I dislike the Conservative ree’ing

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      The problem man is that to evolve, all sides need to work together for the best outcome.  Right now you have one facet of society going off the deep end and screaming that if you so much as disagree with them bad things need to happen to you.  That is not evolution, that is tyranny.

      Folks in general need to stop looking for their differences and find common ground like they used to.  That goes for all sides.  This is how evolution is fostered.


      @Vknid of course it depends on the subject matter. But there will always he opponents. People resisted the idea to abolish slavery and people are still today resisting the idea that gay people should have the same rights as everyone else. People with no mobility in their opinions and are just staying stuck in the same opinions they had 40 years ago and still think gay people are diagusting and that it’s okay to call black people monkeys or N word and so on because ”it was okay back in my days”. These people are just fossils stuck in the past who fell off from the evolution of society.

      But I do agree with you. I just gave an example where sometimes the shift in what is considered okay in political debates is justified and that’s how the world works. Some things I disagree with (such as being able to identify as whatever etc) but some things I think is absolutely beneficial where the common political opinion shifts (such as society being more acceptable of pride and gay rights now than in 10 years ago)



        Sure, there will always be opponents and people will always disagree.  But the whole “agree with me or you are banned from society” is the issue and that is ACTUAL tyranny.  There can be no evolution or acceptance in that way.  Forced compliance is not tolerance nor understanding and it fosters the opposite feelings.

        I mean look at the very things you just mentioned.  Are these real issues?  No, they are manufactured crisis’s because the radical left needs a boogeyman to turn out the vote.

        I know that wasn’t your point man and I am not trying to argue.  I am just sick of the nonsense over nothing while real issues are ignored.

        The real battle is not left vs right or anything or 2 things you can think of.  It’s really the people vs. the goverment at this point.

        • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Vknid.

        But the whole “agree with me or you are banned from society” is the issue and that is ACTUAL tyranny.

        I mean in civilized countries you don’t get banned from society for disagreeing unless you’re on some crazy delsuional shit like supporting ethnical genocide or something. I’d like to hear some examples where you get banned from society for a different opinion since I’m curious.

        I mean look at the very things you just mentioned.  Are these real issues?  No, they are manufactured crisis’s because the radical left needs a boogeyman to turn out the vote.

        I think gay people being recognized as normal human beings and having the same rights as everyone else is a real issue. And even if they would suddenly get the same rights worldwide, they are still stigmatized in society.


          Some examples?  Dude, go jump on Twitter and say “men are not women” and see what happens to you.  Say “men cannot get pregnant” and see how fast you get banned.  How many times have people or platforms gotten banned off the internet or fired from their jobs for having the wrong opinion?  If you don’t see the most obvious things then I am not sure how I can help you to see it.

          “I think gay people being recognized as normal human beings and having the same rights as everyone else is a real issue.”

          And where in the western world is this an actual problem?  Did you not see the pics of the streets lined with the pride flag in the UK?  Yes, very oppressed.

          Now if you want to have the conversation about places outside of the west where this is an issue we can.  Heck, some of those same places still employ actual slavery.

          Right now you cannot publicly criticize radical gender theory, crt or say you think anything is wrong with any of that stuff without being attacked.  How in the hell do you equate that to oppression and missing rights?

          If you want to fall for the division and play the “i hate every tribe but my own” game you go right ahead.  But all it shows is a lack of information and a lazy mind.



          Hate to play devil’s advocate, but if you want to be 100% technical about it, men can get pregnant.

          “Women” and “men” are the terms for genders. Gender is a grammatical and sociological term. Not a biological term. The biological term is “sex”.
          These derive from latin “genus” and “sexus” which even 2000 years ago where used that way. “Genus” was used for lineage, not a person’s sex. This also extended to German and French later on (the languages from which English later developed). The German word “Geschlecht” (Gender) was used for royal bloodlines.
          German and French are also gendered languages. Meaning every noun has a gender. French has two, male and female, German has three genders (male, female, neutral).
          You’ve probably heard the french term “Bonne Chance” which means “good luck”.  “bonne” is the female form of bon (good) and denotes that chance is female. Similarly, sportscar is female in French, male in German, but in english it’s all the same.

