How to solve the polarization in the USA

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub General Discussions How to solve the polarization in the USA

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  • #303716

      Surely, this country is less united than at any point I can think of.   There are 2 drivers for that.  The first is the political class pushes everyone into a tribe as much as possible and starts wars between all the tribes. This is simply about divide and conquer.

      But the second reason is something I don’t see many people talking about.

      People in this country have always been diverse, different and of different opinions.  The “melting pot” worked fine for 200+ years because everyone sat in their corner of the country (state), made the laws locally that served them as they saw fit and did not care much about what other states were doing.

      However, what is going on now is the Federal government is trying to centralize power and force their will upon the states.  So instead of areas of the country customizing how they wish to live their lives you have people in congress attempting to make a 1 size fits all way of life.  This is why people are so divided because most people disagree with that as it breaks the entire mechanic of the melting pot.

      To solve this is fairly simple on paper.  Stop the encroachment of the Federal government on people’s freedoms.  Push power back to the states where it belongs.  There are very few things the Federal government should be responsible for, the states should be deciding everything else for themselves.  Let people live the way they want.  If California wants to be super woke, let them.  And you want that life move there.  If people in Florida want to be conservative, let them.  And if you like that way of life go there.   Simple.

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