If art can inspire real life then could this happen? 

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    If art can inspire real life then could this happen?

    1984 is a book about a dystopian future written by George Orwell written long, long ago that I never read in my life but from what I can get in a short summary from people who did read the book and with what is going on currently in our real life that copies the book almost exactly…..I think I now have a good idea of 1984 and it scares me to no end.

    All I have to say to what is going on today is if 1984 the novel can cause real life to imitate it exactly and 1984 is a work of fiction, then does this mean…….real life could…….imitate the……POWER RANGERS TOO???!!!!!!

    Power Rangers is a complete work of fiction like 1984 was and we in 2021 are now living in a world like something George Orwell wrote about.

    No one saw 1984 happening in real life long ago…but it didn’t mean it wasn’t there and couldn’t happen one day?

    Then it did which is our world now…..then why couldn’t Power Rangers happen in real life?

    So if 1984 could be something written about decades ago by some random guy then have it come true now…why can’t Power Rangers have that same situation where it ends up predicting the future and is real life too at some point even though it is over the top crazy and unbelievable by our current level of science?

    Remember everyone back when 1984 was first published many, many decades ago, the people who first read it, said 1984 was impossible as it unbelievable and over the top…..but it happened anyways.

    So my logic is….if 1984 can start off as fiction and become reality as unbelievable as it seemed then so should Power Rangers?

    Cause with how crazy the world is getting with things like thought police, censorship, people telling you 2+2=5, I would rather exchange this Orwellian nightmare future or present for a future where there is no censorship, no thought crime or any other crap like that from 1984 and instead live in a truly free world like in the Power Rangers where we Humans all around the world only have to worry about a regular giant monster attack almost everyday, a Lord Zedd type character trying to take us over from outerspace but we luckily always have heroes in multi coloured spandex like the Power Rangers to show up and save us from these monsters regularly.

    Hell I bet George Orwell if he could see our present day world now….would rather a future where it was like the Power Rangers instead of his novel and he would say:

    “I’m George Orwell, I don’t want the world of 2021 to be like my book 1984 as it is nightmarish and not meant to be imitated by anyone as it would only cause great suffering…..I rather the world of 2021 to be like the Power Rangers instead where people in this world are free to think and do what they want that makes them happy in their lives and the only thing people in this world have to worry about a big monster attack each week and colourful spandexed heroes would show up save the world each day or week from these giant monsters…..my favourite Power Ranger is the blue ranger……I’m gonna go watch Power Rangers now.”

    In the Power Rangers world you don’t see anyone making a big deal about out of anyone else’s race, gender, sexuality, neurological orientation, religion, and most importantly their political views no matter how different Tommy the Green Ranger and Zack the Black Ranger might vote differently or see the world from their different perspective.

    And no matter how much Goldar might turn into a 50ft giant monster and stomp around the city of Angel Grove…Goldar is nowhere near as dangerous or as deadly as any of these keyboard woke weirdos that are burning down businesses and homes in our current world in our real life 1984 world just to be woke.

    I tell you if tomorrow all this 1984 stuff just ended in real life and people came to their senses and all of a sudden some giant monsters showed up to replace 1984 censorship as a problem for everyone in the current world…..most people would welcome this as at least they would have true freedom to use to think of ways to defeat these giant monsters.

    I had been watching alot of Youtube videos that talk about the paranormal about things like aliens and cryptids (cryptids are unknown creatures to science thought to be myths like Bigfoot, the Lochness monster and Dogman.)

    All it would take is for aliens or cryptids to decided to show up tomorrow in some big city in the world somewhere to do some evil stuff then the government or some good guy aliens with advanced technology would pick 5 humans with attitude to put on cool advanced armor or spandex costumes that are different colours and have cool advanced weapons to fight these invading space aliens or cryptids to save the world like in the Power Rangers and we’d get our Power Rangers inspired future which would be a welcome change from this 1984 nightmare reality.

    What do you guys think?

    Would you rather continue to live in 1984 or instead live in a world like Power Rangers where you only have worry about a giant monster attack or just a monster attack but at least the Power Rangers are real and will save you?





    On a serious note, it’s actually the other way around for 1984. Orwell observed what was going on in his time, and predicted where it was heading. He predicted it, not create it. Ayn Rand did the same thing with “Atlas Shrugged”.

    The one thing about Orwell’s story that isn’t quite true though is how smart and competent the bad guys are. In real life, they are self stupefied idiots with no real opposition. They are rats with no cats.


    That being said, it does go both ways sorta. Lots of technology in Star Trek probably inspired thousands to invent similar things. I guess it’s not quite the same thing, though.


    @horvay And this is why I ask these questions to learn more, and also what if the Power Rangers thing is happening right now? But on another planet somewhere out on some other planet far far away from our galaxy with inhabitants that look just like Humans because of  convergent evolution who perfected the Morphin Grid from Power Rangers and can morph to become Power Rangers in real life and they are fighting monsters similar to the ones from Power Rangers?

    And by accident someone on their planet accident through some kind of advanced technology we don’t have beamed images of the real life Power Rangers and the monster aliens they fight to the mind of some executive on Earth giving them the idea for a show called Super Senti that became Power Rangers in America?

    Just a funny idea I was thinking of lol 😂😀



    Hah, like Galaxy Quest!


    Orwell & Rand used their books as warnings.

    The Marxists took them as how too books.


      I always believed anything is possible, so I believe when the world’ll need it most our Power Rangers will appear, and given the shitty situation our planet is in now… Power Rangers, we have some butt to kick here! 😁


      I hope the pink one is hawt


      If the infinite universe theory is true there could be a universe where power rangers exist, as well as one where Marvel heroes exist or one where Star Wars actually happened a long time ago in a galaxy far far away.



      If there is an infinite universe theory exists then I want to rip a portal into the Power Rangers universe then go there get a morpher and I become the Blood Ranger who is a 6th ranger and then I come back here and try to takeover the world then the Power Rangers show up to stop me, I kick all their asses only for me to turn good later with a kick ass redemption story arc and maybe if I am lucky the Yellow Ranger from Dino Thunder will show up and I’ll take her out on a date.



      Pink Rangers aren’t the only hot female Power Rangers….yellow rangers are pretty hot too:


        If there is an infinite universe theory exists then I want to rip a portal into the Power Rangers universe

        Infinite universe, that would be the multiverse, and Doctor Strange 2 is called Multiverse of Madness… So we should figure out how to rip portals of other dimensions open after watching that 😁

        I’m gonna become a Jedi 🤩

        • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by DigiCat.


        Pink isn’t just the hot female Power Ranger…alot of times there are very sexy yellow rangers like Kira Ford from Power Rangers Dino Thunder


        Kira Ford isn’t a Pink Ranger at all but she is as hot and maybe hotter than Kimberly from Mighty Morphin



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