If you were canceled?

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    That’s basically asking if you could handle it if literally everyone thought you were Hitler incarnate.

    You’d basically have to be Jesus himself, Buddha himself to handle that in stride.

    It’s one thing to have your known enemies go after you for what they don’t understand.  It’s an entirely different thing when your allies suddenly do too.

    Jesus or Rambo.


      Yes that’s kind of what I was getting at that I think a lot of people missed. The concept of having NO ONE to support you mentally and emotionally. Essentially you exist and that is all.


      Cancel me where? I don’t live off of youtube, I don’t use twitter, I host my own website, so good luck trying to cancel that.


      @m76 they go after your hosting providers.  Just see what Amazon did with Parlar.  Then if you become a “problem”, your internet providers can deny you service/cut you off.  They have banks/credit cards to decline you as a customer.  Insurance will not cover you as you are deemed to big a “risk”.  Etc.

      Some businesses can deny you service/employment.


      This is the exact same doctrine the Nazis, the Soviets, the CPP (social scores) are doing to its people.


      Stay in line (being our slaves/serfs), or you will be cancelled.  and anyone who helps you will get cancelled as well.


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