded out and removed. They are few though, when you look at the numbers of teachers and staff in our nations schools over 4.5 million teachers alone (Public Schools) and estimated 1.5 million private.
The problem is the FUCKING PARENTS and SCHOOL BOARDS. That is where these policies start that enable 90% of the problems, and problem people (teachers and kids). You want to fix the problems? Yes, then spend a week in a classroom and see what a teacher goes through with the little darlings. You will quickly see things like this:
Kids who just will not do the work.
Kids on their cell phones not doing work
Kids telling teachers to fuck off (and teachers are powerless to do anything really)
To save me from typing for many hours, let me shorten it (The kids run the school because policies the Boards and crybaby parents helped put in place)
Want to fix it really. First step is to Remove those board members, then you start putting Discipline back in school with real consequences for the action of the kids. You put in place policies of Education, and not Politics will be taught with the exception of “Civics classes” and only historical not opinionated criteria in it. And I am a big advocate for putting Cameras in class that Parents can watch and listen in on. Let them see the lessons, but more importantly how their kids act.
The hard cold truth is it is the Parents and Boards that are the problems, It is high time to tell the parents your kid is an asshole and will be expelled for being one if you do not act to change little Johnny or little Jane’s Behavior. It is also time to put in board members who say “These are the rules and they will be followed” and no we will not loose teachers despite what the media says, in fact we might get teachers back, the shortage you hear about is because of disciplinary problems, the good teachers are getting tired of being disrespected and turned in to nothing more than babysitters for peoples shortcomings as parents or should I say lack of parenting.
Home schooling may be an option for some, but the vast majority cannot afford to have one parent off at home doing it. Great option if you can afford it, but I will also point out Abuse and Liberalism can be done by the teacher in that family just as easy as a teacher.
I did not say all teachers were bad. I said nothing of the sort. I said there are teachers whom have infiltrated schools for the purpose of grooming and agenda pushing. I stand by that. Do you not see all the news and videos about teachers getting busted sexualizing children or pushing political agendas? This is not one offs, this is systemic. And while there ARE school board and parent issues the hell I am talking about is a separate issue altogether.
I really do not think you have a clue what you are talking about to be 100% honest. Your very first paragraph basically is lumping all teachers together, it is exactly how it sounds.
I am now convinced schools have been infiltrated by groomers for the express purpose of sexualization of children.
It is a 100% a falsehood. Not even close to the truth, As I said, there are a few bad apples but those are not the norm, they are a very small representation of a fraction of the teachers. I know Hundreds of them including the one I am married to so I can speak with first hand knowledge. When one of the bad one is outed the majority are embarrassed and angered and would like the bad ones strung up by the offending parts just like the rest of us.
Guess what, the Good cops, Firefighters, Doctors, Mechanics, Priest, etc all feel the same way about bad actors in their fields.
Of course I see the news, they are going to cover it in mass and sensationalize it, that is what the media does. But it is actually very rare just over 200 cases this year out of the nearly 6 million teachers, that is 0.0033333333333333335% of teachers FYI. Yes 1 is to many but that shows you how very rare it is. The media blows it our or proportion and keeps the few that are doing it in the news for a long time saturating people with it making it seem much more than it is. Sound familiar they do it all the time to everything.
The Media loves to report on the “ACCUSATION” its sensational, it gets views and get people worked up, how often have you heard them come out though and say (x)person was cleared? Not often that is not sensational or news and well as the accuser was a minor also not legal for them to name that person so story is dead. Yet there are cases like that. And their life and career is destroyed because of it.
School Boards and Parents are part of this problem even if you do not understand why. In short they make the policies and procedures that facilitate the behavior. Institute better policies and procedures and you eliminate some of the problem. Not all of it though as there will always be Sicko’s in the world. We live in a dangerous world. We can do things to help make it safer, but it will never be 100% safe.
I think I know exactly what I am talking about. I never said “all” or “most” or anything like that. I said schools have been infiltrated. They have. That does not indict every teacher, just the ones doing the grooming. Did you not see the PV videos or anything else like that with teachers or school employees admitting to what they were doing? Some have been caught pushing sexual stuff, some communism/ANITFA junk or maybe even CRT. I have seen countless videos of teachers openly pushing sexuality crap.
Ah, you are married to a teacher. No wonder you are being so abrasive.
Well despite your obvious bias and soft spot for teachers some of them are an issue. Maybe not where you are but there are a number of them out there. Stick your head in the sand if you want to but it’s going on. It’s not at all just school boards or parents.
EDIT – Not trying to pick a fight with you here. You are of course welcome to think what you wish but so am I. I get being biased towards teachers given your circumstances but I see it different than you do.
I am talking from experience, not from what the news is reporting and content creators are putting out for clicks, we know are mostly bias and lies.
I will defend any group when someone makes such a broad statement. I simply was stating the truth and facts based off knowing actual teachers MANY OF THEM, and being able to simply look at the criminal data banks and reports on the numbers. You keep missing that point. You know the one where I gave you actual numbers, ones you could look up yourself before making such a broad encompassing statement at an entire group of people.
