I Got BANNED on Twitter for Hateful Content, by Pedos!

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    Hey guys, I hope you guys are all having a great end of your work week :)
    So if you read the title of this article, you know wagwan. Also, some of you know me there at Twitter as well & you know I am about Jokes, Video Games, Movies & Openly Anti Pedophilia. It has gotten me in a bit of trouble in the past, like getting my brand GiggaVega banned from monetization on Twitter. It all started escalating with Kyle Rittenhouse. I called the kid a Hero. Why? Because he put down a piece of human garbage Joseph Rosenbaum or as the his mourners that included morons like Mark Ruffalo, “Jojo”. Jojo Rosenbaum was a 9 time convicted child molester. Kyle was an unwitting hero, he saved undoubtedly dozens more children, Jojo was constantly in & out of jail…WTF! WHY?
    With that tweet, Twitter suspended me for 2 weeks & banned me for monetization across all my accounts. To this day, I still can’t apply for a professional account to advertise my Youtube channel with Boosts.
    Anyways, fast forward to Feb 24th, I logged in to my twitter & an hour later I could not refresh my feed. I go to my profile & saw 0 followers & 0 Following. Under that I saw “Your account is Permanently Suspended & You cannot create new accounts”
    Why? Because, a day ago, I called out this Twitter account called VirPed, which stands for Virtuous Pedophiles. I checked out their website, a Dot Org, just like NAMBLA has (North American Man Boy Love Association)
    So I told them they are not virtuous & that there is no such thing a Good Pedophile that is seeking acceptance, they are wolves in sheep’s clothing. I also said that I did not care how many Pedophiles are depressed & feel outcast by society, it is for a good reason they feel that way & that the world will NEVER accept them because with them comes Child Suffering.
    Well since Twitter has been on me for years, they either HATED my Aggressively Apathetical tweet or VirPed reported me for harassment (which I know they did since they blocked me hours before my ban. I appealed the ban & now waiting. The more I thought about it the crazier it drove me. I went into a state of Rage Depression, I could not believe that I have been putting my face & voice out there for years, raising awareness about this stuff & for years, crazy groomers have been trying to take me down, none succeeded, until A Real group of Pedophiles flagged me & took me down. 1 account with one order to twitter took me down. Pedophiles took me down. The Evil has triumphed over the good.
    I know how aggressive I am about this, but mark my words, A pedophile that is seeking acceptance is anything but Virtuous. Let me fill you guys in about these guys.
    You can check out their .org it’s virtuous pedophiles, seek at your own risk, because the site authenticates you before routing you through, disgusting that they are keeping track of us like WE are the dangerous ones.
    One of the 1st things they discuss is how they wished they weren’t pedos, but they would never hurt a child. Sounds fine right? Ok. The next sentence  throws everything good about them in the garbage, where they belong. “We struggle with our sexual desires towards children & fight the urges to molest.”
    I am a heterosexual man (great song, it’s the song I live by lol) I am past my 30s I have had a few girlfriends & some flings in my time & many rejections. Never once did I ever feel a struggle to not sexually assault a woman. Because the thought NEVER crosses a normal persons mind. But these guys struggle to not sexually assault children.
    It’s the fact that they have a WANT to act that makes them a very clear & present danger to kids. There is no virtue in this.
    Also a few years ago, there was a Youtuber that went by the name Virtuous Pedophile & he made these videos & did interviews with outlets pleading his case & making the world feel sorry for him. In a video he was talking about his niece…that he babysits…and sometimes he would get these urges……so to keep his niece safe, he would run to the bathroom & jerk off… to get the desire out of his mind… Does this sound like something a sane & normal person has to do?
    Oh, it get’s worse, 2 years after the interview (I think it was with Vice) he got arrested for molesting his niece. VIRTUOUS PEDOPHILES.

