Japan should reinstate Seppuku for any social media attention seekers

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    JohnnySomali  or however you said spell punks name, recently got arrested for trespassing only after being a complete racist and disrespectful throughout Japan for weeks on end and I couldn’t be happier.

    This social media clown should have disappeared after the first instance of him pulling this BS in another country, I’m surprised no one straight up decapitated this big lipped bitch. I genuinely wish Japan would seek a death penalty by Seppuku to send a strong message to POS losers who want to talk shit about another country while they’re in that country.

    Why is it these punks think they can waltz into another country and expect to walk out without any repercussions? They ruin the image of Americans and tourists everywhere and I’m tired of it. I’m more tired of the Asian racism. I’m engaged to an Asian woman and to think she would get attacked for being Asian absolutely sickens me.

    The leftist culture has always been racist, but now they’re getting too brave about it. We saw it in NY when an elder Asian woman was attacked by a black guy, we saw it multiple more times where they played the race card to get more black people in college and hard working Asian youths lost out on scholarships which is thankfully illegal NOW. AND WHATS NEXT? These mother fuckers need to be put in their place with a strong message.

    This is why we need law enforcement, this is why black communities need policing, this is why we have police and policies to arrest and convict criminals.

    We need to put our foot down and defend and protect ourselves by any means necessary and make sure these leftists get  the message that when they F around, they’re gonna find out.

    Protect your families, carry your arms legally and safely, and only confront as a last resort. I’m not advocating for violence, I’m advocating for self defense and swift justice through legal means.

    Never let these POS win or get away from their crimes.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Salvince.

    Heard about this the other day on Hero Hei’s channel. I’m glad that they finally caught this nutjob. I’m willing to bet that he won’t be able to play the “race card” in Japan; they don’t take crap like that from people. That’s why they hate it when their anime/manga gets “edited” or “lost in translation”.


    Hero Hei is great but Rev Says Desu is my go to exposer. It’s just something about how he gets the best tagging and his videos have him as a loli vtuber lmao. I crack up every time. I’ve heard this story on and off for the past month. This guy should’ve been Yakuza’d the moment he tried this.

    And I hate when they get edited too. So pissed.


    Rules for thee, not for me… mentality.

    This narcissist needs to be brought back into reality.

    The need for attention and clicks and validation has a limit, especially when you break the law to get it.

    Hope he enjoys his jail time and I hope during that time he is also banned from posting anything too.


    Jail time in Japan is very strict and limited to human interaction. Nothing like US prison which I hope he stays in a Japanese prison because he might learn discipline in there. In the US, they’ll probably just let him go considering the blue state agendas allowing that behavior.


      There have always been narcissists and attention seekers. There have always been people doing freakish or unacceptable things.  But the guiderails of society, stigma, has been removed and to the point where society now celebrates anti-society.  Which is not a condition that can last for long.  This is not new, probably started hard in the 90’s with Gen-X.

      Stigma is not a bad thing.  It’s actually a good thing.  Most people figure out how to move through society.  But many have trouble with that the lines we don’t color beyond that they don’t see so well.  Stigma is the societal guiderails such folks need.  Now we have no guiderails, so people are insane.


      Agreed, but also note that the narrative the left pushes stigmas that shouldn’t be stigmas, it’s not that the guardrails are gone, it’s that they’ve been removed from the correct places and placed in the incorrect places.

      For example: People on the Internet stigmatize fictional Loli characters for existing and the fans who like them, but then will turn around and harm actual children and get convicted for it.

      The woke stigmatization is making things that are harmless, harmful and the harmful behaviors appear harmless.

      Racism is not stigmatized if you’re black, only when you’re white and now when you’re Asian, shouldn’t all racism be a social stigma? And it goes on from there: stigmas have been placed on biology and sex, but not alphabet ideology, the ideology that’s responsible for most genital mutilation among children in modern society?


      It’s an upside down hell hole if reverse stigmatism


        Stigma is a societal consensus.   Right now that does not exist as we are so polarized.   And society has long glorified anti-society which will end with there being no society if not corrected.

        Morality is the standard for human behavior.  At what point we decide it is subjective then it is not a standard and it no longer exists and anarchy follows.  Hence present day.

        The philosophical error many make today is to think we are so smart and advanced now and we are so “progressive” that we are superior to what came before us.  This is absolute degenerate nonsense.  We ALL stand on the shoulders of giants.  None of us would have the level of freedom or comfort today if those before us did not sacrifice themselves for us, which at the time was their future.  Modern day folks tend to contribute nothing and sacrifice nothing. If this does not change our children and grandchildren are doomed to misery, enslavement and death.  If that ends up the case, then we are to blame.

