Iceland outlaws conversion therapy

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    Iceland outlaws conversion therapy

    The Icelandic parliament has unanimously passed a comprehensive conversion therapy ban, prohibiting the practice on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.

    Except, when the conversion is convincing children they are trans, then those conversions “therapy” to make your body match what your teachers/peers make you think you are.

    “despite attempts from known anti-trans hates groups… to oppose it, … Their arguments were dismissed as anti-scientific and anti-trans rhetoric.”

    Yet the science states that over 95% IIRC found that the children outgrow this phase in their lives and live a normal life as the biology/gender they were born with.  It is anti-science/anti-medicine to mutilate a child with lifelong consequences in a clear child abuse.

    The United States has a long way to go before all Americans are protected from this brutal practice.

    So far, this brutal practice of taking kids away from parental oversight and having another put in control over the genital mutilations of males (while genital mutilations of females is a brutal practice that has been outlawed in the west).

    ..a study found that LGBTQ+ people who were forced into conversion therapy had an attempted suicide rate five times above normal.

    and what is that normal?

    Before the pandemic, in 2019, 2.7% of adults in Canada reported suicidal ideation (often called suicidal thoughts or ideas). In spring 2021, this percentage rose significantly to 4.2%

    Very low numbers, yet at the same time:

    Data indicate that 82% of transgender individuals have considered killing themselves and 40% have attempted suicide, with suicidality highest among transgender youth.

    Transgenderism is BAD and the mental/physical toil leads to very HIGH thoughts and attempts at self deletions.

    I guess following the science is BAD for the trans- push.


    While at the same time in Canada:

    Justin Trudeau dismisses parental rights as ‘far right’

    “Far-right political actors are trying to outdo themselves with the types of cruelty and isolation they can inflict on these already vulnerable people,” the prime minister said last Thursday as he targeted Higgs’ new policy.

    “Right now, trans kids in New Brunswick are being told they don’t have the right to be their true selves, that they need to ask permission. Well, trans kids need to feel safe, not targeted by politicians.

    Yet the left can target these same youths for their politics.

    One major change is that parental consent would be required for trans or nonbinary students under the age of 16 to change their names or pronouns in school. Higgs, who is facing a revolt from some of his own members about the policy, has defended it as “taking a strong position for families.”

    They are still non-adults, and their parents are still their legal guardians… but NOT in the minds of people like Trudeau.

    Well, trans kids need to feel safe, not targeted by politicians.

    Kids are the property of the extremely toxic far-alt left.  And are targeted by their policies to indoctrinate to those ideas.

    In most of Canada… it is now official policy to keep parents in the dark if children come out as trans to teachers (or by the pushing by teachers). These guidelines have been brought in by stealth and without discussion with parents.

    Sick, just sick.

    And Higgs is “far-right” because of his support for parental rights which must therefore be a far-right policy in the eyes of Trudeau.


    …once again, Trudeau, who has often denounced partisanship while urging conciliation, uses inflammatory rhetoric which will alienate a large portion of Canadians.

    Conciliation ONLY to extremely toxic far-alt left policies and is a source of partisanship.




      I understand not forcing “conversation therapy” but what about voluntary?  And that is not a concept I conjured.  I actually heard Milo ask that one.

      It seems to me the that the radical left either thinks people are animals or treats us like them.  They apparently believe that people (like animals) must act on their impulses, sexual or otherwise.  Clearly this is not true and that is what makes us not animals.

      There are a number of gay people whom do not participate in the lifestyle. The ones I have heard speak always explained it was always because those choose not to offend God. So it’s not as if that does not exist.  Gay people are not a monolith.


      Based, common Iceland W. People shouldn’t be forced to be straight or CIS, this isn’t the 1600’s anymore


        “Based, common Iceland W. People shouldn’t be forced to be straight or CIS, this isn’t the 1600’s anymore”

        Clearly no one should be forced to be anything at this point but let’s not pretend for 1 second society is now any less free of extremes.  Instead of trying to convince people to be straight we convince children that they can be the other sex and offer them sterilizing medicine and lop off parts of their body.

