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It seems those so called “experts” can’t agree what to do with Halloween 2020.
The scariest thing on Halloween night will be the invisible threat of COVID-19, and adults and children should change their plans to minimize that danger, according to new guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The CDC is urging people to avoid some of the most beloved traditions of the spooky season, including trick-or-treating and indoor costume parties, due to the “high risk” they pose for spreading the virus.
So when are they going to force a name change, as it is no longer “halloween”, in my books.
I’d consider myself a little too old to trick-or-treat, but I will gladly go out and trick-or-treat this year to trigger the CDC. That is unless they lock me in my home and armed guards are standing outside my house. Then I’ll just indulge in Mike and Ike’s and watch “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” on repeat
Well, it is also the parents that have to worry about how they are going to do halloween, and if one still has kids of trick-or-treating age, how to explain/deal with the sadness.
Up were I live, only the newest/youngest neighnourhoods still go door-to-door.
Everyone else goes to either the community centers or into the malls (and go store to store).
In the last decade, my parental units had on average 5 people going to their door for trick-or-treats, while a person working in a mall said they have been average 600-700 trick-or-treaters. Last year it was 850!
Halloween is NOT canceled if I have anything to say about it. My daughter WILL dress up as Skye, she WILL have me and her mother taking her trick-or-treating, and she WILL have a great time with it as the candy begins to pile up.
I mean if we’re allowed to go shopping here in Maryland, then we will have Halloween this year.
Blue dragon. Good choice. Better start working on that costume now, it will be a pain to create.
I find it a bit silly that of all holidays to cancel due to COVID that it would be Halloween. I mean…. most people who dress up will be wearing a mask anyways.
Not so.
There was a news story in Canada where a registry office refuse entry of a person wearing a Michael Myers mask, as it was against covid approved face covering.
There was no material preventing those breathe moisture droplets from getting out.
SO no, as costume mask is NOT covid preventative approved/allowed.
I hear in England there is thoughts about no Christmas and maybe Scotland too.
Christmas IS a Christian Holiday after all.
Christ – Mass
It is the second most important Holiday to Catholics, after Easter (The Resurrection!).
But to consumerism, x-mass is the bigger $ea$on. And with them crossing out CHRIST from CHRISTmas, and from saying Merry CHRISTmas! to haooy holidays was just the start.
So I can see them wanting to get rid of Christmas as we know it.
I will watch the Great Pumpkin every October till I’m 90….
My family lives in an apartment so I can’t gauge each year, but my parents have had years where they go through a fair amount of candy and then some years there’s so many leftovers that my kids get them.
I predict there will be many who break the law in the UK this year.
My boys won’t be trick or treating this year, but it’s not out of fear that I made this decision. I know if either of my sons got sick they may have a rough week or so but they’d bounce back.
It’s more that I suspect a number of houses will not be handing out candy. Instead I have put together plans for Halloween party games including a treasure hunt. When I told my eldest son what we were going to do this year, he had only one question…. “will we get candy?” I’ve been planning this out and they should have fun.
While our federal health consultants said Halloween is not canceled, just different, that is not true.
One of the shopping malls near me had this to say:
Although we won’t be hosting any events for Halloween this year, we’re still celebrating this spooky holiday with a fun online contest! From now until October 31, you can enter by tagging us on a photo of your Halloween costume on any of our social media platforms (@XXXXXXXXX) for a chance to win 1 of 3 $50 XXXXXXXXXXX Mall Gift Cards! The contest is open to all ages. The winners will be chosen and announced on November 2. Good luck!
Last year I bough two small bags of candy.
By the end of the night my only group that had come by were 3 HS age girls who basically took as much of those bags as I would give them.