if there was a pettition to fire kathleen kennedy would you sign it?

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Star Wars if there was a pettition to fire kathleen kennedy would you sign it?


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    the post name says it all im curious would you sign a pettition to get rid of karen kennedy? i know i would lol


    No, because I don’t like wasting my time, especially on battles you can’t (currently) win. She’s like a tick, buried deep in the arse flesh of Star Wars and she isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. More’s the pity.


    No, because I don’t think Disney is interested in fan opinion. They renewed her contract AFTER the quagmire that was The Last Jedi. They had their chance to dump her and her toxic ideology, and they didn’t. So they won’t be firing her. They’re going to ride out the remainder of her contract, and probably separate at the end of it with great fanfare, talking about how she ‘shepherded this franchise into the modern world’, all while there are little/no big projects on the horizon because the entire franchise as gutted by her terrible decisions and rotten worldview.


    Is there a petition to have her triad for crimes against humanity?

    I’ll sign it.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Cerabelus.

    If it would actually mean something then yes.


    But there is a problem with the culture at Lucasfilm that she has fostered for the past decade. It’s rotten down to the roots. Once she is gone, and someone with sense starts to clean house, then maybe there would be a chance. And then I believe the only sign we would get that things are returning to a better place would be if the EU was reinstated and continued from where it left off.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Roas.

    W/o firing all of the diversity hires in NOT-Lucasfilm since she took power there will never be anything good from the company. Doesnt matter what it is.




    Yes I will gladly sign it.


    If it actually meant something, then yes, of course.


    However, there really needs to be a full house cleaning over there.


    I think your heart is in the right place my friends.

    What has happened to Star Wars and much of our entertainment has felt much like an attack on the very things that we relate to when we relax and want to unwind.

    So now when we think of the things we escape with it is now mixed with anxiety, stress, and frustration.  I feel this was by design, because that is my subjective experience with it.  The folks who love it and like her are doing it because it fits their subjective reality and suits their agenda.  Anything to get a dig in on those who wouldn’t knee down and kiss the ring.


    With that said, No I wouldn’t sign it.   Why?

    First off it wouldn’t matter, nothing we say is going to change anything in Lucas right now.  They have an agenda to push and us being upset just validates everything they have been doing.

    Secondly, I do not like those who would come after ones jobs.  Granted if she got fired I am sure she would be well off the rest of her life.

    I try my best to stick to my moral standing.  And my moral compass says getting people fired over their subjective ideology is wrong.  Even when I am directly opposed to said ideology.

    I show them my distaste my closing my wallet and no longer consuming their products.  I didn’t watch ROSW.  Have not even seen it.  Wouldn’t even sail the highs seas to watch it.

    Just know at first when I was very upset and hurt by what happened I would have signed it in a heart beat.

    But today, I just don’t even care enough to be upset or mad.   For me that says so much more that you have had so much that you don’t even want to express anything to them because it is what they want, good or bad it is still a reaction.

    You are going through the 5 stages of grief right now, we all went through it and some still have yet to go through it with something they loved not ruined yet.



    There’s no point. They don’t care about the fans anyway. Plus, she has an agenda to push and she ain’t going anywhere till shes done it.


    I would sign the petition gladly. #FireKathleenKennedy


    Well, she has obvioulsy FUBARed Star Wars, but if there was such a petition, Disney would never consider it, because they don’t really care for the viewer’s opinion. Also, she would play the victim card and have her brigade defending her in the mainstream and social media.

    She can’t be fired, because she’s a privileged citizen…


    If it would actually work, yes I would sign it.  It I think she’s slowly moving to the background. There are no movies coming soon and if you watch the Mandalorian bts show she’s barely there at all.


    Yes, but the Empress strikes back. She’s actually trying to reclaim power. She’s talentless and very bad at her job, but she’s  pretty good at power grabs.

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