        Also, “CIS” (as mentioned previously) is an offensive term.


        Instead of trying to convince people to be straight we convince children that they can be the other sex and offer them sterilizing medicine and lop off parts of their body.

        Correct. We convince them that they CAN be, not SHOULD be. It’s important to let people know from a young age that there are people who have a mommy and a daddy, but there are also people who have two mommies or two daddies so when they interact in the future with a gay person, they think it’s normal and that person is not a freak or anything.

        Also, “CIS” (as mentioned previously) is an offensive term.

        Come on, don’t be a snowflake. Is the political right now in favor of censoring speech that hurt your feelings? I certainly hope you don’t work in the field of chemistry or study chemistry, because I can’t imagine how freaked out you’re gonna be once you study the concept of molecules and CIS & Trans isomerisms within the molecules


          “. It’s important to let people know from a young age that there are people who have a mommy and a daddy, but there are also people who have two mommies or two daddies so when they interact in the future with a gay person, they think it’s normal and that person is not a freak or anything.”

          No, it’s not important. Not at all. This over focus on sexuality is absolutely ridiculous and is disturbing. That is not about understanding that is just indoctrination.

          “Come on, don’t be a snowflake. Is the political right now in favor of censoring speech that hurt your feelings? ”

          Funny how offense is only considered or important depending on the race, sex or religion of the person claiming it.  I am not the political right nor did I attempt to censor you in anyway.


          No, it’s not important. Not at all. This over focus on sexuality is absolutely ridiculous and is disturbing. That is not about understanding that is just indoctrination.

          Well I think it’s important to learn that there are different people. I mean we are teaching religion in schools so people know that there are different religions and it’s good to know it’s history and how it functions and that they will meet people in their life with different religions. It’s just as much ”indoctrination”.

          And just like teachers shouldn’t force children to believe in an imaginary and invisible magic sky ghost, teachers shouldn’t force children into having different political views or sexual orientation (which doesn’t even work).

          Give them knowledge but let them grow up how they like

          Funny how offense is only considered or important depending on the race, sex or religion of the person claiming it.  I am not the political right nor did I attempt to censor you in anyway.

          Offensive terms and slurs are words that are made to oppress or belittle others. You can not just take a scientific term and decide it is offensive. Similar to the word homo. It’s a term that doesn’t refer exclusively to homosexuals, but it means ”the same” like homonym, homogenic etc.

          In a similar way, CIS means ”this side of” and trans means ”the other side of”. And are used in many instances, for example in chemistry when describing molecular isomerisms and when talking about CIS and transgenders. It’s literally the least offensive and most neutral and correct terms. If saying CIS is offensive then might as well say that caucasian or asian are offensive terms.

          What official neutral term would you use to refer non-trans people?



          Instead of removing your eye and leg, today they will literally perform gender mutilation (on the male organs) while at the same time it is illegal to to the female genital mutilation:

          Female genital mutilation (FGM), also known as female genital cutting, female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) and female circumcision, is the ritual cutting or removal of some or all of the external female genitalia.

          Until the youth are of the age of the majority and are mature enough to make such life altering decisions, nothing like this should be promoted/performed.

          Any person (be it a teacher or doctor or nurse, etc) who does this is IMO doing child abuse to the kid’s mind and worse body if they can strip parents of their rights over their children and their children’s health.  And no government should be allowed to trample those rights either.



            “Well I think it’s important to learn that there are different people.”

            The more I read your posts the more I am sure you are a “journalist” for CNN or MSNBC as you display more and more verbal slights of hand.  Yes, absolutely children should learn about different kinds of people.  But equating that to introducing children to visceral sexual themes and constructs is an absolute false comparison. That’s like me standing in front of your house that I just set on fire and after you get upset I say, “why are you upset?  humans need light and warmth”.

