I don’t get the TLOU2 hate

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    *spoilers for The Last of Us 2*


    I really don’t get why people the the plot so much. The main narrative makes sense (even if it is a bit messier than the 1st game) but the death of Joel, as well as the ending, made sense on a thematic level. What I don’t understand is why people are calling it “bad storytelling” when everything works just fine. I think people are severely overreacting. Like, review bombing on Metacritic? C’mon.





      1 . part 2 story is a pile of puppy shit compared with the first one.

      2. joel in part 2 is a dummie and noob, it’s like a different character all of a sudden.

      3. why so many identity politics shoved down the gamer’s throat? is that helpful for the game story?

      4. is abby a likeable character like joel was in the 1st game? did you enjoy playing as her/him/them? (if you played the game that is…)

      5. abby doesnt deserve to die? what’s the moral of the story then… all men bad? daddy issues?

      6. why is it review bomb? can’t people have different opinions from the elite critics?

      7. is it okay to falsely promote the game using joel for 1/2 years and then kill him right in the beginning of the game? was it a prank?

      1. Just saying “story is bad” isn’t constructive.
      2. Characters change, especially after several years have passed.
      3. What identity politics and how, specifically, do they ruin the game? I keep hearing this and I don’t understand.
      4. I have mixed feelings playing as Abby, but at the same time, she sought revenge for someone killing her father figure while Ellie is also seeking revenge for the killing of her own father figure. Does that mean they’re both bad people if they have similar motivations and inciting incidents?
      5. I don’t know if Abby deserves to die. And I don’t know where you would get the “all men bad? Daddy issues?” part of it.
      6. If you look on the PlayStation store, you’ve got over 7,000 reviews with like 4.5 stars out of 5. These are people who have actually played the game. I’m not saying that all of the negative reviews on MetaCritic are fake, but if you just look at them, there are many that are clearly written just to bring the score down. Textbook review bombing. MetaCritic is a very popular site and they don’t verify if you’ve played the game or not.
      7. Trailers, more often than not, feature footage that either goes unused or undergoes changes during development time. This goes for movies, games, TV shows, every piece of media that uses trailers. Not showing Joel in the trailers would just make everyone angrier. Joel’s death lingers over everything in the game and his appearance is extremely integral to the plot. It’s not “false promotion,” it’s a twist.

      Since I haven’t played the game, I won’t argue about any of the game’s actual content.

      However, if you’re wondering why there is hate, it’s not all about the game specifically, but about the developer, Naughty Dog, and the game’s writer, Neil Druckmann. In case you didn’t know, footage and story details from the game were leaked prior to the game’s release. This led to many YouTubers and influencers commenting on the leaks. If Naughty Dog had just ignored it, these influencers would’ve just said their piece and moved on, but that isn’t what happened. Naughty Dog and those associated with them went on attack mode, abusing the copyright strike system on social media platforms, and suspending, striking, and taking down anyone who even dare speak about the leaks. It should be noted that some of these influeners didn’t use any physical copyrighted material and were just simply talking about them. This intensified the hate surrounding the game and the developers. So if you’re wondering why there is still hate even if you think the game is good, it also has to do the developers’ reaction to fan critique.

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Verkano.

      I know about the leaks and I understand why people are about that. Clearly Naughty Dog was upset about the leaks, as they had every right to be even though some of those leaks proved to be false. I do think they overreacted and abused the copyright strikes. That being said, I don’t really care because once the game came out people have been losing their minds. What is surprising to me more than anything else is how people have overreacted to the game’s story.


        And I don’t get anyone that doesn’t hate it.
        But luckily, we live in a society that, for now, doesn’t require hive mind mentality (although mainstream and social media is trying it’s damnedest to change that). We are allowed to like things others don’t.
        I love Final Fantasy XIII. I don’t need to anyone else to like it to feel validated.
        I am glad you enjoy it.

        I will say I think a lot of the hate is from Sony’s reaction to people reporting and voicing opinions on the leaks more than the game itself.  I didn’t like the first game so was never going to get TLOU2 but, after what Sony did (trying to use it’s corporate influence to silence free speech), I will not be getting a PS5.
        I say this as someone that has owned every Sony system (including the Vita TV) since 1997.


        I respect the fact you replied, thank you. I disagree with you, but it’s okay. It seems we have different standards. You probably are easy going, you watch some bad quality tv show or movie and are okay with that, I don’t. I just want quality, specially if I’m paying for it. Naughty Dog did a hell of a job with the first game, they gain our trust and we gave them our money, they had no right, in my opinion, to do this 2nd game like this.

