How to fix the 2 party system in the US?

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub General Discussions How to fix the 2 party system in the US?

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  • #315993

      Add more parties? No.

      Abolish them.

      No parties, everyone runs as their own person and defines themselves not by a party but with a platform.

      But how do you know who supports what?  EXACTLY

      You have to check and find out.

      But less people will vote.

      Fine, at least they will be educated on their choice.

      I am not sure we need more people voting, although we always here that.  Maybe we just need more educated voters.

      • This topic was modified 11 months, 1 week ago by Vknid.
      • This topic was modified 11 months, 1 week ago by Vknid.

      Abolishing would be a pretty interesting concept, but I think it would be a too much of a radical change to ever happen


        Abolishing would be a pretty interesting concept, but I think it would be a too much of a radical change to ever happen

        Radical change is coming regardless.  That change can be made by us under or own power and for the better or the change will be forced upon us.

        We can either suffer for the prosperity of the future (like everyone before us) or we can simply just suffer.

        Pick one.


        The US has a two party system?

        When you allow bribes (aka lobbyists money) to sway votes, then there is no two party system.  It is an oligarchy, rules by the rich, the corporations, the elites/globalists.

        In other nations, it is call corruption.  In the US, capitalism.

        Politicians in the US getting $174,000 per annum, and yet their net worth jumps to multi-millionaire levels in a few short years, something is wrong.

        Career politicians?

        Politicians with criminal past/convictions/records?

        How to start a fix…

        Term limits for ALL (Congress, Senate, POTUS, SCOTUS, etc.)

        Mandatory retirement ages for ALL (Congress, Senate, POTUS, SCOTUS, etc.)

        Tighten and enforce lobbyists activities/contributions for ALL (Congress, Senate, POTUS, SCOTUS, etc.)

        Tighten and enforce rules of trading and investments for ALL (Congress, Senate, POTUS, SCOTUS, etc.)

        Removal of “activist” judges/DAs/prosecutors.  All must be neutral (no party affiliations) and be rule of law as written.

        Making it easier for third/alternative political parties/candidates into the electoral system.

        Keeping the Electoral College.  (It does exactly what the founders hoped for it would do/what it prevents from happening.)

        Making rules/laws when it comes to politicians switching parties (ie. they can only win their seat if they switch parties.)  With term limits and having to wait at least one election cycle before entering under a new party.  Otherwise it looks like the candidate is more interested in power(staying in power) than serving the people/political party/ideals.

        And making it mandatory your primary residence and the amount of time you physically have to live there before and during ALL (Congress, Senate, POTUS, SCOTUS, etc.)  ie. you can’t just hope to getting elected in an area that is pro-(your political party) and to represent those people if you are not a citizen of said area before and during your time as a (Congress, Senate, POTUS, SCOTUS, etc.)

        Making all news/reporters/etc/ to be neutral.  Or have them reclassified as a propaganda outlet and not a news outlet.


        Radical change is coming regardless.  That change can be made by us under or own power and for the better or the change will be forced upon us.

        We can either suffer for the prosperity of the future (like everyone before us) or we can simply just suffer.

        Pick one.

        usually changes are made slowly so idk how people would react to such a sudden change, would be interesting to see for sure since the two party system has been rooted for so long it might be hard for people to discard the tradition


        My Politics Professor once remarked “You have to be very careful about changes which would make the country ungovernable”.

        Imagine each member of Congress being elected as independents, each with their own political philosophies and can’t see eye to eye on any matter to the extent that they constantly oppose each other.  It would probably be difficult if not impossible to achieve a majority vote on anything.

        And in the rare cases that they do what you’d have is a de facto coalition of 100s which would make the Government extremely unstable.

        That is no way to run a  country.


          usually changes are made slowly so idk how people would react to such a sudden change,


          That is no way to run a  country.

          So everything now is awesome and the future is bright and we should just keep moving in the same direction?

