Geeks + Gamers › Forums › Entertainment › YouTube › I really triggered an SJW this time
Wow….I mean….wow……after fighting down the urge to take this self righteous SJW down a peg or two, I feel so good that I triggered one of them to just word vomit all over my comments section.
I consider this a trophy on my wall. I really triggered this bitch. I mean, I’ve gotten some good SJW reactions before….but this is the kind of crazy the bigger channels get on a daily basis.
Another rank up achieved, I guess.
For your enjoyment this is in regards to a Marina Sirtis being an absolute bitch video a I made earlier this month. Note the SJW tactics of replacing letters in words with signs to avoid being flagged for abuse:
Sirtis lives in the UK. Here in Europe, no meetings with general admissions of the public are allowed to convey without the participants being double vaxxed, a valid Covid tests or Covid immunity which is contracting Covid and being protected over three to six months. There is also mandatory wearing of face masks in public with countries with over 75% of their population vaccinated being released from Covid rules! That’s how it is over here! BTW, if you didn’t get the message, people over 65 are especially susceptible to dying of Covid and Covid related causes. The age cohert 60-65 represents about 12% of those who have died of Covid. So while you’re cracking on about how ungrateful Marina is, you forget that she hangs out with William Shatner, age 90, and Patrick Stewart, age 81. Shatner’s and Stewart’s age cohorts represent about 63% of all deaths! It would be horrible if Marina contracted Covid, had a false negative Covid test and then infected either Patrick on the set of Picard or Shatner at a con. You don’t like Sirtis, fair enough! You want to show how misogynistic you are by basically saying she’s only there for your sexual gratification and good looks, you have every right to express that.. However, when a star says she won’t appear at events because people aren’t vaccinated, then respect that! Like you, she’s upfront and hones. Although Marina is an American citizen, she doesn’t live in the US anymore. She has the same rights as you to express her opinions! It’s really sad that you have to berate not only her looks, but her decision to keep herself safe. In Europe, neither the EU nor individual states allow their citizens to run amuck and do what they please like in the US. We actually take our duty to society seriously. The majority wear masks because we respect each other, especially our elderly who worked hard to make our countries what they are today and who should enjoy their old age instead of dying in the hospital alone. BTW, if you REALLY knew Marina, she THANKS all her fans after every con. She does it more than Shatner ever did and she did cons in those far off places that Stewart and Shatner would go to such as Boise and DeMoin! She repects the fans! Too bad you’re too much of a d!psh!t to know that!
The age cohert 60-65 represents about 12% of those who have died of Covid
William Shatner, age 90, and Patrick Stewart, age 81. Shatner’s and Stewart’s age cohorts represent about 63% of all deaths!
Great, 12% out of 0.01% of the whole population, yeah, covid’s sooooo deadly… And that 63% is an age group wich unfortunately is the avarege age when humans die naturaly anyway, yes, we’re not immortal rainbow unicorns, we’re born, we live, we die, and frankly Shatner looks so healthy for a 90 year old (dude still looks like he’s in his 60s 70s!!) i wouldn’t be surprised if he lives past 100
Of course Sirtis has the right to express her opinion, same way as you have the right to express yours and make a video about her 😁 Still, whatever Sirtis’s personal opinion on the vax is, she is wrong and a hypocrit to refuse to go to a con because not everyone there will be vaxxed, ’cause i’m sure she still goes to the supermarket, the shopping mall, the bank, and many other places where people don’t even require a covid test to be there
I live in europe, and currently (at least where i am) the mask mandate is only indoors, so guess what the majority of people are like outdoors? Maskless!! And the majority of the elderly never gave a fuck about the mask, mandate or no mandate
Inciting people in this way and fighting with them over nothing is not only useless but it’s part of the problem.
We need to all seek common ground not look for reasons to be divided and then hate those we disagree with.
@Vknid Dude, there is no common ground with SJWs. Normal people can find common ground and get along when they have different opinions, but that is NEVER the case with an SJW.
I found this, and it matches @Roas sign off message to SJW’s:
Take that… SJW’s! LOL
If I were bigger and worthy of being memed at this point, after the story I told this weekend, there’d be me as Homey memes….
Well, this is close.
Curious, was that comment made “hidden” or was it deleted? As I don’t see it in the comment section of that vid.
@Legatus_Legionis hmmm…let me look…
It’s still there. If I put Newest first it shows up.