How do I install Starcraft, and Warcraft 3 on Linux Pop OS

Geeks + Gamers Forums Gaming PC Gaming Hub How do I install Starcraft, and Warcraft 3 on Linux Pop OS

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    Hi all, I haven’t posted on this forum in about 2 years, and I decided after a long time away to post here again, because I had recently switched from using a Windows Operating System on my computer to a Linux Pop OS. I have to say after using Linux for the past while. It has been a pretty cool experience with cool free programs you can get like Gimp which is basically Photoshop, but you get it for free with no subscription unlike Photoshop. Also unlike Windows, Linux is alot lighter, and faster.

    Anyways, ever since I switched over to Pop OS Linux from Windows, I haven’t been able to install my Warcraft 3, and Starcraft games which are both CD games to my new system. I had tried looking for the solution from online, mainly on Youtube, but the people doing the Youtube tutorials on how to install Warcraft 3, and Starcraft on Linux are not useful, and hard to follow. Also I tried using Lutris (which is a program on Linux that is supposed to help with installing old, and disc games on Linux), but everytime I tried installing Warcraft 3, or Starcraft, I keep getting a message that I am missing something, and the operation fails.

    Since this website is called Geeks, and Gamers, I wonder is there anyone here on this forum who is a Geek or maybe a Gamer who is familiar with Linux maybe Pop Ox Linux who can maybe help me with how I can install Starcraft, and Warcraft on my new Pop OS computer?


    I switched from Windows to Kubuntu back in 2022 for my main game computer and all the other computers I have, and I haven’t looked back. Can you post screenshots of the error messages you’re getting in Lutris?

    Also, are you trying to install from physical CDs or from a disc image (.iso file)?

    I think I have a Warcraft 3 CD in a box. I’ll try to find & install it and see what happens to see if I can help you.

    • This reply was modified 6 months, 1 week ago by horaceb.

    Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to find my installation CD. If you could post some screenshots of the errors you get I can try to help.



      I use Linux and Windows everyday and have for a long time.  There is zero chance I would use a Linux desktop for a daily driver where I played games.  It’s just not worth the pain in the arse it is.  Your explanation of trying to run those games on Linux is an example of that.

      Now in your case.  For old games like that where you don’t need much GPU I would just run a Windows VM on your Linux box and be done with it.  That’s not the simplest thing either but I think you be on a more trodden path and find more info.



      Since I switched to Kubuntu in June, 2022, I have found only a tiny handful of windows games or programs that I absolutely couldn’t get to work. The one I was most disappointed in was CorelDraw, which apparently is virtually impossible to get to work in Linux. However, I was able to switch over to Inkscape to replace it, so it wasn’t a big loss.

      I’ve learned that between WINE, and Steam with Proton, I can get pretty much every Windows program to work, including both games and other software. For example, I had some trouble with Goldwave audio editor using WINE, so I added the Goldwave setup file to Steam, changed the compatibility to Proton Experimental, and it works from Steam with virtually no issues.

      In most cases I can find Linux-native Free/Open Source alternatives to Windows programs and I use them wherever possible (GIMP, Inkscape, Libreoffice, Scribus, Kate, XNView, FIlezilla, Simplescreenrecorder, Shotcut, etc.). My biggest concern when switching was if the games would work, because that was the only thing holding me onto Windows for years. When Valve decided to create the Steam Deck, they had a vested interest in getting as many games as possible to work in Linux because that’s what the Steam Deck uses. So they made a fork of WINE called Proton and pretty much anything I can’t get to work with WINE, I can get to work with Proton.

      There are only 2 games I have had major issues with, which are Demigod and Europa Universalis 3. But every other Steam or GOG game I’ve tried has worked with either no or virtually no issues. Most have no issues at all. This includes all of the Witcher games, Mount & Blade II, Solasta, all of the Total War Warhammer & historical games, Mechwarrior 5, Planet Zoo, Horizon Zero Dawn, Skyrim, Ark: Survival Evolved, all the Mass Effect games (Legendary edition), No One Lives Forever, and many others.