          English is a non gendered language. There’s no conjugation of adjectives or verbs in relation to nouns. So while if I were to say “the beautiful sportscar” in french, I would use the female version of beautiful, and the male version in german, but in English it’s all the same. Beautiful is the same whether it’s a beautiful woman, man or car.

          Bit of a tangent, but just to explain the function of the term “gender” as a grammatical and sociological term. Again, it is NOT a biological term, and has nothing to do with chromosomes.
          Evidence of it being a sociological term is also found in the term “gender roles”. For example, in the past, the breadwinner was a male gender role. Likewise, caretakers and nurses were considered female. So much so that today we still use the term “male nurse”.  “Stewardess” was always considered female, until it was changed to flight attendant as men began to be hired. Pants used to be considered purely men’s clothes. It was even illegal for women to wear them in some regions, as it was considered crossdressing. This changed in WW2, when women started to work in factories, where a dress would not only be impractical, but also pose a safety risk.
          So you see, Gender roles in society are fluid and relative to the surroundings. They’re not set in stone and not tied to chromosomes. A stay at home dad fulfills a female gender role. A female who earns more than her husband fulfills a male gender role. It’s called breadwinner, not breadwinneress after all.
          People who change their sexual gender first and foremost denote a change in their societal role. Or sexual role. Examples can range from sissy boys to tomboys to crossdressers to people who fully want to change their gender and live as the opposite sex. Often (but not always) there will be some degree of gender misalignment syndrome present, which can be tested for with immunoassays and f-mri scans.
          So when a female decides to change her gender to man, she will remain female. Her chromosomes and biology won’t change. She may live as a man (fulfilling a societal male gender role), but she will never become a male (the biological term). And yes, she can still become pregnant.

          So yes, a “man” can become pregnant, but a “male” never can.

          Changing your gender isn’t really all that big of a deal. It’s as easy as putting on a dress. People get worked up about it, because they see it as some attack on biology. It’s not. Because “gender” isn’t a biological term.

          On that note, there are more cases of gender misalignment than just transgenders. For a strong example, look up men with “complete androgen insensitivity syndrome”

          They have photos there. These are unoperated biological males with XY chromosomes. But no one in their right mind would consider them men. Quoting ”

          All human fetuses begin fetal development looking similar, with both the Müllerian duct system (female) and the Wolffian duct system (male) developing. It is at the seventh week of gestation that the bodies of unaffected individuals with the XY karyotype begin their masculinization: i.e., the Wolffian duct system is promoted and the Müllerian duct system is suppressed (the reverse happens with typically developing females). This process is triggered by androgens produced by the gonads, which in individuals with the XX karyotype had earlier become ovaries, but in XY individuals typically had become testicles due to the presence of the Y Chromosome. The cells of unaffected XY individuals then masculinize by, among other things, enlarging the genital tubercle into a penis, which in females becomes the clitoris, while what in females becomes the labia fuses to become the scrotum of males (where the testicles will later descend).

          Individuals affected by CAIS develop a normal external female habitus, despite the presence of a Y chromosome,[1][5][6][7][8][9] but internally, they will lack a uterus, and the vaginal cavity will be shallow”

          A similar thing happens in gender misalignment syndrome. Parts of the sexual cortex of the brain don’t fully develop to align with the sex of the fetus. So you have a physiological male with a female sexual cortex (or vice versa). Male hardware, female software.

          These are birth defects. To present them as mental illness is a severe insult and is about as cruel as accusing someone in a wheelchair of being too lazy to walk. Conservatives who pick on transgender or non-binary people are essentially mocking and insulting people for birth defects – while confusing the biological and sociological terms sex and gender, which makes them look not only like bullies but like morons as well.

          This is why I recommend a different approach: one based entirely on compassion and scientific facts.

