Is having a bilingual channel a good idea?

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment YouTube Is having a bilingual channel a good idea?

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    Hey guys, I only have 3 videos on my channel (in Spanish), and on the fourth video I decided to upload it in Spanish and in English.

    I was thinking I could do that from now and on, but I don’t know if it could bring negative consequences to the channel, what do you guys think?


    P.S. If anyone have time to watch the English version please let me know if the accent is acceptable, I haven’t practice my English lately so I am kind of rusty.

    I noticed my voice lacks the same confidence as the Spanish version, but I didn’t want to record the audio again so I could also watch (hear) how much I improve from video to video.


    Definitely not a good idea. I’d put english videos on a separate channel, as surely there is no audience that would watch both versions, either, or.



    Actually you could put a screen at the beginning that says that the first 5 minutes are in English and that after the 5 minute mark the rest of the video is in Spanish – so you could maybe get away with having a 10 minute video perfect for the algorything while having to only come up with half the content and just repeating the same content in another language. What the YouTube algorithm would make of most of your viewers only watching 50% of your videos though that I do not know, but it could potentially be a way of cheating the algorithm.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Route_69.

    Who is your target audience?  Just those in Mexico, or any spanish speaking nations (Brazil, Spain, Portugal, etc.)

    Concentrate your energies on that audience.


    I do like how for your only english video to date, you added the [ENG] in the title.  That lets your Spanish viewers know it is not in Spanish, as it looks like that is your main audience.  Otherwise the language [TAB] would be reversed.  It also lets us non-spanish speaking people know which one’s are in english (as if just reading the name of the vid did not give it away.)

    The hard part is getting all those clips and edit it into a vid/download it onto u-tube.  Making a second with an already made vid (and a script) but with a different language does not take up that much time in the whole production.  So ask yourself, do you have that extra time to make that second vid?  Do you have that time to do on ALL your vids, or only select one?


    I must say, I like your CLIPS and how you EDITED in to your script.

    Your english I had no problem with.  It was steady and clear.


    If you do plan on doing more [ENG] vids on your channel, you might want to do two things.

    1.) In your “playlist”, make one for your regular vids, and another for their [ENG] conversions.

    2.) Update your “ABOUT” and how you describe yourself/channel.  Keep your main audience up top [spanish speaking people], but then lower down include an english version.  This would show you are targeting both spanish and english people, and recognized that fact.


    BTW, I did get a few chuckles with your comparisons, and how you used the powder puff girl’s clip to make your point.  Loved it.


    @Legatus , my man…  :D Brazil and Portugal don’t speak Spanish, we speak Portuguese :P

    haha it’s similar, but not the same… like “hijo de puta” =/= “filho da puta” ;) :D




    Yay, thanks for the info.

    Me bad.

    But it does reinforce the “who is your target audience”? question.

    Know your audience.  Create vids for your audience.  Build your channel, etc.


    Thank’s, yeah, two separate channels could be the easier way, maybe from time to time upload the same video in both just to let the viewers know the brother channel exists.


    Thank you for all the feedback, I really appreciate it.


    I don’t know if it is because I have only followed English channels, but I haven’t seen any other channel in Spanish really being critical against all the current bad things that are happening in the entertainment industry, it seems the audience in general are more focused in defending their favorite IP against their closer competition than rather being critical to the whole picture.


    That’s why I thought it would be a good idea to spread the word in Spanish, but I would also like to make videos in English because I think I’m more familiar to that audience by being part of it for some time, so maybe the jokes would hit better and it will feel nice to know I made someone else have a good time for a few minutes, and as a plus I can practice my English which it has been a little bit rusty for some time hahaha.


    So far I’m having fun with everything, from discovering a lot of stuff the creators need to take into account in every step of the way to actually learning how to edit a video, I haven’t been able to invest the time I would want to for different reasons but on the bright side it gives me more chance to make any change needed.

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