    So I shot a video for my channel & I was about to edit it & reality hit me like a ton of bricks. These guys know who I am now, they have my Youtube channel name (since it was in my Twitter bio) if these garbage people took down my Twitter account in 1 day, they could do the same thing to my Youtube channel. I’ve made at least 6 Child Safety Protection Videos, they could contact Youtube & say that I made a video talking about them & harassing them or accuse me of defamation. I’m actually afraid of what these evil people could do to my brand now.
    How did we get to a point where pedophiles are the victims? I did not accuse them of anything, I clarified what they said & I am the bad guy for calling out Pedosexuals.
    You know what the worst part is? I told a bunch of people that supported me & always retweeting my stuff, even the anti groomer stuff, I thought I could count on them to help me out in some way…but nope. Silence. Pedophiles are winning, all they have to do is create the fear of being silenced.
    I’m not looking for answers, I just needed a place I could post this…..that’s it.
    Good Night.

    Banned A



      Is that a real org doing what it says or is it something else entirely?  On the face of it -IF- it was real and truthful why would it not be good?  I have often wondered what was the place for a podophile between acknowledging the attraction and then forcefully acting on it.  If there are folks saying yes I think this way and I need help I don’t see how that is a bad thing?  Am I missing something?

      How am I coming to such a thought?  Being Catholic I somewhat liken it to being gay.  No I am not saying gays are pedophiles.  I am saying that in both cases you have a sexual attraction that is considered sinful that is not supposed to be acted upon and you are called NOT to act upon.  Now even straight folks are supposed to refrain the majority of time so all humans are in that same boat to some degree.

      Overall it seems only helpful to me if people are allowed to come forward and seek help BEFORE they might offend. Now maybe there is a discussion to be had, can they be helped?  I don’t have an answer on that. And of course in my mind “help” would mean learning to not offend and learning to not give into your disordered sexual attraction. In my summation there should be no tolerance of any form of submission to it.   At no point should it EVER be accepted or considered OK. Maybe I am just being naïve and ignorant to think any of this but people are not animals and have a choice whether to act on instincts or not.  This is why people can be sinful (choose to do wrong) and animals are not.

      Look I am a parent.  I am as anti-pedophile as anyone else but I have just got to think there is a difference between knowing you think that way and actually being a predator.  Clearly the predators I have no sympathy for and wish only the worst upon them.


      • This reply was modified 2 years ago by Vknid.

        A pedophile wants to commit suicide? Good! They can go and fucking kill themselves!


        , you’re 100% free to have your opinion, but i’m 100% free to completely disagree with it

        Yes you’re being very naïve

        Also there’s a big difference between being gay and being a pedo

        You belive being gay is sinful, that’s part of your faith, fair enough

        But that doesn’t change that, if a gay man concentually has sex with another gay man, no one gets hurt

        There is no scenario in which a child gets molested and doesn’t suffer


        I’ll say it, not all psychopaths are pedophiles, but all pedophiles are psychopaths



          Yes, maybe I am being naïve.  I openly admit that. I am no pedo expert I really do not understand the illness or treatment or even the mindset.  So everything I am stating is coming off of my generalized beliefs about humans, life and my faith.

          No I did not at all mean to say someone being gay is the same as a pedo. Clearly it is not.  My point was to equate them in a way only to say they are both considered disordered sexual perversions.  Sure, they are both considered sins but are they equivalent sin?  That is only for God to say technically speaking but I don’t think they are even close.

          Now if 2 gay dudes have sex no one is hurt?  Physically no but spiritually yes. That is the way the faith see its.  It’s the same with any sin really as it separates you from God. But obviously 2 gay men is not the same as stealing the innocence from a child.

          BUT, BUT, if we say that gay guy is born that way and cannot help it so whatever he wants to do is OK, why is the same pass not allowed for pedos?  I DO NOT MEAN TO  SAY SEX WITH A CHILD IS OK NO NO NO.  I am saying if one sexuality is deemed ok, why is the other not?  My point is to say from a spiritual point neither is OK.

          Now is the discussion different in to say you are born gay but to be a attracted to children or young people only happens through trauma?  I don’t know,  I simply don’t.

          At the end of the day either morality is subjective or is isn’t.  If gay folks get to say they are born that way so it’s OK then what’s to stop anyone from saying anything is OK because of whatever reason?  You can mock that simplicity if you want but I believe this IS the slippery slope of morality that has lead us to where we are today.

