It gets more insane – California and “fertility equality”

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  • #301170

      Very little shocks me at this point.  But this is so outlandish I am actually shocked.  This article (which is just honestly speaking about the proposed law) has so many woke buzzwords and constructs that you almost have to be crazy to wrap your mind around it.

      But it looks as if we have moved on from what we thought was the final demand “give us your kids” to now “you will pay for us to have children”.

      This is so nuts that I cannot see how it passes, but then again it is California so it probably will.


      The replacing of the nuclear family of One Mother and One Father.

      And does this “surrogates” not exploit females, those that will be carrying the baby to term?

      The state will PAY a female to get impregnated by another person’s “child”, as a rent-a-womb.

      Degrading women to just a womb to be rented out.

      Hey, you want food stamps, government assistance, well the state needs to pimp you out.

      the opposition to SB 729 comes from California business and insurance groups who claim that it will raise insurance premiums by more than $330 million a year.

      And then who pays for that?  The end consumers as that extra cost will be added to all the goods and services business perform so that non-birthing people can force others to pay for this.

      At a time we are still hearing the planet can’t handle the population and we need to decrease the number of people, Kommifornia wants you to pay for babies to these couples?


      This will pass. They’re retarded in CA

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