I was wrong about Joe Biden – White House hosts a “Pride Party”

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  • #301592

    Lowering the age of consent could make sense from a legal standpoint.

    I disagree with that statement.

    When consent was only for legally married couples, everything was ok.

    Then they decided people needed to learn about sex BEFORE marriage, and people started to have sex outside of marriage.

    Then, as a result of them seeing that, they decided they needed to push sex ed to a younger age, and guess what?  They started to have sex.

    The lower the age sex ed was being taught, the younger the age they started to have sex.

    See a pattern here?

    The extremely toxic far alt-left WANTS sex with younger and younger people.  Then they can say “Hey, if two pre-teens can have consensual sex, why can’t a pre-teen have consensual sex with…”

    This is part of the “slippery slop” that was warned about, and is happening.


    Well there’s a difference between sex education and the crap they do in American schools. When I went to school in Europe, we had sex ed in 3rd grade. But basically its only purpose was to alert us to the fact that sex exists, babies don’t come from storks, not to have sex or the girls would get pregnant and also to recognize when grownups might touch us inappropriately or try to flirt, etc. It made sense. Kids who grow up totally sheltered from sexual information will either learn it from each other or online. But they will learn it one way or the other. Ideally they should learn about it from their parents and not from each other where they become pregnant. There’s not a 14 year old girl out there who’s not sexually active. Sex ed probably won’t change that in either direction. It’s biology.

    I never got the slippery slope logic. That would be the same logic as saying legalizing guns is a slippery slope to legalizing murder, or legalizing alcohol is a slippery slope to legalizing drunk driving. People make connections between things they don’t like all the time (i.e. video games and school shootings). Without empirical evidence of causality, there’s little basis for the slippery slope argument. I think it’s quite possible to draw the line between not criminalizing an 18 year old for having a 16 year old girlfriend and legalizing a 50 year old man having “consensual” sex with an 11 year old. Everything else plays into the left’s hands. They move the goal poasts so far into insane directions that conservatives just blanket oppose everything, thereby pissing off large parts of the population. It was that way with gay marriage. The moment Republicans gave up opposition to gay marriage, they went and pushed for drag queen story hour. The moment Republicans compromised on abortion, they pushed for post-natal abortion (murdering the baby after birth). They always do that, so that conservatives fall into the slipper slope argument trap and instead of being the party of common sense middle ground go full 19th century puritanism, which is a sure way to lose at the ballot box (or was, now thanks to Dominion, the Dems don’t really have to worry about voters anymore).

    The slippery slope argument can’t be a justification to restrict people’s liberty. That’s exactly what the left wants. Maximum possible liberty and individual responsibility should be the goal. As little government intervention as possible. At 14, every girl knows what she’s doing, which is why it’s the age of consent in Europe. Where they have less rapes, less teen pregnancies, less abortions, partially because teens are able to openly speak about the issues instead of being hush hush about it for fear of punishment or someone going to jail.


      “Well there’s a difference between sex education and the crap they do in American schools.”

      This is very true but in my mind 3rd grade is way to young unless the info was super basic.

      “There’s not a 14 year old girl out there who’s not sexually active.”

      If you said 18 I might agree but this is just not true.

      “I never got the slippery slope logic”

      Well just because you do not understand it does not me it’s not the case.  Back in the day (I was there) when gay marriage was initially seriously talked about there was concern and talk of that argument as it was laid out at the time leading us to sexualizing children.  Well here we are.  Does that mean gay=bad, no.  It means bad people will take advantage of any good intention they can.  Good intent does not guarantee good outcomes.

      “which is why it’s the age of consent in Europe. Where they have less rapes, less teen pregnancies, less abortions,”

      Europe is not a country. The United States is.  And of course there are more of those things in the United States, it is far larger than say the UK.  The UK has about 67 million people and the United States is over 320 million.


      I was wrong about Biden, too. He is a creative Genius. He created the newest DC comics villain. “The Trans-Jester!”

      You need to realize what a brilliant man he is.

      Screenshot 2023-06-18 at 15-04-27 0f698fc04ceb1324.jpg (JPEG Image 568 × 568 pixels)



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