          If there are pedos who do not offend and can control themselves -IF- then why not allow them to seek treatment.  Notice I said treatment and not validation. Is treatment possible?  I have no clue.  But I can see a pedo making the conversion therapy argument here too if they wanted playing devils advocate.  This is why I keep hammering the solidity of a moral standard.

          Understand I am making more questions here than statements.  I was not aware before there was a group attempting to help it.  Or so it appeared.   Maybe that’s not what they are doing, I am just taking it on face value.  I am not trying to be inflammatory here I find this topic quite interesting because of the moral arguments being made about people who might have the attraction but do not participate.


          Look, this topic is not an easy topic, I know I talk about it with ease but that’s only because I have 20 years experience dealing with this mental disorder. So I want to make something very clear, we are not talking about a person that thinks little girls & boys are attractive, there are many more men that find underage girls attractive than we can ever imagine.
          What I am talking about are the ones that have an actual attraction to kids, the ones that want to be with them in every way.
          Pedophilia stems from a state of arrested development where the guy never really grew out of his attraction to kids as he grew up. Many don’t get girlfriends their age so they find them less attractive as he gets older but the kids don’t. Also if you look at all these groomers & all the ones that get busted & stuff like that, many are severely immature, as if they are stuck in a state of arrested development. They play with toys, they watch a lot of cartoons & anime & think on the most basic levels, never have any hindsight & they screw up.
          Now, there are also the guys that are abused themselves, it’s what they learned & sometimes history repeats itself, but there are also many other factors, but it all stems from a state of arrested development.
          Most pedophiles will never act on their desires & that is good, I do not hate them because I will never hear about them &that is a virtuous pedo. But when you have a person that has admitted that he wants to engage with a minor & he struggles to not do it, that is not a good person & the stigma that he feels is Just. You might think it sucks & you might pity him but if you console him & tell him that it’s alright, he’s doing good by not acting & you like him, human behavior will make him feel safe, accepted & that he is normal. Then with that 2 things can happen. 1, he starts being more aggressive with his pursuit of kids because he no longer feels as bad about it or 2, all those guards he was putting up are lowered & he becomes more careless & puts kids in danger because he got too loose.

          There is also this very misguided belief that they cannot seek help because it does not exist OR if they seek help they will be reported.
          So to set the record straight, There are psychologists that specialize in pedophilia, they are not called pedo psychologists, they are Sexologists. Not all of them deal with pedophiles but you can call a sexologist up & request a contact of 1. They will oblige you.  (I don’t mean you as in YOU, I am using you as a general term, btw)
          2nd & extremely important. YES, the doctor will absolutely create a profile & a file of the patient. That is 100% fine & normal & Every psychologist will do it for any patient regardless of the patient. They have a legal obligation to create a file for everybody. I have a file with my psychologist because I am on Long Term Disability for depression & anxiety for 2 years now . The files are required. Now what happens with the file is completely up to the doctor & I will tell you what he takes into consideration: Is the patient a danger to himself or others. If NO, the doctor will keep the record private. If yes, the doctor has a legal obligation to report the patient.
          Meaning if the doctor things the patient could/will hurt himself he has to report. If he feels a child is in danger, then of course he has to report. In that report he details the state of the patient & surveillance is required or if an investigation for an arrest should be made.
          It’s absolutely fine for the doctor to do that because lives are at risk or the safety of a child is at risk.
          Finally the stigma associated to them is just because they have the ultimate crime, damaging a child. It’s not just the child that suffers at the hands of a child molester, everybody around the child, Present & Future will have to deal with the collateral damage that has happened. That is the tragedy that we must prevent at all costs.
          It sucks that some of them are abused as they were kids themselves, I pity the child for sure, but if he turns out to be a child abuser, my pity & heart turn stone cold because he is an adult & had every opportunity to get help.
          I always say, I would sooner sit at a table filled with Murderers & Thieves than sit at a table with 1 child molester. It’s really very simple, you can forgive & reason any crime, including Murder, that is why murder is sometimes tried as a Crime of Passion & the killer gets off or gets a light sentence because he killed the person as an act that was out of his control, like women that murder their abusers or infidelity. But child molestation does not fall under the crimes of passion, even though it is a form of passion, it’s rape or molestation.
          Steven Crowder said it best “Child abuse is the ultimate power dynamic. A child cannot do anything against the force of a full grown man.”
          Lastly, you cannot equate the sexual deviance of homosexuality to pedophilia because there is no victim is homosexuality (I am not talking about religious matters in this) But the reason why LGBT has always been entangled  with pedophilia is because there are large groups of gay men that are part of a group called NAMBLA: the North American Man Boy Love Association. They have been trying since the 70-80s to get coverage by the LGBT community, but the LGBT have always denied them. That was good & that is why I supported the LGBT. But I have no idea, no fucking idea at all how in mid 2022 LGBT started targeting kids. Now I do not think at all that they changed their mind about NAMBLA. What I believe happened was that NAMBLA got their loudest members to start fighting as hard & as loud as possible to drown out the resistance so the world will think that Pedophilia & Child grooming were not pedophilia & child grooming & that somehow, Homosexual kids, which was never a thing, were all of a sudden in danger & they had to rescue them from Conservative families. And then the lunatic Left marched for them with zero thought or hindsight, because the pedophiles finally found the gap in the armor.
          Now we have major groups like LGB Alliance or Gays Against Groomers or LGB Without The T.
          Like I said, I have been fighting this fight for decades, it is soul crushing, especially now since people turn away from men like me that call out the Pedosexual movement & we get banned & punished & labeled hateful all because the world is afraid of being canceled or called out. I’m not going to stop fighting these demons as long as I breath.
          I hope I don’t have to say anything more about this because this is not “An Interesting Topic” it absolutely is not an interesting topic. You really need to stop philosophizing this because the sly ones know how to manipulate intelligent men into considering the other side & feeling sorry for them.


