Japanese Rock and Pop disscusion.

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    はじめまして わたし  は  ブラック ヤ ン  です よろしく おねがいします !.

    どんな にほんじん バンド が すき です か  ?.

    How do you do,my name is darkjan ,pleased to meet you,please treat me with respect.

    what is your favorite Japanese music band or artist.

    Hajimemashite watashi wa blakujan desu, yoroshiku onegaishimasu !.

    Doona Nihonjin bandu ga suki desu ka ?.

    Yeah i sound like total weeb ,but that’s who i am, had start with something. Due to current situation in the world and how current music quality has been detoriated,due to politics and agendas ,you now can’t find any band from usa or eu who sticks with good old 80s.90s or even early 2000s themed rock music, such bands as bon jovi,green day,hasn’ been underadar for ages music. few years back i was very surprised that many japanese bands and artist takes inspiration from old schoold rock and pop bands and i have to say this how music should be. will drop some one of my faves.



    Scandal /Koi Moyou /恋模様  / love pattern


    sumika – 春夏秋冬 / Haru Natsu Aki Fuyu /Spring,Summer,Autmn,Winter.


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