I was wrong about Joe Biden – White House hosts a “Pride Party”

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      I had said right after he got elected that in spite of the radical left voting for him that probably not much would change because most politicians do as little as possible and always try to not rock the boat for reelection.   I actually heard a political strategist once say “a politicians job is to do as little as possible to get reelected”.  And I thought that was going to be the Biden administration.

      CLEARLY, I could not have been more incorrect.  We all know Biden is not controlling or deciding anything nor is Kamala and the “administration” calls the shots.

      Well, this is the point we have devolved to now.  If America was mocked before by other countries I am sure they now just look upon us with disgust.




      Lockheed Martin as a PRIDE parade.
      Jimmy Dore did put out a video about Blackrock and ESG. It’s all corporate stuff. Paul Craig Roberts said that there has been a coup in the USA and no one knows about it.


        “Jimmy Dore did put out a video about Blackrock and ESG”

        The ESG stuff is absolutely true.  But one must ask why?  And the answer is social engineering to achieve the goals of the WEF.


        But why would the Military be subservient to the WEF?

        Unless they are running the show.


          “But why would the Military be subservient to the WEF?

          Unless they are running the show.”

          The WEF and the folks associated with it -ARE- running the show.  They are the actual puppeteers. Goverment figures are largely just their puppets.  The military industrial complex I believe to be a puppet as well.  A position they are thrilled to have because they make generational wealth consistently.

          The goals of the puppet do not at all need to align with the puppet master.  They just have to be willing to do the will of the puppet master and most are happy to fulfill that role so long as the cash is right.


            -UPDATE BELOW-

            This is akin to “at the arson convention today we held (using your money) fires were set and we find this to be inappropriate”



            Last I checked, it’s actually illegal to have any flag other than the American flag to have priority over a building. This guy needs removed and put into a care home ASAP.



            Rules for you, not for me.

            U.S. Flag Code §7. (e), which reads, “The flag of the United States of America should be at the center and at the highest point of the group when a number of flags of States or localities or pennants of societies are grouped and displayed from staffs.”

            You have to remember, these are the same group that allows for the burning of the US national flag.

            And each time a law is being made, be it the The Flag Desecration Amendment (often referred to as the Flag-Burning Amendment) or the Flag Protection Act, it was always missed passing or was later struct down.

            So having a pride/pedo flag hanging front and center in a most prominent stop on the White House tells you all you need to know.

            These DEMons are not only destroying the nuclear family (and fathers/masculinity and mothers <birthing person) but are taking parent rights away and forcing extremely toxic far alt-left indoctrinations to the kids (trans- pre-teen sexuality so the pedos/teachers can have sexual relationships with their students/young).

            It is all about control.

            Control of information.

            Control of education/indoctrination.

            Control of speech (you cannot object or the woke mob/alphabet mofia will try to cancel you, and the government calls you a domestic terrorist for standing up for your rights and for the truth, etc).


            The state believes that kids belong to them. You wonder which country has the best chances for kids, knowing this. Norway ended transgender stuff.
            There’s something wrong with this song, even in jest. This type of message is normal in gay settings. This is why, no, I don’t think drag shows and gay bars are a blast.


            Screenshot 2023-06-14 at 11-05-39 gallery_medium-899912816 (JPEG Image 600 × 400 pixels)


            It may have been a pride party on the outside, but inside it was a pedo party.

            The left is pushing hard recently to declare children state property.
            See examples here:


            It’s always been about children. Because the ruling elite are pedophiles. All of them.


              “The left is pushing hard recently to declare children state property.”

              Yes, and that is a marxist/communist thing of course. But it’s worse than that as they try to normalize prostitution, they speak about lowering age of consent and their holy grail of normalizing pedophilia.   They have been taking shots at that pedophilia thing for years.


              “In a move toward destigmatizing pedophilia”


              Sick Leftist DEMonS.


              Now after getting its 15 minutes of fame, to continue to get attention we get:

              Trans Activist Apologizes for Going Topless At White House

              Transgender influencer and activist Rose Montoya issued an apology on Friday after facing widespread backlash when she removed her top during a Pride celebration on the White House lawn.

              “Today I need to apologize,” Montoya…

              Now that you got your image and name out, and before it dies down…

              Montoya’s topless video was met with strong opposition, with some calling it a “disgrace”.

              The White House also spoke out against the action and called it “inappropriate” and “disrespectful”.

              “This behavior is inappropriate and disrespectful for any event at the White House,” a White House spokesperson told … on Tuesday in response to the video. “It is not reflective of the event we hosted to celebrate LGBTQI+ families or the other hundreds of guests who were in attendance. Individuals in the video will not be invited to future events.”

              But is does reflect the agenda/ideology they are pushing.

              “In a quick moment of fleeting and overwhelming trans joy, I decided to do something unbecoming of a guest of the president at the White House Lawn celebration,” Montoya said…

              “It was also never my intention to create a situation that would lead to harassment and harm of myself and others, nor for trans joy,” Montoya said.

              But the attention, to stroke your ego/clicks/likes/etc.

              The only thing you are sorry for is the negative attention your inappropriate behaviour caused you.  Actions have consequences, as your inappropriate behaviour is now proving.


              Lowering the age of consent could make sense from a legal standpoint. There are too many young men who have their life ruined for being wooed by a 15 year old who knows exactly what she’s doing.

              But yeah, the regime doesn’t really care about teens. They like them 6 year olds…


              • This reply was modified 1 year ago by Wisdom.
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