Is it just me or is the NFL beyond “meh” at this point?

Geeks + Gamers Forums Sports Football Is it just me or is the NFL beyond “meh” at this point?

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      So the NFL is the only sport I keep up with.  I have followed the Saints closely since I was a kid.  But as the NFL gets more political and more wussified I am quickly losing interest.  The more I have to try to ignore their politics and the more they water down the game I find myself just not caring.

      To quote an awesome Arron Lewis song. “Am I the only one”?



        I stopped caring when they started kneeling, it was already getting boring even back then.

        This might be unpopular to some, but they have been adding so many rules for the last 10+ years in the name of  “safety” they have made the game very boring, combined with bad calls (also happening in college now) that its becoming a watered down version of what it once was.  Nothing worse than seeing refs influence the game and that is where we are at now in both College and Pro.  Pro I know from my social media blowing up about it weekly, college from seeing it happen.

        Enough is enough take the “Nanny Safety Rules” OUT and let them play. People make choices, they can choose to play or not. I do agree some rules are needed. But Roughing the passer and Kicker are over-used to the point its sickening. If a person has the ball they should be fair game to be hit PERIOD.  Targeting they are getting better with, but at game speed it should only be for what is a deliberate shot to the head. And I am actually  for reviewing ALL calls by the refs, to many we have seen on replay that were bad, bad to the point I wonder who is getting paid.


          Agreed.  The rules are beyond ridiculous at this point.  I expect within the next 3 years hitting the QB at all will be an ejection offense.

          Sure, players should not be abused or lied to but they are more than willing to risk injury for millions and fame.  If that wasn’t the case you would not have so many folks working for that their entire lives and lined up happy to do it.


            I watched a game this weekend.  I wonder if the league has now realized the ref’s are too involved because the entire game had so few flags it basically finished early. Although I have to say I am so gun-shy of penalties at this point that every sack and every pass break-up I look for the flag.

            An interesting sidenote, I can see defensive guys intentionally taking it easy on QBs when they sack them.

            At the end of the day I just want to watch football, no politics, no drama.

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