            Now if 2 gay dudes have sex no one is hurt?  Physically no but spiritually yes

            That is your beliefe, fair enough, but not everyone shares the same beliefes and faith, what you might see as hurting someone spiritually someone else might not, but i’m pretty sure we can agree that being hurt physically is universally seen the same by all religions


            @Vknid: Now is the discussion different in to say you are born gay but to be a attracted to children or young people only happens through trauma?  I don’t know,  I simply don’t

            : It sucks that some of them are abused as they were kids themselves, I pity the child for sure, but if he turns out to be a child abuser, my pity & heart turn stone cold because he is an adult & had every opportunity to get help

            It probably does take a lot of trauma to fuck someone up that bad, but i honestly couldn’t give two shits how traumatized someone is, if you go on and traumatize someone else, you become the bad guy and i’ll kick your bloody ass


            there are many more men that find underage girls attractive than we can ever imagine … Most pedophiles will never act on their desires

            Ehh… no

            1) There is no way there are “many” more pedos then one couls imagine, now could they be in the millions? Yes… out of 7 billion+ people on the planet!

            2) Pedo women exist too, what’s with the “many more men” thing?

            3) You think these people won’t act on it?? You think the ones who “don’t act” won’t as soon as they get the chance??


            Also if you look at all these groomers & all the ones that get busted & stuff like that, many are severely immature, as if they are stuck in a state of arrested development. They play with toys, they watch a lot of cartoons & anime & think on the most basic levels, never have any hindsight & they screw up.

            Seriously? That is the equivalent of saying “if you’re a boy and like Barbie you’re trans” THAT IS NOT HOW IT WORKS!!!

            There’s plenty of adults who still enjoy playing with toys and watching cartoons, especially ones they grew up with and have fond memories of

            And anime… ANIME??? Dude anime isn’t exclusively geard towards kids, and even the anime that are geard towards kids and teens usually have much better writing and storytelling than most western shows geard at adults, so yes pretty sure those anime are just as popular with kids as they are with adults!



            Played with toy cars and dinosaurs when I was a kid because I found them more entertaining than Barbi dolls (dolls freak me out). The only one I had any kindness towards was the Midnight Barbi and my mum’s old Cindy doll. If any of these crazy people call me trans for liking dinosaurs and toy cars when I was little I’d just laugh in their face. I also still watch a lot of cartoons at my age because I’ve always preferred animation over live action even as a child.