            “And just like teachers shouldn’t force children to believe in an imaginary and invisible magic sky ghost,”

            Sweet, how many extra woke points do you get for insulting God on a thread about sexual matters?  Again, as I have pointed out several times now, you have trouble with people being offensive or hateful unless you are doing it, then it seems to be fine.

            ” teachers shouldn’t force children into having different political views or sexual orientation (which doesn’t even work).”

            Well you can think it does not work or that’s not what is going on but clearly the current stats suggest otherwise. Children, are very impressionable and this is very much the case with teenagers (especially those on the autistic spectrum) as they are already struggling in that season of life.  I believe this to be much more the case with girls and the stats bare that out as well at this time.  I mean do you really believe all those Hollywood celebrities actually have 2-3 trans-children by chance?

            “Offensive terms and slurs are words that are made to oppress or belittle others. You can not just take a scientific term and decide it is offensive. Similar to the word homo. It’s a term that doesn’t refer exclusively to homosexuals, but it means ”the same” like homonym, homogenic etc.”

            Let’s be clear here.  The term we are talking about actually is not “cis” (that’s a common abbreviation) but “cisgender”.  That is not at all a scientific word. It was conjured in the 90’s written by a “sexologist” from Germany who also believed pedophilia was a sexual orientation in a paper about transsexuals.

            “What official neutral term would you use to refer non-trans people?”

            I think “non-trans people” works just fine.

            Like most radical leftist words “cisgender” is inaccurate and meant only to divide and infer things while being a “dog whistle”.

            We don’t call everyone not an albino person cis-albino we just refer to the small minority of albino folks with the descriptor of albino inherently knowing that without the descriptor you are simply not that.

            The inaccuracy and uselessness of “cisgender” (beyond propaganda) is very much like “person of color” or “biological female”.  If you say someone is a “person of color” it literally means almost nothing as they could be from anywhere in the world, of almost any race or culture.  It’s intent is to mean non-white.  So it is not a term of inclusion but exclusion.  “biological female” is also a propaganda term as it infers there is more than 1 type of female.  There is not.  And at this point “LGBTQIA2S+” is also no longer a useful term.  If you use this to describe someone all it tells you is “not straight”, so again it is exclusive and not inclusive as it communicates more accurately who is not in that group vs. who is.


            • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Vknid.

            Screenshot 2023-06-21 at 05-53-13 3f013811381adf6e.jpeg (JPEG Image 568 × 405 pixels)


            Fostering homosexuality and other genderqueer sexuality can also be taken as Conversion therapy.
            A brilliant point made by the grandpa and Dr. Steve Turley.



              “nonsense! you’re straight, just go to this therapy”

              “nonsense! you’re trans, just take these pills”

              If one is bad they both are.  I don’t really know anything about conversion therapy but unless they force feed you hormones that sterilize you and cut your junk off one seems far worse than the other.

              Also, people talk about conversion therapy with the assumption it is forced.  I am not aware of any place in the west that is the case.  What if someone just wants to please God and wishes to attend such a thing?  Should that be outlawed as well?


              Kudos to Elon on his stance. Give those hypocrites a taste of their own medicine!


              “If one is bad they both are. ”   Precisely.

              And yes, conversion therapy is often presented as involuntary, because there have been cases of parents forcing their kids to undergo it. I can see an argument against forced or coerved conversion therapy. Other arguments focus on the legal issues surrounding unproven medical claims.  For example it’s illegal to throw together some kind of herbal tea leaves and claim that it will cure depression, or offer yoga classes and claim it will cure cancer.
              Then again, there is so much quackery out there on the market, from holistic medicine to CTM to certain vaccines that don’t prevent the thing they were designed to prevent…

              Conversion therapy should be absolutely legal for adults who want to try it (for whatever reason). Government’s one job is to protect people from harm. Not dictate the direction of their lives, how to feel or what to want. At most, providers of conversion therapy should perhaps be forced to offer refunds, when their therapy doesn’t work. Something that oughta go for all doctors and therapists.

              • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Wisdom.
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