        Also we probably have different social/political views. But I respect your opinion. About the PlayStation ratings, of course they block bad ratings, just like they hide the likes/dislikes/comments of TLOU2 content. They do that all the time, also deleted many negative comments on social media. After all, it’s their exclusive game. Cheers


          NienNub24, I”m assuming you haven’t played the game yet.

          If you’ve listened to the related commentary on various YouTube channels, posted both before and after the release, then I’m not sure what anyone else can tell you to further explain the objections.

          Speaking for myself, I knew first after watching the 2017 trailer and second after reading an interview with Neil Druckmann in 2018, that I didn’t want to play this game.  For others, it took the leaks to dissuade them.  For others still, it was Sony’s knee jerk reaction to the leaks that was the final straw.

          Maybe you are one of those people who just needs to play it, to judge for yourself.   It’s possible you might like it; apparently some do.

          On the other hand, if you have played the game, I don’t think you are going to “get the hate”, if you yourself don’t hate it and don’t see any reason to hate it, after having played it.


          I don’t like to think of myself as having standards, honestly. When I watch a bad movie or show I think about it, talk it over with friends, maybe read an analysis online, form an opinion and then move on with my life. I enjoy “bad” movies like Freddy Got Fingered specifically BECAUSE it’s dumb, but I also enjoy Oscar bait and art house stuff for different reasons. I don’t know about you but I’ve never had a movie or show negatively impact my life. Besides, Naughty Dog had every right to do what they did. It’s their game. They made it. If you demand something better then go make it yourself.

          • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by NienNub24.

          What I’m trying to figure out is why everyone else hates it so much. So many people on these forums are trash talking the game (I don’t care if they trash talk Naughty Dog, that’s a different discussion) but the hatred for the story, specifically, is what I’m unable to wrap my head around, because the story makes perfect sense to me.


          I’ve already had these discussions with several people and they didn’t go well, all we could agree on was we deserved better, Joel deserved better.

          After playing Part 1 I thought a lot about Joel’s final actions, against the Firefly’s and lying to Ellie.

          He should’ve told Ellie the truth which brings me to my assessment of the Firefly’s, I saw a beaten and broken people who jumped the steps to a potential vaccine.

          I say potential because I never saw any sign they had the means to do what they claimed, thier previous outpost was the university where they had experiments on monkeys and what did we see, cages and a simple lab.

          Where’s the containment protocols?

          All it took was one lab accident and they abandoned the university.

          Than after Joel and Ellie where found by the Firefly’s did they have time to do blood tests than get a biopsy for testing?

          Wouldn’t you need to test the genetic material from her brain so you can find out what is different and if you can even get what you need?

          I don’t have answers to these questions and I didn’t see any sign they did either, what I did see was desperation from Marlene, and in her recordings she sounded near defeat, they needed this to work.

          But as it was pointed out to me I’m justifying the actions of Joel…I have to admit I am, which is why I kept thinking about this over the years to reach these conclusions.

          One more thing that bothers me, they said the infection in Ellie mutated, does that mean a vaccine made from the mutated strain wouldn’t affect the original strain…I don’t know.

          That what Joel should’ve said to Ellie, the Firefly’s didn’t know what they were doing and wouldn’t listen to reason, all they had to do was slow down, take you time and get it right.

          Edit: I just realised I didn’t talk about why I didn’t like what I saw in Part 2.

          The more info I found out the more I hated it, I’ve watch playthroughs and I hate everything I saw of the story and characters, I’ve decided to never play this game and if Naughty Dog continues with this style never gain will I buy thier games.

          Further more Sony has become unrecognisable, they’ve driven me away and I just invested my money into PC for next gen, fuck Xbox & Sony.

          • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Cerabelus.

          Maybe you have too much free time then. I can’t stand bad quality entertainment. My time is precious. Lol

          About naughty dog having the right to do whatever they want, I disagree since they tricked us, real fans of the first game. They should just changed the name then and tell us that it was going to be a different story with identity politics inside and without Joel. It’s just like the new star wars. Disney had no right to do what they did with those new woke stories, using the same name (SW) in the movies. Well, this is my opinion. Cheers


          One, one part of the leaks was fake, the other true :

          the fact people have to play abby is true

          the fact she golfed joel is true

          the fact she kills a pregnant woman is true



          Same, first trailer of the game and I was already out of the idea playing it, gameplay was as shitty as the first game no evolution, after what 7 years of “developpment” , and how they turned Ellie’s cute face to a fugly sjw

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