Geeks + Gamers › Forums › Gaming › General Gaming Discussion › Horizon Zero Dawn is pretty fucking woke.
If you are one of the people that love this game because you played it when it first released, go back and play it again. In 2017, wokeness wasnt so widespread so people didnt take notice but, in 2020, when this shit is so widespread and irritating, it so obvious what they were doing.
The game makes sure to point out Aloy’s gender in just about every major cut scene. Anytime she talks to someone she goes out of her to make some snide comment about how bad ass she is. Every important good character is female (except her father figure which abandons her and dies). Most evil characters are, of course, men. The armor sets are designed to, as the SJWS would say, “sway the male gaze”.
The best, specific, example (and they are many) is a dude gets captured by a group of killers and has to help them or lose his family. Obviously, he helps them. When Aloy kills the bandits that captured him, you have the option to kill him, let him go or say the situation is complicated (this kind of choice is not common, at all). If you say it’s complicated Aloy’s dialogue is, “Maybe you arent an evil man. Just a weak man”
To which he responds, “Yes, I am weak. All I have is my family.”
Having a family and wanting to protect them is weak, apparently. A normal person not be able to single handedly bring down 10 or so guys by himself, is weak, apparently.
This game is the definition of woke.
It just came out before the bullshit was as widespread as it is now.
Usually, there’s a fair amount of gameplay between cutscenes so it may not seem as obnoxious as it is but it’s there in, pretty much, every cutscene after the first act. The first act does a great job of giving you a false sense of normal, though.
The gameplay is pretty bad to.
Eneimes will randomly freeze, enemies will get stuck in the environment, enemies will be placed in the most cheap ass of spots, enemies will lose sight of you while looking straight at you, You will tell Aloy to shoot an arrow and she wont do it, You’ll tell her to shoot an arrow and she’ll do a melee attack, critical and over ride options will randomly disappears as you are hitting the button to trigger it.
All of that’s annoying but the aspect that’s pushes from annoying to bad, for me, is the terrain being designed in such a way that it makes combat tedious because you get stuck on the environment so easily. If there is a 2 inch rise, you are probably not gonna be able to role past it. The game is, heavily, reliant on dodge rolls but the terrain is designed in such a way, doing them is tedious.
And that’s just the stuff that happens frequently. It would take an essay to point out every bug I’ve seen.
When it works, it’s some of the best gameplay ever but that’s about 40% of the time. This game is, on par, with how buggy a typical Bethesda game is. How does it not get called out for it. I’m sure it, partly, has do with most people playing on lower difficulties but to judge a games mechanics, it needs to played on hard, in my opinion.
I’m just confused how this game gets so much praise. It’s not the worst thing ever, by no means or the most woke thing ever. But it’s far more woke than I want out of my entertainment and the gameplay is really fun when it works. Usually, it’s tedious.
It’s one of the very few games I ever sold without the reason being getting a different version, overrated garbage.
I’m glad I don’t even know what that is.
I played it + dlc after they launched it, but I wasn’t in the hype train. I enjoyed the gameplay, the stealth aspect of the game is extremely good. But that’s about it. The story is super basic without any strong scenes. The characters are laughable. It’s weird to see npc’s that look like native / ancient people and they speak with californian accent. It’s a mess. And yeah, the game is kinda woke, but it’s not something that affects it. What really affects the game is the story and characters being so bad.
But the gameplay saves the game. The weapons, the moves and the robots are amazing. The graphics are also great, imo.
The sequel might get woker thou, I don’t think I’m going to buy it. I don’t want to deal with those characters and story all over again. ;S
I noticed it’s wokeness. I was appalled by how the game tries to condemn olin, still he’s about the only three dimensional character in the game. Well except maybe Sylens. But that wouldn’t fly in 2020, a black character who is not a 100% saint? How dare you!
I also noticed how they made Eerend exceptionally weak, who is always in the shadow of his sister.
I think HZD is more woke than TLOU2, yet we see how one gets a pass while the other gets destroyed.
I fear the sequel too. The first was woke, but it still could be enjoyed on a superficial level. But even from the trailer of the sequel I get the “Girl single handedly saves the world without breaking a sweat” vibe. In the first at least they showed some sort of training, so she wasn’t a complete Mary sue, except in understanding technology as a cave dweller.
Not to mention that men cause the apocalypse and woman saves it. All evil AI have male voice, good AI female voice. At least thats how remember it. I played the main game a long time ago and Frozen Wilds recently. If they are playing some sort of “stone age” era then there wouldnt be so many female hunters. There is a lot of such little details. Yea it took me a while to realize how woke the game is. Gameplay and overall concept was pretty fun though, ridiculous but fun. I dont really care for the sequel and yea it probably will be quite woke, considering its being developed now and started I guess after 2017.
I don’t agree.
Aloy wasn’t rejected for being a woman (there was another woman on the Proving) but for being an Outcast.
Also Rost didn’t “abandon her and die”, he had to leave because Aloy would become a Brave and him would reamin an Outcast and then came back to save her and gave his life for her.
Actually the whole thing that Aloy was somehow born of a machine with no parents and her hostility towards Olin for holding family values, reminds me of the feminist utopia. Where men are completely eradicated and all babies are lab bred.