          Technically, the right could have science on its side here. The left presents transgenderism as a lifestyle choice. It isn’t. They present it as a psychological condition – again, it isn’t. There are actual tests you can do to determine if gender misalignment syndrome is present. But the psychiatrists sending kids to gender realignment surgery and put them on hormones don’t actually do these tests. Never. Which is why so many people end up with regrets post transition and even kill themselves.

          The left has entirely politicized the transgender issue to present themselves as compassionate, when the only real goal is to stick it to conservatives. If conservatives actually used their brains for once (I know, it’s asking a lot) and approached the issue rationally, they could formulate a much better strategy, which would not only be science based and compassionate, but actually help prevent a lot of false transitions and save thousands of lives.

          It starts with small things. 1. using precise language.   2. understanding the actual pathogenesis of the various forms of gender misalignment (androgen deficiency, intersex, gender dysphoria, hormone imbalanaces and finally mental illness in some cases)   3. Treating a medical issue from a medical perspective. Not from a political or religious perspective. This means that before a cure is prescribed (i.e. banning transition surgeries), diagnostics are needed. On an individual basis, because every patient is an individual.



            No, men cannot get pregnant.  Man = male

            Anyone would think that.


              Nice word Salad. Let me simplify it for you

              B======D~~~ (o) Works
              (0) ~~~(0) Does not work
              B=====D~~~ꓷ====ꓭ Does not work


              Some examples?  Dude, go jump on Twitter and say “men are not women” and see what happens to you.

              seems like a lot of people have done it without trouble, for example Michael Knowles. And I’m sorry, but if you really think getting suspended on twitter for posting wack = ”getting banned from society” then maybe rethink who the real snowflake is. It’s funny how people on the right play the victim just as much as on the left with all the ”society of chaotic evil is trying to destroy me”.

              Twitter is a private social media platform so they are allowed to make rules. If you violate the rules ad post cringy stuff you get to sit out for a while. Nothing more serious. Don’t like the platform? Get out then. In a similar way, people have been banned from Trump’s ”truth” social for posting about the violent January 6th coup d’etat attempt. Are they also being banished to the shadow realm from the tyrannical society? Or myself, I got banned from a batshit lunatic Trump circlejerk Telegram group for insisting that it wasn’t Antifa and BLM who organized the coup d’etat attempt.

              And where in the western world is this an actual problem?

              Bolivia, Honduras, Nicaragua, Jamaica,  Paraguay, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Hungary to name a few. Also, such civilized countries like Austria and Switzerland only made same sex marriage legal very recently(2019 and 2021). So yeah, the work isn’t done yet.

              Also, In many countries where it is legal, the support for equal rights for gay people is under 50% meaning even if they can legally marry, they are not oppressed by the laws but they are socially as the majority of the people still think they are below straight people.

              Did you not see the pics of the streets lined with the pride flag in the UK?  Yes, very oppressed.

              I have seen it, and it’s fucking based. Spreading awareness about gay people in order to make people realize they should be treated equally is absolutely awesome. Even if you yourself understand it, many people don’t. 70% of Americans think gay people should have equal rights while in 1996 it was only 27%. Pride as a concept and celebrating pride month was established in 1999, so I’m not sure how much it has affected on the growth but either way, the society is progressing but the work isn’t done. Having pride flags waving on the streets for one month every year doesn’t take away the fact that almost every third American think gay people are sub humans who don’t deserve the same rights so yes, they are socially oppressed.


                I don’t think any of those places you mentioned are considered western world. No one disputes there are places where people who are different (gay or otherwise) are treated differently.  But oddly enough, I don’t hear about riots, marches or demonstrations in those places very often if ever.

                So lining the streets with flags is based to spread awareness.  Who is not aware of gay people?

                “every third American think gay people are sub humans”

                That’s BS and you know it.  I am sure there are a few who think that but every 3rd?  You are just looking for a boogeyman. And that’s all any of this is about.  Gay folks have no less rights than anyone else in the west there is no great struggle, they are not oppressed.  In fact it is openly celebrated.  I am pretty sure at what point you can have open parades through public streets the oppression is pretty much gone.

