It is okay to punch white people.

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  • #186201

    That was a clear cut example of police brutality regardless of color.


      Fuck off Shifty.  Take your loser ass back to the ghetto.  I don’t give a flying fuck what the motive is for shooting a 5-year-old in the face.

      We get it.  You are mental or gay or something.  But if you think a motive is relative for when shooting a 5-year-old then you have fucking lost your mind.


        You can’t even spell his name right.  It is Cannon Hinnant.

        A) The MSM barely covered the killing.  Comment sections on MSM sites were turned off.  Some sites wrote articles 4 days after it happened.  There were no talk shows.  No protests.   No radio shows.  No MSM morning show coverage.  It was barely covered at all.

        B)  I don’t give a fuck if the church woman doesnt want to press charges.  At the end of the day, we have a black woman punching a white woman.  End of story.  Imagine if the roles were reveresed.  We would have more riots and more burning down of cities.

        Learn to spell his name right before you spew your bullshit.  Cannon Hinnant.  Learn it.


        CNN had to be forced to cover the Cannon Hinnant situation.  In fact, here is an article about this.

        “CNN finally ‘pressured’ into covering story of Cannon Hinnant, five-year-old ‘executed’ by black neighbor”


        Wow you and Soynic are so brave adopting popular opinions despite how twisted those opinions are.




            Thanks for that article.  I took a clip of it and posted it for everyone to see.

            It shows how the MSM did not cover Cannon’s execution.


            If you think these clowns care about the facts you’re wrong, Niko. All you’re doing is making it more challenging for them to do their mental acrobatics but they’ll accept the challenge and twist themselves into a pretzel to make their reality what they want it to be in their heads. Screw your mean-spirited facts! How dare you know how to read anyway? They choose truth over facts!


            How many people today, when out for a walk, going to the bus stop/transit, when they meet someone walking on the sidewalk, for “physical distancing” have to walk on the grass.  Or if someone is riding a bicycle or skateboard, we step onto the grass.


            The motivation is a white person was temporarily on the outskirts of a black person’s yard.

            To murder in cold blood of an individual of a different skin color in an executioner style IS A HATE CRIME!


              Route_69.  Your comment here is interesting.  Have you ever heard of Yuri Bezmenov?  He said this would happen and you echoed his sentiments.  Here is a direct quote from him:

              “… The result you can see. Most of the people who graduated in 60s are drop outs or half-baked intellectuals and they are now occupying the positions of power in the government civil service business mass media educational system you are stuck with them.

              You cannot get rid of them they are contaminated. They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern. You cannot change their mind even if you expose them to authentic information even if you prove that white is white and black is black. You still cannot change the basic perception and the logical behavior.

              In other words these people the process of demoralization is complete and irreversible to get rid society of these people you have you need another 20 or 15 years to educate a new generation of patriotically minded and common sense people who would be acting in favor and in the interests of the United States society.”


              I’ve watched that interview more times than any other interview and I know for a fact that Soynic hasn’t because he or she told me that they haven’t seen it. They’re never going to see it precisely because of the quotes you provided – they’re rather watch another episode of TYT or The Breakfast Club.


              The main issue isn’t the motive, it’s the double-standards in regards to the response.

              George Floyd didn’t deserve to die the way he did, but he was a petty criminal. It was sadly nothing new, yet he was enshrined in a golden casket and the world weeped and wailed over him like he was the next Martin Luther King (when frankly no-one knew who he was before).

              Meanwhile an innocent child is randomly murdered and it’s barely a footnote. The media could circulate a story like that more often and hammer it home but they actively choose not to. They do have a narrative to push and it’s largely about trying to get people to vote the way they want them to (British media did exactly the same thing with Emily Jones).

              They exploit a tragic case like Floyd’s because it can be weaponized to use people’s altruism for political gain. Cannon and Emily? Nothing to be gained there, move along.


              You clearly care about motives because…like always, you made shit up, like you do nearly every thread, this time placing a god damned motive in a case where one hasn’t been established to further push your backward ass alt-right ideology of hatred and stupidity and now are deflecting (like always) because your ass won’t own up to it despite it being clear Jeremy and the higher ups of the community don’t care about it or people like you giving Geeks+Gamers a bad name as long as they’re profiting off your nonsense.

              You’re just as bad as the fucktards on the left you continually bitch about, but safe under the blanket of that any type of “wrong think” business model seemingly adopted here. That however shouldn’t allow repeated threads promoting factually incorrect information. There should be a way to keep shit like yours to a relegated area that we can avoid or flat out block with no crossover/repeated posting on another board. For instance, if it’s a sports issue dealing with politics, keep it to the politics board. I’m sick of seeing your crap everywhere.

              Also sick of seeing countless top/favorite threads which…in most cases…do nothing more than clog up the forum as they don’t exactly promote conversation and are frowned upon in most well structured communities.

              This place needs better moderation, unfortunately there’s no use in taking those concerns to the appropriate outlet as they have to know that already. Obviously most of us wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for the far-left, but some of us are equally annoyed by the other side of our fucked up society and the gross generalizations pushed by both.

              But yeah…kindly eat a dick, Niko.


              jacob blake

              But he isn’t a 5 year old white boy on a bike in front of his house so there must have been a racial motive…


              You’re a fucking idiot…


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