Is the Cyberpunk Anime on Netflix good?

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Anime Is the Cyberpunk Anime on Netflix good?

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      I keep hearing how awesome this is.  Is it really that good?


      I enjoyed it. If you played the game then you would enjoy it even more I think because there are locations from the game in the Anime. If you have Netflix, then watch an episode or two and decide yourself.

      In all honesty, asking other people if something is good isn’t going to mean it will answer if YOU like it or not. For example, people are whining about how boring and slow Andor is. Well, I think it is great and I am not bored. I frankly think the “boring and slow” complaints are ridiculous because people seem to not be able to set still and relax anymore. They need explosions and stuff going on ever 5 seconds. I don’t. Anyway….

      Never let other’s decide what you will try or watch. Decide for yourself. Quite often the stuff people rave about is stuff I dislike.


        “asking other people if something is good isn’t going to mean it will answer if YOU like it or not”

        You misunderstand the idea of the post. I figured if 20 people posted it sucked I would avoid it since I don’t currently have Netflix.  However, if several folks said it was OK or good I would be willing to resub to Netflix for a time to see it.  Sure, no one can tell me if I like it but it was more of a risk vs reward value proposition for me.

        But reading your many other posts on entertainment I take it you are a discerning viewer so if you liked it that really says something for it.


        I didn’t mean my post to sound rude, if it did.

        The style of anime may not be for everyone. It’s a bit abstract sometimes. But, as an artistic minded person I enjoyed it. There is a rough talking kawaii girl as one of the characters,but I liked that. Apparently there was some upset over that, people calling it a “loli”, but the studio refused to remove her so kudos to them for that.

        I think it would be cool if they put this as DLC in the game. A side story if you will. With the new update that finally lets you dress in anything you find, some of the looks the characters have would look cool in the game.


        Got through the first 5 during my discord movie night and holy SMOKE everyone is enjoying it! Story is good, especially if you’re just getting into the cyberpunk genre. Visually this show is top notch, very close if not crazier than Mob Pyscho. The music is great as well! They have a good diversity of music so it’s not just the same 3 techno tracks. Each character/location will have some sort of genre associated with it and I think that it adds just that much more character to locations, instead of just backdrops. If it’s your first anime, might be a lot at first, but I thought it was sick. About to finish the series tomorrow!!



          No worries, no offense taken.  You made a valid point but I just was looking for some general consensus to see if I wanted to get Netflix again :)

          But it sounds like  folks here and otherwise like it so I might give it a try.

          Also I just started another playthrough of the game.  I wanted to play a different class/story arc.  I chose Corpo-Rat this time!



          @Vknid : I never play through a game twice, I have too many games to play and finish. Cyberpunk was around 120 hrs. So, that’s enough.

          I also had assumed you already had Netflix in my OP, so that was just my misunderstanding. I often forget that some people play musical streaming and get Netflix one month and HULU or something the next. I have Amazon and Netflix, I never turn off Netflix and Amazon is part of Prime yearly, so that is always active.

          Anyway, enjoy your second playthrough. I am enjoying being able to finally have my character look the way I want since they updated the game with Transmog clothing. I need to do the new quests as well. My one issue with the game is getting money now, it’s not as easy at end game and that needs to be changed. No way I could afford to buy all the vehicles the way the game currently is. One thing I can suggest is saving at the “point of no return”. Then doing all 4 of the different endings.


            It’s funny you mentioned the different endings.  I still toss around whether to go back and play them.  I regret not calling PanAm !  :P

            I never had trouble with money because it did not matter much.  I used it for body upgrades now and then but everything else I needed I picked up or got from the game.  But that was on normal and not on hard.


            I spent a good 4-5 hours running through the game and getting all the Legendary clothes and guns hidden and laying around in the game. There is a website that has them all listed by area, and there is a lot of them to find.

            Just so you know, if you are romancing Judy, the only way to keep her with you is to call Pan Am and do the ending with her group. Otherwise, she calls you at the end of the game and says she is leaving the city. I think that was a stupid thing to put in the game. I originally did the ending where you end up on the Space Station, and Judy left, so that pissed me off. I found out how to keep her, and it’s as I said. Call Pan Am. So, I started my save that I kept at the “Point of no Return” and did that ending so I could keep her. There are guides online to keep Judy, that’s how I did it.


            I just watch 2 days ago and finished in yesterday. I’ve enjoyed it.


              Just finished it last night, overall a great show i really enjoyed, though personally i thought the ending fell a bit flat, those last couple episodes felt too rushed and as if trying too hard to be emotional, while the rest of the show managed to do so in a way that felt natural and effortless

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