Iceland outlaws conversion therapy

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    For example it’s illegal to throw together some kind of herbal tea leaves and claim that it will cure depression…

    But I heard chocolate and ice cream do cure depression, at least in the short term.  LOL

    And all this talk that it is illegal to want people to be heterosexual (as it being heterosexual is illegal) yet making it illegal if a parent objects to a teacher or school board is the ones converting the kids to non-heterosexuals.




      I agree with everything you said there save one thing.

      “Government’s one job is to protect people from harm.”

      No, no it’s not.

      The government’s jobs are items like defense and foreign relations , law and order, some economic things and of course to make sure every person has the rights afforded to them described in the Constitution that are granted to us by God.

      If you give a goverment a mandate like that you know what you get? COVID lockdowns, mask laws and forced vaccines.

      As far as the conversion therapy thing.  If people want to do that, let them.  There are a lot of people out there whom are gay and choose not to participate in that lifestyle so as to avoid sin.  But the left will have you believe those people do not exist and people are basically just animals that cannot keep it in their pants and must fornicate at will.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Vknid.

      But equating that to introducing children to visceral sexual themes and constructs is an absolute false comparison. That’s like me standing in front of your house that I just set on fire and after you get upset I say, “why are you upset?  humans need light and warmth”.

      The issue is that y’all equate teaching about LGBT to just showing gay porn. It’s peak homophobia to just believe he only thing gay people do is suck and fuck. Like no man, just like you can teach religion to children without teaching about all the horror it has caused, you can teach that there are people with two moms or dads without mentioning anything sexual.

      If a teacher can talk about going on maternity leave or about her wedding ring without mentioning how much dick she has gobbled and been riding, I’m pretty sure you can teach ”hey, people with two fathers exist” without mentioning anal sex.

      Sweet, how many extra woke points do you get for insulting God on a thread about sexual matters?

      I doubt I receive any points here, considering the fact I’m the only progressive here. I’ll probably go to hell for it.

      But right winger sure are strongly anti grooming, except when it comes to religion.

      but “cisgender”.  That is not at all a scientific word.

      cis/cisgender is similarly used as homo/homosexual. There is no homo without it’s opposite, hetero and there is no trans without its opposite, cis. It’s like saying hetero is a slur.


      PS. Elon Musk is a fragile soyboy


        “The issue is that y’all equate teaching about LGBT to just showing gay porn.”

        Your word choices are always seething with assumption and inference.  It’s amazing how good you are at that.  I mean seriously, if you are not an activist journalist you have missed a calling.

        No one should be teaching anything about sex of any kind to young children, period.  Secondly the books and materials you see people complaining so aggressively about at the school boards is very much pornographic in that it describes and has pictures of sex acts.  I don’t care if it’s gay or straight that is not right nor should it be allowed.

        “It’s peak homophobia to just believe he only thing gay people do is suck and fuck.”

        I literally have never heard anyone say that ever except you just now.

        “If a teacher can talk about going on maternity leave or about her wedding ring without mentioning how much dick she has gobbled and been riding, I’m pretty sure you can teach ”hey, people with two fathers exist” without mentioning anal sex.”

        Your focus on sex is disturbing and the things you believe the other “team” thinks is based on the propaganda you are clearly drenched in and not at all based on real people.  I have not heard of an instance where someone is disallowed from talking about a spouse or whatever.  All that has been disallowed or spoken of not talking about is sexual themes of any kind specifically as it relates to young kids.

        “But right winger sure are strongly anti grooming, except when it comes to religion.”

        This one sentence is a stunning example of your words baking in assumptions and you either are intentionally trying to misdirect or just repeating propaganda.  So anyone who disagrees is a just “right wing” huh?  Everyone here posting is right wing?  I think you mind find some serious disagreement there from others. I do not even consider myself right-wing and I do not belong to a “team”.

        This is also a classic thing people do when they know they are wrong.  My teenager does it all the time.  “Well yes I do exactly what you are accusing me off but it’s ok because you do it to!”.  Really?  That does not work here because the conversation is about sexualizing children particularly young children.  That’s wrong, period.  And religion is not sexually grooming children and Religion is not taught or even allowed in public schools.

        “cis/cisgender is similarly used as homo/homosexual.”

        My claim was it was not scientific as you mentioned it was.  And you are not refuting that here you are just saying it is used similarly.  That means nothing if it were true and it is really not.  Again you are absolutely concerned and obsessed with LGBT rights and feelings and whatnot but here you have people telling you they find a term offensive but that means nothing to you because it does not apply to a protected class.  So drop the BS of you care about people, you don’t.  You care about your people on your team and you clearly have hatred for everyone else as you have expressed hatred many times.

        “PS. Elon Musk is a fragile soyboy”

        Maybe he is.  I don’t know the guy and I don’t care if he is or isn’t.  Does not bother me either way.


        • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Vknid.
        • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Vknid.
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