Horror Books

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    Does anybody have any suggestions on a really good horror book?

    Now that October is around the corner, i’d love to get started on one


      I haven’t read much aside from manga and comics for ages, but i found this horror book i read as a teen, in fact it’s geared towards a younger audience, but i remember some really gory scenes in it. It might be a fun read for halloween 🎃



        Read the Amityville Horror.  The book is so much better and more detailed than the movie.



        I would recommend Dead Names: The Dark History of the Necronomicon. By Simon (Peter Levenda).  It’s a story all right, but one which purports to be true. If you know anything about H.P. Lovecraft, it will interest you. If you haven’t read H.P. Lovecraft, it’s an acquired taste, but perhaps start with “From Beyond.”  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/From_Beyond_(short_story), if you find it interesting, there’s more… you can read them all free: https://archive.org/details/blackseasofinfin0000love


        The Necronomicon was a book published in the 70s. Dead Names is the story of how it came to be. When I bought it, I read it in a day. I still pick it now and again to relive the experience. Is it true horror? Perhaps, because it makes you wonder about some of the stuff mentioned which is supposed to be out there and real. Is it supernatural? That’s a good question. If anything, it broadens your knowledge of weird shit that’s out there, and might inspire you to read either Lovecraft or other weird Levenda books which all hit that eerie spot while reading in the fall which opens your eyes to strange things…


        • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Sternwise. Reason: damned spelling

        Christine by Stephen King is a fav of mibe


        If you want something dark and scary, I’d recommend Off Season, Offspring, and The Woman by Jack Ketchum. It’s a trilogy about cannibals who live in the Maine woods. Off Season and The Woman are both great; Offspring isn’t as good, but it’s helpful to read it before The Woman.


        If you want something light and funny with horror elements, I like Christopher Moore a lot. A Dirty Job is my favorite, but for more Halloweeny type stuff, you could go with his vampire trilogy, Bloodsucking Fiends, You Suck, and Bite Me (all subtitled A Love Story).


        The Strain book series


        I know NOTHING about this genre. I like to read comments on videos to get a feel for things. It’s not really fair, but I tend to avoid Stephen King just because he’s so commercial.



        Again, cross reference this with comments and see if there is any buzz or trigger.

        • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by comicsgate.

        Read Dracula this past month, for our horror-book club set of videos,  and loved every second of reading it and discussing it, here’s the link; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYpVhHFfUqI&list=PLNJ_lmPdbHJxrKMrxGY7xsHLTz35qCJSd


        The stand by stephen king is pretty good, Salem’s Lot, Hannibal lector Trilogy, World War Z, I am legend, The Hellbound heart by Clive Barker, Frankenstein, Dracula, Edgar Allan Poe collection.

        Also the inferno of Dante



        What about anything by HP Lovecraft? That dude is the father of horror, he wrote such scary books his last name became an adjective.

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