You did make the statement I quoted it, you are doing the exact thing the media and those who make those videos are doing! You may not know it or want to believe it and why I cited the numbers. You are watching way to many sensationalized videos, when the truth is its simply not the happening by-enlarge. As I have said there are bad people in all professions. But its less than even 1% in reality for teachers.
I can say the Catholic Church has been infiltrated by groomers for the express purpose of sexualization of children. We know there are priest who have done it, does not mean the entire Priest-Hood or other officers of the church have. But the comment, still makes it sound like it has as a hole and the same sensationalism of Media and Content creators also exist for them. But again the numbers do not substantiate the comment. Could say Police departments are full of racist cops (we sure the hell have said that) but its not true yet if you watch the right Content Creators and Media it sure seems like it by their coverage. Again though not even close to the truth.
I do not have a Bias just FYI, what you perceive as a bias is based off knowledge and research. I will also defend any group from attacks like this, these people already have a hard enough job without someone making a blanket accusation that they have been “infiltrated” as exampled above buy Priest and Police. There are very few bad apples but that make the rest look bad, and the Medias and Content Creators are all to happy to make it sound just like you did like ITS A MASSIVE PROBLEM, when its not.
And again I will point out that the only way to stop things such as CRT is at the Board level, maybe at the state if there is enough politicians against it, But the Local Board level can ban it in their district. Parents can pressure the boards as well or Remove them if needed by vote. So they are very important to solving the problems. Even preventing them before they start.
Dude. You are married to a teacher. Of course you have a bias.
And once again, I did not say all or most teachers nor did I mean to infer it. If you want to call me a liar or question my intent well that is on you but I am telling you it’s not the case.
“I can say the Catholic Church has been infiltrated by groomers for the express purpose of sexualization of children.”
That is entirely true and no I don’t read that as citing that the entire Church is part of it. Just like teachers its some not all and in both cases I have no idea how many.
If you want to call seeing teachers on video stating what they are doing openly as “sensationalized” or overplayed or whatever well I guess we just cannot see eye to eye on it. I believe what I am seeing you are free of course to deny it.
So we will just have to agree to disagree.
First off, being married to a teacher doesn’t make someone biased to teachers, i’m pretty sure morst people have enough brains to know someone’s job has nothing to do with if they’re a good or bad person
Secondly, on how the school boards should works ecc., i think there should be a balence between the current system and the old hyper-diciplinary one, yes kids should have respect for their teachers, but they should also have the right to stand up for themselves against any bad teachers wrong doings
I’ve told multiple teachers to fuck off, but they were also cheating scumbags who took briebs and let kids who did fuck all pass with straight As, anyone who behaves like that, regardless of who they are, loses all my respect
“First off, being married to a teacher doesn’t make someone biased to teachers, i’m pretty sure morst people have enough brains to know someone’s job has nothing to do with if they’re a good or bad person”
I disagree. We all have biases, it’s normal and natural. When it comes to your family people just tend to feel a certain way about that. It does not mean your are 100% blinded but the bias still exists nonetheless.
Clearly, there are good teachers and bad ones. Just like in anything else. My point to the entire thread was there are some bad ones who have infiltrated schools for a distinct purpose.
When it comes to your family people just tend to feel a certain way about that
Exactly, when it comes to family, not just any random stranger who does the same job as a family member
Now that is indeed a valid point. But, I think it is quite easy to have bias to just what is familiar. I am not saying it is something people always give into however. I think it is human nature to have bias and to use stereotypes but those are the things we rise above to become better people. But again, I think you make a good point.
All male leftists are to some degree pedophiles. Whether openly or covertly. That’s the end game of leftism.
A lot of teachers are unhappy with the way the government interferes now days. My dad used to janitor for locals schools and teacher would tell him things all the time about it. A few retired because they were so frustrated with the system and how it forces government mandated things that many don’t agree with. It makes it hard for teachers to TEACH. Funding is also always a concern. The fact is kids don’t need to be taught all this identity politics and leftist views. They need to be taught reading, writing, math, history, and science. THAT’S IT! That is where public education should end. The rest should be taught at home. Period. When a kid asks certain kinds of questions, the teacher needs to tell them to go talk to their parents about it. Such as about sex or all the trans and gay stuff “culture” is obsessed with now. It also should NOT be promoted at school either. No flags, banners, etc. Another reason I think American schools should all wear uniforms like other countries do.
Our education system needs reform badly. And teachers need to be reigned in on this SJW nonsense they are indoctrinating kids with. It’s not their place to do that. That is a PARENTS job. Same thing goes with religion.
Well said.
I think what is going on with teachers is similar to the police. You make all the good people unhappy so they leave or retire and then just naturally the ranks get filled with less than savory people many whom are all too happy to do the bidding of the goverment.
All male leftists are to some degree pedophiles. Whether openly or covertly. That’s the end game of leftism
And that is the perfect example of someone who’s extreamly biased, creepy women exist too…