Japanese music,rock,pop discussion.

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    Hajimemashite watash wa blakujan desu yoroshiku onegaishimasu

    Donna Nihonjin bandu ga suki desu ka ?

    How are you doing my names is darkjan please to meet you.

    what is your favorite Japanese artist or band.

    For couple of years, i got sick of mainstream media including current music. So for 5 years thanks to anime and interent i manage to found and fall in love with amazing japanese artists,their songs are amazing,if you cant understand them try find lyrics and translations. i will try drop my faves here piece by piece and would love to hear what is your favorite artist.


    x japan, sex machineguns, The Mad Capsule Markets all good bands from japan

    Joe Hisaishi, koji kondo, Osamu Kitajima – composers/ solo artists

    special mention – Yoshihiro Kanno  did the “angels egg” soundtrack, very eerie and atmospheric soundtrack, but very good


    UVERworld and L’arc-en-Ciel (Hyde) are my jams!


      My favorite J-Rock song

      I loved this song instantly when i first heard it, i didn’t know why, but it made me feel a sense of nostalgia, few years later i realized it was because it reminded me of the first OP of Fullmetal Alchemist, wich i also loved instantly, both song and series :3

      Here’s also the music video of FMA03’s first OP


      Not bad here is one more from my faves


      • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Darkjan230. Reason: forgot


        Really like Yui, she also did an OP for Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood

        That Miwa song you posted’s also really cool, i have to listen to more of her stuff :3


          A couple more J-Rock songs i really like. I actually found these watching some fan-made Star Wars anime OPs, made with clips of Galaxy Of Adventures (i sugest to just marvel at how good a Star Wars anime would be and never watch Galaxy Of Adventures)

          This one’s actually an anime OP for Noragami, wich i’m gonna watch now since i like the music so much

          This one says OP on it too, but i’m not sure for what yet


          She is amazing,but thing is she quit singing few years ago but returned . got married to someone outside entertaiment industry ,she also had panic disorder. it was very hard for her to perform, not mentioning she is waiting third child. from news i read couple of months back. thing is she keeps her private life hiden. she lived in france for a while,writting songs for children.


            Maybe she’ll return to performing one day when she feels ready, whatever she does, just hope she’s living a happy life right now :)


              I don’t mean to be repeatative, but the live performance of FMA Melissa is also great :D


              well from looks of it.last i heard she divorced that third child is from second husband.  she broke up with the first one on 2016. and 2019 she had an small performance with her band.cant recall the name


              Scandal drumer just turned 29. she is still adorable as always. Rina Suzuki

              Who recalls harukaze .


              Haruna Ono
              Mami Sasazaki
              Tomomi Ogawa
              Rina Suzuki

              that’s scandal


              Guyz few weeks back, japanese rock-bands sumika vocalist Kenta Kataoka appeared on the First take youtube channel. performing fanfare. that performace takes back to time of songs of john bon jovi.

              last few months i have become big fan of them.

              Song called shunkashuto/春夏秋冬 / Haru Natsu Aki Fuyu. is also name with whom japanese describes seasons.


                The first J-Rock song i ever listened to outside of anime :3

                The Pink Panda later became BLiSTAR, though i think 1 or 2 of the members changed


                SCANDAL also left their mark on Fullmetal Alchemist :D

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