        If you assume our current superiority is valid and challenge the notion what is now is right and correct and evolved beyond long ago, I offer you this. Right now if your local grocery store was not available for a week or your water tap at your home failed for several days, I am telling you right now many people would die. But people from 10,000 years ago would get by just fine.

        Society is awesome.  And it affords us comfort.  But unless everyone is working towards that end it ceases to exist. PERIOD.

        The forward march of society and humanity is not powered by platitudes, good intent or positive emotion. This only happens through action and sacrifice.

        • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Vknid.

        I’d like to see people like him try those stunts in one of those Middle Eastern countries. He’d probably lose a fair bit more than his reputation and equipment.

        #islamic justice.


        If the Japanese DO finally fling him into jail, I don’t think he’ll be laughing after that. Japan is more stricter with their jail sentences than say the US or UK where he’d just have a “slap on the wrist” and be allowed to carry on about his “daily life”. Wish we had that over here.


        @vknid, stigmatization does exist, but it exists in an immoral and subjective capacity.

        The problems started when leftists pushed agendas saying people weren’t equal when that wasn’t the case. Now we are a point of that if we don’t accept a person’s mental disease, we are stigmatized by media and the agenda pushers.





          That actually is not stigma.  That is fear.

          The prior version of stigma was organic and existed naturally and usually for good reason.  What you are referring to now is nothing but social programming based on a consequence of being attacked, fired, banned and or drummed out of society entirely.

          In previous decades, if you had stigma making you feel bad about yourself because of your actions and even had others frown upon you that was the common consequence of that.  It actually pushed you to be a better version of yourself and avoid things typically that had negative ramifications in your life.

          Now, we avoid things publicly and often even privately, because we don’t want to have extreme people attack  us.  This does not push anyone to be better.  It just causes them to self censor and harbor a deep resentment for what you are being told to shut up about.


          Well yes, stigma can create fear or it can be used to improve yourself. No one said that stigma can’t be miused to push agendas or social engineering.

          What I’m saying isnt opposite to those arguments either. Stigma isn’t the opposite of fear and stigma can encite fear, just like it can help people be better. Stigma can be used to socially engineer people and society.

          All of these coincide within one another and used for the results you have confirmed.

          • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Salvince.

            They are both mechanisms for avoiding certain behavior yes.  But, they are different.  Stimga as it has existed previously was based on avoiding unsavory behavior not because something would happen to you but typically because you would feel crappy about yourself based on the opinions of others.

            The situation now is not stigma but fear based on existential consequences that could occur if you cross the mainstream ideology.

            The difference is akin to me saying you can do X if you want but I don’t like X and I will think ill of you if you participate in X.  But now the situation is, I only agree with Y, and if I get any evidence you agree with X I will attack you, harm you and report you to others that will also harm you so you better keep quiet or we will hurt you.

            One is a suggestion and the other is a threat of physical consequence.

            Maybe they are degrees of each other.  Possible I guess, but with different intent.  But even if they are degrees of each other fear is 100x more extreme vs. stigma. One just says, I will have a bad opinion of you.  The other says, I will kick the shit out of you and make sure you are fired.

            In my book, they are not at all the same especially given one is organic the other is engineered for a specific purpose.



            So maybe I’m not understanding your definition of stigma because as I’ve always come to understand that stigma is considered the negative view of something or someone labeled as something unsavory in the most rudimentary definition. Having fear of the stigma of a label is still fear of stigma. Yes, we are afraid of the stigma that the media will force on you to the point it ruins your life if you go against them, but it’s still stigma being used in a weaponized form against you.

            The power that the stigma holds will be used to push you into a fearful state to be compliant or else, but the fact that I would still say they’re using stigma to have dominion over anyone who disagrees with their viewpoints or tries to stigmatize their viewpoints.

            In fact, the stigma of the term “Nazi” is so powerful that the left uses this label without understanding what that actually means, so the term has lost its significant meaning when you label someone that which lead them to ignoring what actual Nazi-ism is (at least in Canada).

            No one fears being labeled it anymore because the stigma of the term has been so poorly mishandled. Yes, they use the power of fear, but stigma is the tool they use to weaponize that fear.


            All in all, I think we have a clear understanding that we have seen the left creates a parallel stigmatizing role opposed to traditional stigmas to hold their values against us, all of which is part of the communism/Socialist playbook.

            Label your opponents in society the worst thing so you plant the idea of stigma against one group of people who are against your ideologues. Democrat playbook and communist playbooks are one in the same.

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