How to Get Into Comics

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    I’ve been wanting to get into comics for a while now, but I don’t know where to get started.

    Does anyone have any recommendations for any Marvel/DC comics to get so I can get started?


    Firstly, are you looking at getting into the physical comic book?  Or doing just digitally?


    As a long time DC fan/collector, DC is going thru a big change right now, so I would not recommend doing their main big titles/characters right now.


    We had in another thread where we had talked about great story-arcs worth reading.


    This is a good way to get used to some of the characters before committing to a monthly subscription.


    Get into manga instead. Comic are almost impossible to get into if its part of the Marvel or DC universe and not its own thing. Too much lore. Manga you just read the chapters in order without worrying about what issue or spin off to read first.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Dash_Attack.

      Do you like Star Wars or Marvel? I’m a massive comics fan and I think good starting points would be anything DARK HORSE. Spider-man. Venom. X-men.

      I’m actually more of a DC person lol but the world of DC is really intense and in my opinion, the lore is way deeper, more character interconnections between universes and it gets really crazy. Some fun ones to mention that aren’t connected to much are the Joker’s Asylum series.

      Swamp Thing is pretty cool too…sorry I’m not presenting any of this in an easy to understand way lol. I think the best way is to go to a comic store or Barnes and Noble and just look at all the comics until you find something that really grabs you :)


      I think you can relax and just go for it. Don’t worry about if you’ll not “100% get it”. Enjoy the story and then see if you want to read more of the same character.

      I recommend you the DC Black Label comics of Batman: Damned and Joker by Brian Azzarello and Lee Bermejo. They’re my favorite.

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