                At the end of the day this is a wedge issue used to create tribes and division so the elites/politicians can do as they please while the people fight among each other never realizing (gay/straight, white/black, whatever/whatever) that they are all on the same side/team and they had the power all along to change things.

                As far as the twitter thing I believe Knowles was suspended multiple times so that’s not true.  People have been banned for simply saying men are not women. And that was only an example.  A number of folks have been banned off the internet entirely or had their platforms banned. When you have big tech working together (and it does) and bans someone off most every public facing platform it stifles their ability to speak publicly.

                EDIT – I just watched a WION video about a small pride march in Turkey.

                • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Vknid.
                • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Vknid.

                @SuperSoynic_Speed “Why is there such a stigmatization against homosexuality?”





                It’s a God damn mystery.



                Screenshot 2022-07-06 at 13-29-23 HoroTheWiseWolf 🔵 on Gab 'Gay pride Intestinal parasites from eating ass …'

                Screenshot 2022-07-06 at 13-30-40 HoroTheWiseWolf 🔵 on Gab 'Gay pride Intestinal parasites from eating ass …'

                The anus is not a sex organ, stop treating it like one.


                @FallenOmegaStar I know you’re passionate on this topic, but we need to dial it back some of the more explicit stuff.



                I don’t think any of those places you mentioned are considered western world. No one disputes there are places where people who are different (gay or otherwise) are treated differently.  But oddly enough, I don’t hear about riots, marches or demonstrations in those places very often if ever.

                since when has Europe and EU countries not been a part of the western world? Do you think the western world is only the US and Canada? And even if you try to back pedal on your statement and change it to democratic civilized instead of western countries then Poland and Hungary, for example, still fill those criterias. Also, there are pride parades in all of those countries. I think the problem is that American news (I assume you’re American) covers mostly topics related to America so people ae unaware. But the problem is that in countries where gay right supporters are minorities, the awareness spreading isn’t very effective yet. It takes time, for people to realize that resisting human rights for gays is just idiotic and maybe a generation of homophobes need to kick the bucket before the change can be implemented.

                So lining the streets with flags is based to spread awareness.  Who is not aware of gay people?

                “every third American think gay people are sub humans”

                That’s BS and you know it.

                Don’t be silly, I know you don’t think the awareness spreading is to make people gay people exist. It’s to normalize and spread awareness that being gay is okay and people shouldn’t be scared of them.

                Also don’t twist my words. I said almost one third. In 2022, 71% of Americans support gay marriage which is the highest ever, meaning 29% of Americans still think they don’t deserve the same rights as straight people. https://19thnews.org/2022/06/marriage-equality-lgbtq-record-poll/2

                cool it with the subliminal homophobic remarks. You make it seem like a very common problem. Just as well straight people can suffer from injuries like vaginal laceration or vaginal infections from unhygienic sex.

                The fourth picture you sent baffles me. It’s not related to being gay, it’s related to an insane amount of sex partners while being unprotected. Go to Thailand as a straight guy and have unprotected sex with 300 girls and you’re gonna have a sting in your dick. Or are you trying to tie this to the 1980’s homophobic hysteria about how only gay people gives and gets STDs? This is just some bullshit.


                The anus is not a sex organ, stop treating it like one.

                You’re not making arguments why being gay should be stigmatized, you’re making arguments why unorthodox sex should be stigmatized. What about straight couples who try anal sex, oral sex, tittyfucking etc? None of those are sex organs, should a guy who gets his dick sucked by his wife be considered weird and icky?

                The only thing I agree with you is that the hypersexualization of gays portrayed both by companies (5th picture)  and by some people in the parade (3rd picture) should be stopped.  But saying gay people are yucky because a couple weirdos are dressing up like latex dogs in a parade with hundreds if not thousands of people is like saying all white people should be stigmatized because some of them like to shoot up schools.


                For real, can someone please fix this forum. It’s been like 2 years and everytime I write a longer response and click submit it just disappears and I’m too lazy to write it again. I had to drop out from a couple arguments because I just said fuck it after writing a response for like 10 minutes and then it just disappears

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