If you desire change, it will require work and sacrifice

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub General Discussions If you desire change, it will require work and sacrifice

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      We are in so deep at this point that society as we know it is over.  You are not going to recapture it, it’s gone.

      But things can be made better, things can improve and society and the country can be taken back to be put back on a track of prosperity and freedom instead of heading head first into communist misery.

      For this improvement to be made it will take hard work by many many people supported by everyone else. Personal sacrifice will also be needed and some level of devotion to improvement will be required.

      Since the law currently is whatever the establishment wishes it to be, I do not see how the law or legal process can be used to recapture everything from those whom wish to rule as tyrants.

      I don’t have those answers.  But I do know if we do nothing it just continues to get exponentially worse.  And no one is the hero we are all looking for.  No one person will ride in on a white (or orange) horse to save us.  We have to all decide to shed our obsession with the self and ignore our aversion to discomfort and perform actual work together to make things better.

      If you are of the mindset that large change will cause large upset that is correct.  But that’s coming anyway.  We either work to push things in a positive sane direction or it continues to teeter like a bad Jenga tower until it falls over.  And when it tips just a tiny bit too far,  the collapse will be swift, painful and many will suffer.

      The world these radical communists promise you if you would just simply give them your money and freedom will not and cannot exist.  They are 100% aware of this and simply cloak their goal of tyrannical domination with the promise of it.

      I can think of 2 times in recent history that rights and freedoms were exchanged from promises.  Germany in the 1930’s where in 1933 Hitler was LEGALLY pronounced Chancellor.  And in now in Venezuela as socialists took over beginning in 1998 with Hugo Chavez.

      If you look at the history of how both of those things happened and compared them to now you would wet yourself.

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