      You can check the compatibility of pretty much everything with and

      I’ve even been able to run some ancient DOS stuff with DOSBox with no problems at all.

      Unfortunately, I haven’t tried installing anything from physical disks which is why it’s hard for me to help with that.

      I would never switch back to Windows at this point. Linux is completely free, doesn’t have ads or spy on you, doesn’t force you to update anything, and just leaves you alone to do what you want. The KDE desktop is amazing, and has so many customization features. Windows was like a prison for me, and I felt like a victim using it, not a user.



      @horaceb @Vknid Hi I am back, I had some things in my life that had kept me from being able to deal with the Warcraft 3 situation. Since both of you know about Linux, I am hoping you both can maybe help me with another problem, and we can figure out the Warcraft 3 situation later. I was using Udemy today and then there was a part in my web design program where I had to download Visual Studio Code onto my Pop OS system to do the course. I had downloaded VS Code from it’s website, but I decided later after downloading it that I didn’t want it anymore.

      I want to delete VS Code from my computer completely but I don’t know how, I didn’t get it from the POP OS store as I said, so I can’t delete it by hitting the trash can symbol like I do for the other apps I downloaded from the POP OS store. How do I delete an app I downloaded from a website?

      I tried deleting it manually by searching out the VS Code files in my computer, but I don’t have permissions for some reason even though I am the computer’s own. How do I delete VS Code?




      The way you uninstall it depends on exactly how you installed it. You mentioned that you downloaded an installation program from the website. What is the extension of the file? Possibly .deb? “Pop! OS” is a fork of Ubuntu, which is a fork of Debian. Because if that, most programs are installed either through apt (for repository packages) or dpkg (for .deb files). There are also other types of files and other programs, but those are some of the most common.

      Also, are you familiar with sudo? It’s a program that lets you run a program as a “super user” (sudo is a program and the name is short for “super user do”). It is used for doing system-wide changes. In most Linux distributions you have to use sudo to install or uninstall a program on the system. So frequently to install something you’ll type something like:

      sudo apt-get install <package_name>


      sudo dpkg -i my_install_file.deb

      In each case, sudo will prompt you to enter the root password, or the password of a user in the “super user” group. Your user account likely is already in that group. To remove a program you would do something like:

      sudo apt-get remove <package_name>


      sudo dpkg -r my_install_file.deb



      @horaceb I actually put the original download package into the trash, and by accident deleted it, because I thought I could delete the program that way, and I permanently deleted it too.



      I tried doing a purge of the Visual Code Studio on my terminal, and I got this message that it can’t find it on my computer yet the program is there. Am I doing it wrong or something?need to purge VSCode

      Update, I actually checked the POP OS shop then I searched up VScode there, and I found the Uninstall button there next to the application even though I didn’t download it there, and it looks like VScode is gone from Show Applications but I can still find files for VScode in my other locations area of my computer under a lock symbol that says I don’t have permission to delete these files.


      I tried to post how to install warcraft3 under wine with an ISO here but the post wasn’t approved I made one on locals but is just the basis If you already know how to use and move on a linux distro:

      Something you need to be aware before you fully embrace Linux as your main OS is linux wasn’t made to be a point and double click install and play like Windows you need to learn some commands and about the differences on normal user vs root and the reason behind it.

      If it feels to obnoxious or you don’t have the time to learn I recommend you to follow Vknid advice and install a windows VM inside Linux, also you can keep an offline Windows partition to play old games I use one with Window8.1 installed to play some PS3 era games there.

      I will left you with a PopOS link to install wine here


      ***Checked with a Starcraft ISO as well and the installation procedure is the same, since that one doesn’t use Securom the game can be played without a “gamefix” on version 1.0 If you have your disks instead of ISO files, I suppose they should work as well.


      • This reply was modified 5 months, 4 weeks ago by larioxem. Reason: Added missed answer for OP question
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