            Yeah, this guy was definitely one…


              I know we are all agreeing and disagreeing to different levels.  But I find conversation about such an inflammatory topic hopeful because it shows people CAN discuss things.  Even controversial or things that can incur anger.


              You clearly know far more about the topic then I.  I can respect that but I have some respectful responses.

              “Most pedophiles will never act on their desires & that is good, I do not hate them because I will never hear about them &that is a virtuous pedo. ”

              OK so we agree that it is a desire that is chosen to acted upon or not and that they are some out there whom might suffer this attraction that chose not to act.  This was the section of folks I was talking about.  I think it should be allowed for someone to say I suffer from this help me.  But clearly predators should be severely punished.  Me being a father I am sure you can figure out my position on that.

              “Lastly, you cannot equate the sexual deviance of homosexuality to pedophilia because there is no victim is homosexuality (I am not talking about religious matters in this) But the reason why LGBT has always been entangled  with pedophilia is because there are large groups of gay men ”

              I understand your point and it is valid.  But I think the 2 can also be compared. And that comparison is the argument pedos use to validate their desires as a sexuality.  But let’s not mince words.  2 consenting adults is very different than an adult raping a child.

              “Like I said, I have been fighting this fight for decades, it is soul crushing”

              I worked for a Sheriff’s Dept long time back for several years. Their was a juvenile detective division. No one lasted long in it for obvious reasons.

              “I hope I don’t have to say anything more about this because this is not “An Interesting Topic” it absolutely is not an interesting topic. You really need to stop philosophizing this because the sly ones know how to manipulate intelligent men into considering the other side & feeling sorry for them.”

              I used the wrong word.  Not interesting.  Of value, for all the reasons you are talking about.  Arming folks with knowledge (technically and morally) is a good thing so if we are confronted with this evil we can react properly.  And clearly it’s getting out of control.  Someone put out a video recently reporting about a drag show for “babies”.  I sh!t you not.



                Same, for me it was my uncle’s collection of Matchbox cars and Star Wars action figures, which i then started collecting my own action figures and Hot Wheels, and now my younger cousin got me addicted to Tomica 🚗

                • This reply was modified 2 years ago by DigiCat.

                Screenshot 2023-03-05 at 08-35-00 5c07296ea122103a.webp (JPEG Image 460 × 460 pixels)



                John Stewart Thinks 1st Amendment Allows Him to Show Kids His Penis
                Salty Cracker


                @DigiCat 3) You think these people won’t act on it?? You think the ones who “don’t act” won’t as soon as they get the chance??

                there are non offending pedophiles for sure. People who are attracted towards minors but understand it is wrong and are not acting upon their desires.


                  there are non offending pedophiles for sure. People who are attracted towards minors but understand it is wrong and are not acting upon their desires

                  If they understand it’s wrong they wouldn’t have that desire in the first place


                    “If they understand it’s wrong they wouldn’t have that desire in the first place”

                    I disagree.  I think there are many a desire people have that if enacted on would be wrong or even horrifically wrong. Some of those may be point in time situations or some might be ongoing due to mental illness.

                    Just because we desire or want something, even if that something makes us feel good in the moment, does not make it right.  In fact often times those things are the most unhealthy to mind, body and soul.

                    As a Catholic, this is an argument against sin.  And it goes for all desires that are “disordered” whether that be straight, gay or pedophile.

                    This current western society seems determined to make itself happy for 5 mins at a time until it’s dead instead of seeking the things that give us long term contentment.   Delayed gratification is the path to personal and lifelong success.  Giving in to everything at all times just makes you an animal.




                      May be i completely misworded that

                      Yes it’s true that a lot of human desires are unhealthy and sometimes downright wrong, but i think this specific situation doesn’t fall in the usual “i won’t fulfill my desire ’cause i know it’s wrong”, because in this case that “desire” has the impact of hurting a child, and anyone with half a functioning brain would be disgusted by that and therfor not desire that, while people who do desire that don’t have the moral capacity to care about not hurting a child, so what’s stopping them to act on that desire? The answer is absolutely nothing

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