Hit Piece on Jessie Lee Peterson?

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment YouTube Hit Piece on Jessie Lee Peterson?

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      Anyone else seen this?

      A Catholic YouTube channel (the one Milo is on) called “Church Militant” (which I USED to be subscribed too but no longer) reported on a hit piece that someone put out about JLP calling him a “homosexual predator”.  The problem is they reported on it as fact and gave no evidence and just said “conservative icon outed”.

      I have not seen the actual hit piece, I have no interest in it.  But I am equal parts shocked he was attacked and that a Catholic channel put that forth as if it was valid truth.  And that is not right as it’s essentially just gossip.

      I guess folks will do anything for those rage clicks.  Sad state of affairs.


      Did not see it, but heard about it, so I went and looked it up. It is an open secret that Michael Voris of The Vortex used to be one. Milo now works for them, too. It seems like any excuse to put homo stuff in the spotlight, but it will only keeps straights away. JLP used to be really good in debate and has decades of performance history behind him and the gay community never liked him. In fact, JLP mocked BLM recently and said some remarks that got him tossed off of MSNBC.

      All that being said, the only thing that does not do JLP any favors is when he has guests on that say they have slept with hundreds of women. That is a twisted form of masculinity and a perversion of fornication. The salacious material and juicy gossip has been going on for so long that it is more exhausting than interesting.


        Yes it somewhat seems to me they have a war on gay folks going on in the minds of Church Militant.  Now, if someone is saying they are something they are not I get it to some degree.  But ultimately it’s a stupid game they are playing.  Christ came to save the sinners not condemn them.  But I guess Church Militant is ok with condemnation.  We are to hate the sin, not the sinner.

        I have watched JLP for a few years.  Seems to be stand up dude to me with a lot of background of truly helping folks. This is not to say I agree on everything of course (no one agrees on everything) he does have a tact I sometimes dislike but I understand what he is trying to do.



        JLP is a bit of a legend in broadcasting and has never seemed to be a cam whore seeking spotlight popularity. He does his show, but it’s not big or high profile. I still catch JLP on https://cozy.tv/ from time to time. There is another show on there called Cross Talk News that I watch occasionally. I do like people who speak out directly on topics. Polite society has covered up too many important things and the mainstream programming is no longer very interesting for this reason.

        It’s all how a person sees the world. To me, there is a war on straight folks and the marriage and birth rates reflect this. Also, the fact that, as a straight person, I can’t simply speak truthfully that I have no interest in gay material in comics or movies or shows without being accused of phobia or bigotry or other slanderous terms. That alone makes me reject the entire thing outright.


          I think gay vs straight is just another thing to intentionally cause tribalism/division.  Same thing with transgender.  However, it plays an additional role in separating kids from parents and making life long medical patients.  So in other words, there is a lot of motivation from different groups to push that stuff like they do.

          The thing I do not understand is this. I KNOW this comes from the militant left and this is not at all how most gay folks think.  But for some reason they don’t seem to be speaking out against it even though it makes them look awful.  Maybe it’s just suppressed in the media.  I know I have seen some speaking out against the insanity, particularly trans people (meaning they have had surgeries) but they seem to be few and far between.

          They want us all in little tribes who all hate each other so they are free to do as they please.


          On speaking out, there is some group called “Gays Against Groomers.” https://twitter.com/againstgroomers Reason most do not speak out is the cancel culture and funding that exists out there.  It shows you that if you are gay, you are not immune from attack from the same people that attack straights if you have any boundaries.     The time to speak out was a long time ago. When I was a kid, I was so naive and thought there was no way adults would fail on People vs. Larry Flynt. Thought that people had spines and moral strength. As it went forward, didn’t hear even a word of objection. Complete doormat public.








            That’s the thing isn’t.  Ultimately, while only the evil people perform the actual evil, if the good allow the evil to be done are they not just a complicit?

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