Is social media a mind control experiment?

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub General Discussions Is social media a mind control experiment?

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    I sometimes wonder with how people are so addicted to something like Facebook or Twitter like my own older sister who used it so much that when I was riding in her car with her and I brought up Freedom of Speech in this conversation we had that lead into an argument of different view points and I kid you not…..she heard me say Freedom of Speech then….she flipped out and began hitting the steering wheel of her car.

    It was a messed up sight that I still remember after 5 years that my own sister went crazy after I said Freedom of Speech or Freedom of Expression.

    And back in 2005 she wouldn’t have a reaction like this but after 2016 when she had been using Twitter and Facebook for so much for years….my own older sister really thinks Freedom of Speech or Freedom of Expression is evil? When Freedom of Speech and Freedom of expression is the life water that makes a free and open Western liberal democracy thrive.

    I wonder is social media like Facebook and Twitter some kind of CIA mind control experiment or something like that myth about that mysterious arcade machine from the 1980s that was placed in this local arcade and the kids in town began playing it addictively unable to stop playing or leave to go home, or eat or go to school?

    That one day the mysterious arcade machine just vanished into thing air, never to be seen again and was thought to be some CIA mind control experiment to see people getting addicted to something?

    I wonder could Facebook and Twitter be a creation of an organization like the CIA or anything place like that to have the unlimited resources and personnel to create such an evil brainwashing concept like that to control the population of the world?

    I am reading this right now I and I sound like Alex Jones lol 😂😀

    So what do you guys think?



      No, its LONG since moved from the experimental phase.

      This was foreseen however.

      “Who Owns the Future” by Jaron Lanier talks about not the control so much but asks the begs the question, what will happen to all that data?

      Well we know now.


        like my own older sister who used it so much that when I was riding in her car with her and I brought up Freedom of Speech in this conversation we had that lead into an argument of different view points and I kid you not…..she heard me say Freedom of Speech then….she flipped out and began hitting the steering wheel of her car.

        Wow, your sister sounds like a really sane person… no, wait? Oops, that was spell check, i meant INSANE 🤣🤣🤣

        I’m sorry, but i’m dying to know details of this argument 😂😂 It’s so ridiculous it could be the plot of a sitcom


        Probably wasn’t meant to be but it’s, like Vknid said, already past that. Just look at the effect of Likes and the dopamine it has on people. So does downvotes to some degree but it’s a nice way to balance the Like ratio and put good posts up in display. Without it, well just see Twitter.

        • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Captain_Cronos. Reason: Forgot a word


        I can’t remember exactly because it had been a long time but I think my sister and I were talking about comedians making offensive jokes about people. She said comedians shouldn’t make fun of different groups of people cause it will hurt their feelings or something while I said comedians should make jokes about different groups about people how it brings light to these groups and their struggles in society done in a approachable way that people can understand through humor.

        Then she argues with me and I said something about Dave Chappelle being a funny comedian in the offensive jokes he tells then I said “What about freedom of speech?” Then my sister went nuts and began hitting the steering wheel of her car then I told a coworker about this situation with my older sister about the steering wheel and Freedom of Speech then he asked me was my sister possessed?



          then I told a coworker about this situation with my older sister about the steering wheel and Freedom of Speech then he asked me was my sister possessed?

          🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 @Megazord_Jeremy, you have to turn this into a comic strip, and that ending is great


          The brainwashed getting trigger by certain words and phrases.

          And since the government “cant” officially censor topics/truth, but…. a private company platform can. (especially if they have legal “protection” to get away with it)…



          When going on Twitter it’s important to be open minded. I mostly use it to see people’s reactions to announcements or to laugh at stupid people. I have to use Facebook for work and to tell people “Happy birthday!”



          So me saying Freedom of Speech to my sister is Baron Zemo saying certain triggers words to Bucky Barnes aka The Winter Solider and he goes crazy after hearing them like in this scene.



          I’m not that good at drawing but I may consider doing it as a comic strip in some shape or form. Then again this is a public forum and people are gonna look at my topic here see my comments then see your comments and would get inspired by my story to do the comic strip.


          I think you’re the wrong person in the family to have Asperger’s. And I thought my family had problems but at least their heads aren’t up their asses and can see all the wrong things going on.


          I remember years ago having this conversation with my sisters when they started expressing sympathy for the usual SJW talking-points. In regards to freedom speech all I said was, “If actual white, male supremacists got into government and started arresting people on the basis of hate speech, would you be okay with that?”

          You could cut the silence that followed with a butter-knife.

          It’s a bit of an uphill battle. They’re more like normies than SJW’s, and will just believe whatever the Left is saying next because the propaganda is relentless. Repeat the lie enough times and will people will start to think it’s true. And if I talk about politics too much, they tune out because they’re just not that interested. Someone in my family has to keep making the argument, though; my dad is in his 50’s, but he doesn’t understand any of it. He thinks it won’t affect mainstream politics and thus won’t affect us. Thing is, ten years ago, shit like Critical Race Theory would only be discussed on arse-ends of the Internet like tumblr. Now we have mainstream politicians seriously debating it within parliament, senate and congressional chambers, across most of the developed world. Where do you think we’ll be in another ten years? Deep shit if the Left gets their way, that’s what.

          I don’t think Twitter and Facebook started as a social experiment, but with the launch of the iphone and ipad in the early 2010’s normies had easier Internet access than ever before. That’s when they started flooding into both platforms and they just became cancerous. It wouldn’t be long before the elite took notice, so they made an unholy pact with tech companies once they realized they could shape public discourse in a way they couldn’t before, and basically drive everyone insane.



          So social media insanity is like small pox but for the mind….we as a society this generation haven’t developed a herd immunity or immunity to it yet? It did taje centuries for most different groups if Humans develop an immunity to small pox and Twitter along with Facebook are no different.



          I can’t understand your meaning of “I think you’re the wrong person in the family to have Aspergers…”

          Like what is the meaning? I am confused 🤷‍♂️ can you please clarify?


          I forgot which y-tube vid/channel it was on, but it was said that for most school boards being pressed to adopt CRT, it is by the combined trolling of at most a dozen people, of whom only ONE lives in the state/city they are targeting.


          So even when you have an open house/town hall meeting with the ACTUAL PARENTS (of all races/color/sexes) of the students, the board would rather CAVE/BEND THE KNEE to the on-line twatter mobsters than the actual parents/tax payers of their district.

          So yay, the imaginary world of twatter and other instant gratification (social media) sites DO mind control the masses whom are too weak of mind of resists.


          And with employees calling for the move to “work from home” permanent (and easy access to social media during all hours), the control/influence will only get stronger, IMO.

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