          Change is COMING. It does no matter if you find it uncomfortable or you dislike it,  it’s going to happen.

          And the thought process that change is uncomfy and trying to alter the trajectory is painful is how we got here to begin with.

          The society we are in is not immortal nor is it sustainable without much care.  You not maintain it properly or neglect it, it will fall.  And no, you won’t see it coming.  Things will get bad and then almost overnight it snaps.  And then its too late.

          Turn your nose up at positive change if you wish but we are already long past the point of pain.  Either it hurts and it gets way worse or it hurts and we make it better for the long haul.  Hurt is happening regardless.


          I used to participate in local US politics in the nineties, and in those days, the general sense was that both parties were trying to do what was best for the country, but simply disagreed on how.

          Since Trump took office in 2016, it’s become steadily evident to me that that’s no longer true (if it ever was). The party system has been subverted by elitists who desire to control the country and exploit its wealth to advance a globalist agenda that has nothing to do with being of the people, by the people, or for the people.

          I don’t think the party system is to blame for that.


          don’t know about



            Ahhhh the 90’s when there just about was no racism and no one cared about your personal whatever.

            I think there has always been a “deep state” element to the government.  Most likely starting right after WW2.  But over time it grew and grew and grew.  And now the power in the federal government is held by people that you don’t elect nor do you really see and the people you do elect are more or less figureheads.  This is really not any different than the Europe where everyone has their own government but the unelected EU really sets the major policies and themes.

            The 2 parties used to align with the 2 ideologies more or less.  That being (like you said) people actually agreed on the problems but sometimes differed on solutions.  The “left” and “right” back then agreed far more than they disagreed.

            But now the 2 parties are really just 1 party and they don’t adhere to there constituents agenda so much as dictate it.

            Democrat and Republican are now just good cop and bad cop.

            Ironically, the system did not fail the people the people failed the system.

            It was assumed the federal government would become corrupt and power mad.  The people were the check to that.  But no one foresaw the people becoming corrupted and voting for things that were against there best interest simply because someone asked them to.


            I’ve always thought the party system was part of the problem. Too many people don’t vote for the person, they vote for the party. I know it first hand, I used to do Market Research and heard it myself every single day. These people know nothing about the candidate, just that they are a Dem or Rep.

            usually changes are made slowly so idk how people would react to such a sudden change, would be interesting to see for sure since the two party system has been rooted for so long it might be hard for people to discard the tradition

            We have had a fast and radical change already. In the past 10 years things have gone off the rails. Things are just escalating faster and faster right off a cliff. We are at a point now that if we DONT have a radical change to get things back to some normalcy and sanity, then it’s all over.


              I’ve always thought the party system was part of the problem. Too many people don’t vote for the person, they vote for the party. I know it first hand, I used to do Market Research and heard it myself every single day. These people know nothing about the candidate, just that they are a Dem or Rep.

              This part was not a corruption of the parties or the government.  That had already happened.  The theme that tipped the favor towards the government is when the people were corrupted.  The government offered preference, comfort and “fairness”.  It delivered none of that but people have voted based on those promises for decades starting around the time of LBJ.  The “marginalized” communities do not need more “assistance”, that’s what caused their current hardships.  But the government has convinced them the poison is the antidote so they stay on the teat.

              The government does need to be reformed.  But the only way that happens is if the people reform themselves first.

              Radical change is coming regardless.  You can either accept that and put on the shackles because they asked you to or you now make radical changes that will benefit the future.

              There is no comfortable way out.  That time has long passed.

              You either fight enslavement for the betterment of the future or you submit to it and understand that you are such a selfish bastard that you will accept comfort while others suffer.

              People have somehow come to the thought that the only thing that matters is their quality of life and that quality equals longevity.  That is backwards in both cases.

              Your goal in life is NOT simply to live as long as you can.  That has zero to do with the value of your lifetime.



              “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me: give me liberty, or give me death!”― Patrick Henry


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