Is “representation” valid?

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      Like most leftist ideology they take a sliver of truth and bake it inside a lie and tell you the whole thing is truth.

      Do people want to see themselves in media?  Absolutely.  But this is not based on immutable characteristics or things they cannot control.  This is based on how they wish to be and how they want to feel.

      People of all kinds have loved Superman and Batman for decades not because they were big buff white dudes or billionaires but because they were heros whom exuded characteristics they held in esteem and or that they aspired to.

      Did I buy a signed copy of Isom because I am a black dude like Isom?  No.  Did I buy it because I am black and so is Rippa?  No.  I am not black. Sure I can see Rippa is a black man.  That means little to me overall.  I respect Rippa because of the qualities he demonstrates.

      Most people look up to and want to be not what they are already but what they aspire to be.

      Did little girls of any color/creed 30 years ago look at the Little Mermaid and think I just want to be a white red headed mermaid?  No, of course not.  They saw a pretty, mermaid princess that acted like they aspired to and was in situations they enjoyed seeing and cheered for the character regardless.

      The idea that race/sex/creed/orientation has to be a part of everything is a retooling of Marxism.


      Loved watching ‘Darkwing Duck’ as a kid but that didn’t mean that I wanted to be a duck🤣!


        We are “birds of a feather” I love Darkwing Duck!  Many great cartoons at that time.  And your point is a good one.  If we follow the current ideology then Darkwing would only appeal to ducks. :P


        If we follow the current ideology then Darkwing would only appeal to ducks.

        I think it is more like Animal Farm.

        “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”.

        …which he calls for the overthrow of… and stage a revolt…


        Dating all the way back to the 60s there were movies with black leads. Granted, films like In the Heat of the Night 1967 made an issue out of the lead character’s race (a great film btw if you haven’t yet seen it), but by the time the 80s and 90s came, black leads were normal. Murtaugh in Lethal Weapon, various big budget blockbusters with Denzel Washington or Wesley Snipes, Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker teaming up for Rush Hour…  people loved those movies. Race was never an issue. Does anyone think a white person couldn’t identify with Chris Tucker’s loudmouth but clever cop or Jackie Chan’s disciplined hero archetype in Rush Hour? Or a black viewer didn’t enjoy Batman 89? It’s ridiculous and worse, it’s racist.
        Modern movies are written by people with that mindset. Which is why they are shit. And why when they do these race swaps or “changes for modern audiences”, it’s not motivated by representation, but by anti white racism. Which is why these films flop. Most people (of all races) see through it.

        Should there be films with black, asian, native american whatever leads? Sure. But race swapping established characters is not the way to do it. Hans Christian Andersen didn’t write Ariel as black. Adding black background extras to Cinderella or other 16th century fairytales playing in Britain or Germany is a distortion of history and an insult.
        If people want to make movies with a black main character, go find a figure from African folklore, or… oh no the horror of creativity… make your own character!  Like Blade, Spawn, etc. It’s not hard to come up with a black character.

        Moreover, if you think of it, they’re trying to destroy white culture by race swapping all these white characters, but what they’re really doing, is saying that white storytelling is superior, because instead of adapting African culture or coming up with their own characters, they piggyback on the stories of the race they hate. Another instance of racists shooting themselves in the foot.


        “The idea that race/sex/creed/orientation has to be a part of everything is a retooling of Marxism.”

        Post-Marxism even. Marx was a racist bastard privately. He used the N word in various writings, once referring to a curly haired jewish competitor of his (Ferdinand Lasalle) as “n***erlike”, and speculated that he must have black ancetry from some Africans who joined Moses trek out of Egypt. He also called a black man one of his relatives married “descended of Gorillas”.  But his ideological writings didn’t concern race. Marxism is first and foremost a method. Part of this method is dividing society into oppressors and oppressed, a concept originally invented by Hegel.  It was later picked up and turned into a political ideology by the likes of Lenin and the Frankfurt school, and even the Nazis.

        It’s extremely stupid of course, but turning victimhood into virtue is attractive to people without prospects of great conquests…



          Well said.

          “It’s extremely stupid of course, but turning victimhood into virtue is attractive to people without prospects of great conquests…

          Yes and it’s worked.  And to the point that people instead of proudly talking about their accomplishments talk about their victim score.  I see people now introducing themselves in speeches and talks and other things outlining their sexuality or other points of their victim score.  It’s sick and twisted.

          I honestly think this was put in hyperdrive when Obama got elected.  In fact these tactics were used to get him elected.  And I believe they worked so well at the time they just went full throttle on it and used the power of that admin to force it everywhere.  As mentioned in another thread, since this is really the same people in power again we are now seeing it accelerate even faster.

          Representation based on physical attributes is nonsense.  Most people do not think that way it’s just those looking to use that system to their advantage that want it.

          Hell, right now as I type this I am wearing a Thomas Sowell t-shirt.  His face is on it.  Do I wear it because I am black, 90+ years old or an economist?  No.  I wear it because the man is genius level smart to the point of being prophetic.  And THAT is what I admire.


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