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      Games you love that no one else seems to know about or play. For me the first that comes to mind is Savage: Battle For Newerth. It’s essentially dead but still has a minuscule and deeply devoted fanbase that took it on after it was dropped by the developer. The game that the MOBA Heroes of Newerth came from. Both it’s sequel and the attempted reboot seem to have disappeared entirely, but the original still has at least one fan run server that people play on. Like 9 of them. It’s an RTS/Third Person Action hybrid. one person is commander and builds and researches tech and can issue orders (suggestions really) to the team. The other players can help build and gather resources, but there are workers like any RTS. light RPG touch to it as you can gain experience and level up for better armor and melee weapons. Gameplay is PVP with the usual modes. It’s old, simple, unpolished and damn fun. Can get it free at Newerth.com


      The Suffering – Don’t know about the sequel, but the first is one of my favorite action/horror games of all time. Seriously dated graphics and a bitch to get running on modern OSs, but well worth it.


      Clive Barker’s Undying – Has a cult following, but I don’t often see it get any love. Best horror fps I have played. Shame Jericho was such a mess.



      I can think of a few that have decent cult followings, but are absent in the mainstream hive mind:

      – The “Legacy of Kain” Series
      – Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice
      – The “Way of the Samurai” Series
      – Kengo: Master of Bushido
      – Soma
      – Layers of Fear
      – Super Hot
      – Drakan: The Ancients’ Gates
      – James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing
      – Indiana Jones and the Emperor’s Tomb

      There are probably more, but that’s what I can remember off the top of my head and looking at my Steam Library

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Verkano.
      • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Verkano.

      Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender.

      Oh no I’m gonna get cancelled for condoning a game that incorporates a machine that changes your gender.

      Serious though it’s a old point and click adventure puzzler from the late DOS era when they started doing CD’s and some voice acting.

      You play as Rex Nebular (obviously) and your hired to retrieve a relic from a cloaked planet, he’s told how to find it and to no one’s suprise the planet isn’t every welcoming.

      Shot out of the sky and now stuck on a very hostile planet, find the treasure and get out.


      This is the Police (the first one)

      I’ve been playing it recently, it’s really fun.


        been looking at that for while. the sequel seemed to get off to a rough start but has apparently turned it around. 3.74 right now. might have to check it out.


        Grim Dawn!  If you like action rpg games like Diablo you will like Grim Dawn.


        Realms of the Haunted. This is an old game (originally for DOS) that I played a long time ago and really loved. It was the only RPG/FPS game I was able to get the entire way through without getting bored. It tells the story of a young man who following the death of his father investigates an old mansion that contains portals to other realms. I was very happy when I found it on Good Old Games, updated to run on a modern operating system.


        Earth 2150 was a fun RTS game that had a really good map editor. I also played Tom Clancy’s SSN which was fun to sink enemy ships.

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